If you missed Take 1 or Take 2, well, there are the links for them! Now go catch up! 😉
And here we are rapidly approaching 6:00 p.m. and the start of it all! Â The whole day really did go by quickly and then the last 15-20 minutes seemed to sa-loooooow down! Is it time now? ……What about now?
At a point I was told to not sit down because of how it did this or that to my dress. Ok, then can we just get started?
Then the nerves set in, and not cold feet nerves more than holy cow there are going to be a lot of people in that room watching. What if I fall? What if I lock my knees and pass out? Haha
Then all of a sudden my dad was walking me down the aisle. AND I DIDN’T BAWL MY EYES OUT! I definitely thought I was going to, but nope! Didn’t happen.
My youth pastor from growing up married us, and that was so special because I’ve known him since before I entered the youth group at 12 years old plus he’s just always been a big part of my life and my family.
Before we move on let’s once again remember how incredibly cuuute our flower girl and ring bearer were that day and just are in general!
One aspect of the wedding ceremony that I loved was having Bitner involved in it. Â Remember him from some races with us? We’ve pretty much known each other for almost 10 years now and when I first met him in college I just loved him to death! Â If I’m ever having a bad day he is always able to turn that around – he’s just so darn funny! But he read Love by Roy Croft for us except for the last line or two of it and he did a fabulous job!
We were pronounced husband & wife, the Bride was kissed and then we walked down the aisle as Mr. & Mrs. Brent Holland. 🙂
The whole ceremony took a grand total of 20 minutes, and then it was take your traditional pictures while guests go enjoy a cocktail hour.  I love pictures so you may be getting way more than you wanted to see. 🙂

the color is a little weird in this one, but hanging out in the court room while the guests leave the ceremony room
Then the reception started, and Brent & I had our first dance together to Everything by Michael Buble. Â I am a HUGE Michael Buble fan so I do love this song, but this particular song was also kind of a joke between the two of us so it’s the only thing we have close to an “our song.” Â After that Brent & I did manage to actually eat dinner with our wedding party at what I like to think of as the largest head table ever!
Somewhere in the mix we had the Father/Daughter dance sung by one of my Dad & I’s favorite entertainers in Dallas, Pat Peterson. Sweet moments with my dad!
We cut cake, forgot to feed it to each other, but we DID feed each other cupcakes. Hooray! Have I mentioned that I am obsessed with my cake topper? It is actually Brent & I! I emailed one of my engagement pictures to Simply Silhouettes and this is what they sent back –
And then we all just danced! By now you know that our wedding favor was a pair of sunglasses with #BethBrentHitched on one side of them. Â I love them! Â I loved seeing them through an instagram photo on our Best Man’s little boy the next day! Â A pair has been on vacation to Cabo already. So fun!
Have to include the green drink picture! Â Green drink pictures have been a thing two of my best friends have been doing for about 7 years now. Â Just one of those things that randomly develops and Teal joined the green drink club! Â How fun that the green drink actually matches the wedding!
One thing I was excited about doing at our wedding was the Aggie War Hymn!! I am a fightin’ Texas Aggie and Brent is also a fightin’ Texas Aggie! WHOOP! 🙂  Let’s also go ahead and give another big WHOOOOOP for the Ags beatin’ the hell out of Alabama this past weekend! A-WHOOP! 🙂  Ok, I’ll stop now, but we got all the Aggies together and sang our war hymn.
Kind of love those photos! And my DJ actually got a video of a little bit of it as well!
Then we lived happily ever after! 😉
Sorry I’m wordy and  use lots of pictures.  It reminds me of what my youth pastor, Mike, said at the wedding with Brent you get 5 words and with Beth you get 500 words. Haha. Oops?