Dr. Seuss, Levee Run & New Book

So many things going on this Friday, but first of all – Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss!  So fun that we just got to visit Seuss Landing less than a week ago!  Anyone going to see The Lorax this weekend?  This is one movie that Teal will probably catch in the theaters despite not being a big movie person because The Lorax is her favorite Seuss book.

Tomorrow Beth will be running the Trinity River Levee Run 10k!  Sadly, Teal being the good teacher that she is, will be on a field trip with her students and cannot participate in this run. 🙁


The new Margaret Hunt Hill bridge is officially open in Dallas as of this weekend, and the 8th Annual Trinity River Levee Run is the kickoff to a day of celebrating.  Part of the selling point for this year’s run is that this will be your only chance to run across the Margaret Hunt Hill bridge, well you know in a safe way were it’s blocked off for runners. It has also been a long time since either one of us has raced the 10k distance, so it’ll be good to get back out there and give it another go!  But we’ll have to find another 10k to do so Teal can revisit that distance too!  There isn’t really a goal for this race, but Beth’s 10k PR stands at 56:46.  That PR was accomplished in the July Texas Heat, so guess there could always be hope of a new PR this weekend!

On a completely different note, perhaps aimed more at the people who are big readers – Beth’s sister Kate as of today is an author!  About four years ago, Kate wrote a “chicklit” book, attempted to get publisher for it, and when that didn’t work she decided in today’s technology that she would self-publish!  We are both really excited for her in this endeavor and so proud of her for following one of her dreams!  The book is called Creative Chaos and will be available to purchase as an iBook & on your Nook today, and then to follow all you Kindle users will also be able to purchase it!

You can learn more about Kate over at her blog which also has some more details on the book!  If you buy it you have got to let us know!  And a big CONGRATS to Kate, the author! 🙂

Happy Friday to you all!  What do you have in store for your weekend?


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend ahead! I just picked up a new Dr. Seuss book that has unreleased stories … kids are loving it!

  2. Congratulations to Kate! What a wonderful accomplishment!

  3. Thank you girls so much for the shoutout! Means the world to me! xoxo


  1. […] morning I woke up at 7 am, because my sister “butt” dialed me twice.  She of course was up to run the 10K on the Margaret Hunt Hill […]

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