So, hey, I’m pregnant! Ok, that’s old news, but I’m in my second trimester now! Based on the way in which your due date is calculated (which was something I didn’t really know, perhaps, I am a dum dum) I was technically pregnant when Teal and I ran the DRC Half in November. Let’s just go with that so I don’t have to have a birds and the bees plus pregnancy calculation discussion on the internet. 🙂
At the time I got pregnant I was not far off from finishing my training cycle for Dallas Marathon which was to be my last big marathon HOORAH! before I knew I’d take a step back from such long distances while pregnant. Since this is a new thing for me I didn’t want to pressure myself at all with running and let it play out the way it would. I found out I was pregnant around Thanksgiving which made me immediately think – wait, what all long run distances have I covered during this short amount of time? And it made since why there were a couple of runs where they just felt HARDER already and I would come to find out why shortly!
A couple of side notes about my pregnancy that have nothing to do with running. 🙂 There was one point I thought I might be pregnant, I remember telling Teal this, but when I took a test it was negative. Which was fine thought I felt already like something was just different with my body. As it turns out I’d really just taken the pregnancy test too early. The other thing which I just think is neat that your body just naturally start do is…Brent and I like to drink wine, but my desire for it just decreased. We’d sit down to unwind, I’d have one glass and I was just done. Again, I’d end up finding out I was pregnant during that time so it would all make sense later. OK, here is my final side not for you, I actually had a dream the night before that I got a positive pregnancy test so naturally I got up the next morning and took a test which was positive!!
Anyway, back to running, in the time that I was putting in long training runs for the marathon and I was pregnant but didn’t know it I’d actually run an 18 miler and 20 miler. Honestly, I just felt like runs got harder but I didn’t at the time know why. After my first doctor’s appointment they had told me to make sure I could still carry a conversation while running to know I wasn’t pushing myself too hard. OK, well, that’s easy because when Teal and I meet Catherine to run we all talk each other’s ears off. 🙂 When I’m by myself you can sometimes find me mouthing things to myself to see if I could carry a conversation if I had someone with me to talk to. Ha.
I tried very hard in this first trimester (and still do now) to embrace that I will slow down, to remove any pressure I am guilty of normally putting on myself and know a slower pace of running is better than no running at all. This was a little bit harder in the first trimester just because I was keeping the pregnancy secret until I was out of the woods with the first trimester.
Other than that I’m trying to drink as much water as possible and hope Baby H doesn’t mind my continued running! I’ve been trying to get in 20 miles a week, so we’ll see how long I can keep that up!
Please note I don’t actually know the gender of my baby yet, so don’t read into the color of the header. However, I think, this baby will be a girl. 🙂
We signed up for this 5K because, well, ALL of our frunners seemed to be doing it. 🙂 There was also a groupon for it. Everybody needs a small race to get you back into running after a marathon weekend…..oh, wait, Dallas Marathon didn’t happen……
Plus, when you register you get a Santa suit to run in as your swag for this race. We realized the week of this race that it wasn’t actually chipped time, so it makes it that much more of a good lowkey race post Dallas Marathon, if only Dallas Marathon had actually happened. Dang you, #Snowpocalypse!
As you can see in the pic above we found our people quickly when we got there. We heart them!
Beth’s SIL, Tiffany, actually turned their pants into cute skirts for the race.
There were ALL kinds of interesting outfits out there! Although most people just threw on the ol’ Santa suit and called it a day, but perhaps a couple of the runners maybe should have double checked in the mirror that what they wearing was not see through. 🙂 Sometimes your eyes can’t unsee things is all we’ll say!
Thanks to Mark for providing us with Christmas music while we all ran together and entertainment as he yelled at every Santa that passed him, “SANTA!!! I know him!!” 🙂
Really it was a fun race as we ran with our friends and got to catch up with them. We got to hear all about Drum braving the weather elements and still getting her marathon in the weekend Dallas Marathon cancelled and not only that but BQ-ing her race! Talk about speedy! This race you might have also already learned that Teal knew she was having a baby boy. 🙂 (sorry we forgot to tell you for so long here!) So many things to catch up on while running. A nice stress free 5K! Mark even took a video of the race….if you watch long enough you might see a snowman take a tumble.
Just in case you didn’t know or somehow missed, we were supposed to run the Dallas Marathon this past Sunday (Beth the full and Teal the half), but Mother Nature had a completely different plan for us and the rest of the Dallas Marathon hopefuls. Thursday afternoon Dallas weather turned from what was a warm, high in the 70’s during the week to what we Dallasites refer to as the #Icepocalypse2013.
Our favorite weatherman, Pete Delkus, basically told us on Thursday night that we were all about to be “entombed” by ice. We of course spent our evenings in denial and really just seemed worried about what the heck we would wear to run in this weather. Beth tweeted our Colorado friend Courtney for advice on what to wear since she is used to this sort of thing. We were not thinking at all that we actually not run this race at all, or at least if the thought was there we were trying to ignore it!
Turns out Pete was right (and he’s apparently now a weather god) and when we woke up Friday Texas looked much like this…
Roads were ridiculous and not drivable. We southerners are not prepared for this type of thing, it’s not just that people can’t drive or don’t know how to drive on it, we simply don’t have the road clearing equipment like they do in the north, and the little we have is not enough to clear the metroplex with any type of speed! We are always just stuck when this happens, entombed, if you will! Ugh! We still were pretty much in denial and thought the weather would get above freezing before Sunday and we could run. Surely it would, right?? We thought maybe they would just delay it. Dallas Marathon folks let us know what they could and instead of canceling the expo they delayed the opening until 2pm on Friday. That has to be a good sign right?
Well, then Friday lunch time came around. Nothing was improving, and we were all trapped. Then it came. An email from Dallas Marathon at 12:50ish Friday afternoon, cancelling not only the expo but cancelling the race altogether. 🙁
The worst email we’ve gotten in awhile! 🙁
There it was. Months of training seemingly wasted, especially for those who battled months of marathon training. Devastating really, without trying to be hugely dramatic, we get there are worse things in life, but for this, at this time, it is devastating. It was hard not to have a pity party. We did and started to Google. There has to be another marathon close that is open? We can drive (wait, can we??) Either way. We looked. The BCS marathon in College Station was the best bet but just still wasn’t feasible for us. :-/ We were out from running.
Commence eating all the carbs…
We ate, slept, did puzzles, and talked with Catherine (we are positive all of our husband’s rolled their eyes on this one) all weekend, and continued to live in denial that this had actually happened.
Come Sunday, we really hadn’t heard much about the details about the cancellation. We knew, having run a ton of races that we were not going to get a refund and we knew that and were not mad. We didn’t know about anything else. Dallas Marathon again sent us another email…
They are giving us our participant shirts!!
We think this was an awesome response and we took to Facebook to thank them for handling it so well. We were pretty shocked to see some of the responses given to the race. Like “where is our refund”, or “ how could you do this”, or whatever other idiotic response you can think of. We knew, everyone knew, you had to click an agreement before you could complete your registration that there would be no refunds for the race. This is pretty much a standard in racing and SUPER rare that you would actually get money back due to weather or cancellation. We get it. Apparently many others do not.
This race is put on by RUNNERS for RUNNERS. It is not one of those races that travels all over the country making tons of money putting on races. We can point you in the direction of some of those if you would like. This is different and this should be a learning experience for all. We do not claim to know what all goes in to race directing but we do know that this race gives a medal, a participant shirt, a finisher’s shirt, fancy bibs, food for runners, water stations, Gatorade, safety, police, port-o-potties, and anything else you can think of that we left off! We know money comes from different places and there are donations, but we also know that Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children benefits directly from money raised by Dallas Marathon. Hopefully others know this now because to call them thieves we think is a little ridiculous!
Needless to say we vented and then thanked Dallas Marathon for making the decision. They did what was best for the safety of runners and also for the city already strapped for resources. They knew it is not a good idea to take resources from the city to clear a race course when thousands didn’t have power, the roads needed to be scraped and sand poured, and officers needed to help those in need. Thank you for that!
Also, if you haven’t met our friend Erik. You are about to. He, and his friends, have been a part of an unofficial, which should be official (wink, wink Dallas Marathon) cheering section at the Dolly Parton hills (more frequently referred to as “The Dollies”), one of the most challenging areas of the course. Erik dresses as a Dolly, and helps runners up and down those hills in style. He sent us these pictures to cheer us, and everyone else up.
Pretty Sexy isn’t he? (sorry, he’s taken!) Who would want to miss this cheer section? Not us, and we didn’t have to this year either! He made our day and made the blow of the cancellation a little more bearable! Thank you for that, Erik!
Thanks again Dallas Marathon!! Mother Nature we are still pretty irritated at you, but we will be back in 2014!
The post where we tell you what we hope to accomplish throughout this month. 🙂
Teal –
1. Run the Dallas Half Marathon and be happy about it! It will make me tired, it will not be super fast, the weather gods are clearly against us at the current moment, and I probably would rather sleep and stay warm in my bed that day ( I still get chills thinking about 2011, and the news said worst weather ever) NO MORE WATCHING THE NEWS! I want to run this and be happy about it at the end, enjoy each mile and the scenery, not annoy myself, and be super ready to cheer on Beth and Catherine for their last 13 when I am done!
2. House-wise I would like to finish the kitchen windows which I didn’t do last month. This involves finding fabric and making the window cornices Beth has made and Kate featured on her blog!
3. UHHH Christmas shop? When did it become December and why is Christmas 3 weeks away already? I am such a slacker at this every year and if you have been reading a while I am pretty certain I had to make decorate a goal last year because I have been known to skip it, so I’ll go ahead and add that in there.
4. I want to continue one long run a week regardless of when the next race is. For me long is now about 9 miles and one mid-week run of at least 4-5. Everything else (cross training, spin, Stairmaster) I will call icing on the cake!
5. BLEACHERS! 1 day a week. This involves walking them unlike before! Get there one day. This makes your booty hurt more than anything I do in life. Must get there.
Beth –
1. Ok, I’m copying Teal on this….run the Dallas Marathon and be happy that you have the ability to run 26.2 miles!
2. Hang shelf in our dining room so the clock has some company on the wall!
3. Make my own Christmas wreath for our front door.
4. Keep up with running after Dallas Marathon (you know after a couple of rest days).
5. Attempt to complete my goodreads goal of 26 books in 2013. What should I read this month?! I’m currently reading How to Eat a Cupcake by Meg Donohue.
6. I think I should also tag-a-long and do some bleachers with Teal. Don’t you think so?
It is crazy that 2013 is about to come to a close on us! What are trying to accomplish this month?
Don’t worry we’ll let you know how we did on those September goals soon, but in an effort to not delay putting out there what we want to accomplish in October we are getting these goals out there to the world. Time to get busy!
Teal –
1. Log food in myfitnesspal EVERYDAY. You should follow me! I will follow you, we can keep each other accountable! I am teal0906 on there. 🙂
2. Wake up 4 mornings per weekday and workout, even if it is just 30 minutes. Choose 1 day to take off.
3. Prep meals. I use to do this religiously and haven’t… hence the Mexican food twice in one day!
4. Minimum of 64oz of water daily. I need more because I am so active but I am not even getting 64… must fix.
5. If I am going to eat a cookie it can only be 1 and when I say cookie I also mean any other sugary treat that I feel like I can’t live without. Just 1, not 4, not 7, not the entire box, just 1. I say this because if I say absolutely no to these treats I really will eat them all.
Beth –
1. Pretty much since I’m in that book club now and I have a reading goal for this year on I’m just going to make y’all read every month about my goals. I’m super pumped because the third book in the Divergent series comes out this month and I canNOT wait to read it! 🙂 So this will at least be one of my two books to read this month.
2. I’m still working towards an organized home… 🙂 Will I ever accomplish this? I have a collection of boxes in three different places right now and my goal is to go through them, throw things away and either put the leftovers in the attic or some other place they can live.
3. This goal basically let’s you know I did not meet a goal last month, so again this month I shall make a window treatment for at least one of the three windows in my house I have fabric to do said project! I’m going to do it!
4. Yoga! Is it annoying that I keep just repeating goals?! I really want to make sure I’m getting in yoga during my marathon training because I know it’ll be soooo beneficial come December 8th when I’m taking on those 26.2 miles at Dallas Marathon!
What are you trying to accomplish this month??
It seems like for the first time in a looong time we had a completely race-less month! We have had a couple times where one of us made a race without the other, but August 2013 was completely race-less for both of us!
But it worked out for us and was in hindsight just what we needed. Also, yes, we know y’all are tired of hearing us say we are busy. We are too and really who isn’t?! And let’s just go ahead and stop with the glorifying of that word. Many of y’all might not know that Teal took a new job and is back to the world of middle school and this time as a counselor! So if you were tracking her professional timeline it would be 5 years as a middle school teacher, 1 year as a high school counselor and now the new gig back in middle school.
In Beth’s family everyone was born in August. OK, not really but it sure feels like it. 🙂 It starts with celebrating her Mom’s birthday (hi, Fancy Nancy!), moves into an August birthday celebration that includes her uncle, aunt, sister and husband and ends with at least some sort of friend celebration for sister (Kate) and husband (Brent). Since those last two are just two days apart in birth days it makes it that much more fun (challenging)!
Teal & Michael got Brent this awesome Aggie Yell Leader Barbie as a Birthday present. Best Birthday present ever!
Thankfully, we’ve still had time to de-stress with running! We’ve put in a lot of hill work in the month of August with our fellow NTX Runners. Actually that statement is true for pretty much the entire summer!
We’ve also added to our fall racing calendar with a not so surprising registration for Dallas Marathon! It is our halfiversary race! This year will be the 4th year we’ve participated in some form of this race (half or marathon).
So, anyway, we survived race-less August, we’ve been doing our training for Dallas, but now that it’s September bring on the next race!
What have YOU been up to? 🙂
We know you have all been eagerly anticipating our recap of the Louisiana Marathon. 🙂 Not! But without further ado we give our Louisiana Marathon experience…
Mile 1-3:
Teal: I was really not nervous about this race at all. I knew exactly what I was going to run and how to do it. Beth and I had talked a little bit about White Rock and how much adrenaline we had at the beginning and we definitely went out too fast. I figured since I was there and generally run around a 9:30ish pace that I would focus on that and Beth would stay with me to not go out too fast. That is pretty much exactly what we did. We hung within 10 seconds of this for the majority of our miles together. I just kept a constant watch on my Garmin, which really helps pass time, in case you are looking for ways to do that. I did get a little nervous because at about half a mile in the women next to us took a huge spill and actually slid down the road. It was nuts, she got up fast and kept running but it was huge. I know I am a huge weenie because I might have cried and stopped. Props to her! I looked down at the road at this point and saw just how bad it was. Large holes and rivets everywhere. I made sure to keep an eye out from here on.
Beth: The main thing I remember in these first few miles was starting my runkeeper and no music starting. Then when I did get music started it was SO LOUD. So lots of messing with that then putting my phone in my flipbelt and then thinking about all the energy I just wasted doing all of that. Then there was the lady who fell and all I could do was cringe inside as I saw her body kind of slide on the concrete. From there on out I understood why occasionally other runners were pointing at the ground when there were rough areas of the road.
Mile 4-6:
Teal: This part takes you closer to the LSU campus which was probably the nicest part of the race. We kept a steady pace here and really not much else could be said for me. I really thought that we would see these trees in the pictures for the race that look like that have legs, but we didn’t. Boooo on that!
Beth: At some point early on I thought that a good game plan would be take this one 5k at a time. Then I turned my thoughts to when will we see our husbands? I hope Teal likes the sign! Just gotta make it another 5K to 6.2. You got this!
Mile 7-9:
Teal: We saw the boys right around here, I believe at Mile 7 and I got to see the sign Beth made me. She threw in my love of Mark Salling and it gave me a good burst of energy in this part. Mile 7 is a really good place for me to need people because it is about here that I get a little bored and the feeling of being tired usually sets in for me around here. Example – at Dallas Marathon this year I actually stopped and stood. Something over an hour for me is a mental block. Also my feet are burning here. The stupid roads were harder or something. Yep, harder roads is totally possible in my runner mind!
Beth: Husband! YAH! I’m sure he appreciated me throwing my GU trash at him. 🙂 It was in these miles that we were running a curvy path which kind of annoyed me because I was having a hard time seeing ahead to attempt to run the tangents. As mile 9 was approaching I was starting to get sad that my time with Teal was almost over. I think it was also somewhere at the end of this section we saw a man near a water stop telling everyone, “the finish is just up ahead over the hill!” He was holding a sign that said “Course Liar,” I think we both got a good laugh out of that. Plus I saw the “liar” part and read it as LiAR since we are LiAR!! Haha
Mile 10-13.1:
Teal: At nine I knew I only had about a mile and a half left with Beth and I actually started to get kind of anxious for her. Right about 10 she said, “ok, if I am going to pretend like I started my race now, I can do 16.” In my mind I was like OH Lord, that is still a lot of miles. I was super excited about my 3 left. No worries! At 10.5 we saw our mark to split. I just grabbed Beth’s hand and just said “you got this” and we split. I stopped here to take a picture of her leaving and to tweet about the split. I figured that would have been the first update anyone got from us about where we were and there really wasn’t any tracking so I went with that! I am glad I stopped because that pain that was in my feet stopped with just that minute or so stop and the rest was pretty much a breeze. Well except for the fact that the last 2ish miles of this race are probably the hardest. There is a huge hill up the bridge and then the road in to finish is definitely rolling. I kept thinking, this will suck big time for the marathon people. You remember that lady I told you about at .5 into the race? I actually crossed the finish line with her. I stopped her and told her how crazy I thought her fall was, and yep she was COVERED in blood. It had dripped down her leg and was a mixture of wet and dry. It was gross (aren’t you glad I told you that). I was impressed and love runners for that!
Beth: With the half and marathon split just .5 into this section I was sad, but I had made it through 15k and on my way to a 20k! When Teal grabbed my hand I just wanted to yell “Noooooooooo!!!” I got a little choked up, but managed to start breathing normally again and not hyperventilate and cry all at the same time. That would have been some uuuuugly crying fo sure. I could see the 4:10 pacer ahead of me and I pressed on! Made it through the 20k…keep on truckin’! Wonder if Teal’s done now? Did she see my other sign? Hope she liked it! Wonder when I’ll see them again?
Teal: The guys meet me at the finish line and we literally b-lined it out of there. We had planned to get over to about 16-17 to see Beth. When we got there I knew she was still doing fine because we had come up on the 4:20 pacer and she was still a head of it. I hoped that she saw my sign at 17 since we missed her and we just hung around and cheered. I think I would have been so bored.
Mile 13.2-16
Beth: Here, I didn’t let myself think halfway done because let’s be honest the hard stuff hasn’t even started yet! And in this stretch of the race I was able to do a better job of running the tangents which is also a fun game of keep your mind occupied. A dude passed me with a Dallas Marathon shirt on under his marathon maniac tank. I made some comment to him about the weather being nicer for this marathon, talked to him for a minute and eventually wished him well and told him I didn’t want to slow him down any longer. But that was fun to see as well as all of the Dallas Running Club shirts on the course. Coming into this race I had a rough game plan of taking fuel every 5 miles, which is not actually something I’ve ever done in training or any other race. Normally I just go by feel, but I definitely get bursts of energy throughout races and was hoping that plan would just keep me on the burst the majority of the time. Well, pretty early on I knew this plan wasn’t going to work, but what sucked was I was HONGRY before I even hit 10 miles. I burped at some point around then and realized I could not feed myself much more GU or I might vomit.
Miles 17-20
Beth: This was where I saw my sign! I had still been wondering when I would see Teal and the guys again and she had mentioned where the boys were to put a sign she had made, so I was on the lookout for all those things. Then I saw it –
and I proceeded to tear up and have to not hyperventilate again. Just what I needed! I loved it! Right after the sign was a spectator heavy area and I heard lots of “still smiling! Great job!” And I just thought yep, because I just saw my sign from Teal! Just up ahead was the 20 mile marker for coming back and I was excited to see a little girl with a container on one side of the road and who I assumed to be her dad on the other side of the road with a container full of sliced oranges. Food! I took one and was so excited that there would be another one waiting for me at mile 20. The majority of this stretch was lonely. There were times I’d look ahead and I was pretty much alone on a random street in a neighborhood. I’d also at this point lost sight of the 4:10 pacer. But I did find another person passing out orange slices, took one and I got a five from this like two year old boy who was out cheering with his mom and siblings. As I grabbed my orange slice at mile 20 I started to think, I really need to see my peeps. I don’t want to see my peeps! I wanted to see them for the motivation and energy, but I didn’t want to see them because I’d started to get hot, my hips were starting to ache and I just wanted to be done. I saw them! Loved the cheers! Threw my arm sleeves at Brent and kept going. Then I stopped. Ahhh! I was wearing my I Run This Body shirt from Mile Posts so I kept saying to myself, your shirt doesn’t say I Walk This Body! Let’s goooo! I let my mind get to me.
Teal: That last part of the race is out and back and there are not many cheerers. We hung around and as soon as we saw Beth at 20, I knew it would be a good idea to see her one more time at finish. We booked it to 24 and got one more chance to see her. She was still kicking ass and still a head of the 4:20 pacer! The boys and I booked it again back to the finish. I was so nervous for her and kept watching the clock. 4:11 was the time on the clock at that point and I am pretty sure at this point I texted her one more cheer because I figured there was no way she didn’t have it!
Miles 21-26.2:
Beth: Struggle city. I don’t walk in races! I can’t do the run/walk thing! I’ve run a complete marathon without walking why am I walking? I text messaged Teal and told her I’d been walking. I saw them again at 24, ugh, and I was walking! After the last seeing of my peeps I told myself, just run this! It doesn’t have to be fast just get it done. I was dreading the end with still an overpass incline and the rolling hills. When I was at the rolling hills part a man behind me said “THIS is the worst hill of the race!” True story, mister! But I ran it then all of a sudden bam! Done! And somehow I managed to look like this in my finisher photo –
In all honesty, I am disappointed in my performance somewhat at this race, but then I think, my training really did have quite a few hiccups in it so maybe I should be really impressed considering? It is a PR which was probably my C goal for this race. I just don’t walk in races (and every time I say that I feel the need to reaffirm that I’m not dissing you if you do, I just personally don’t do well with the run/walk combo). Ultimately though I did run a marathon and completed it. It got hard, but I didn’t just all out give up. This also just reaffirmed to me that I’m not done with the marathon distance – we shall meet again! 🙂
Final thoughts:
Teal: I am pretty impressed by this race. And I am sorry if this offends anyone but Baton Rouge is not a pretty city. The race literally took you through the best parts of the city and showcased the good. Thank you for that! The organization was awesome and everyone was so friendly. The art design was amazing and Beth and I used every chance we had to snag pictures of what they had done. I seriously think of all the races we have done this has my favorite design! I do not regret for one second not running the full. I know I enjoyed cheering on Beth more than I would have enjoyed running it and even the accomplishment of running it, cheering her on was my purpose for that last part and I think that made it all fitting. I ran a pretty decent race for myself and was proud of that. Also, I am so in love with this race’s design, if you have seen my foot you know I have a think for feet with trees on them!
Beth: My running partner is better than your running partner!! Haha, ok, not entirely, but so much YES at the same time. Or maybe what I really mean by that is I am 100% lucky to have a friend first and running partner second in Teal. I know she’s proud of me for completing this race even when I’m not 100% proud of it, but at the same time I’m proud of her for being brave, for being vunerable with y’all about not running the marathon, for putting out there the why for everyone to read when I don’t think a lot of people would and for that being a strong runner who takes care of herself! It’s moments like these where I see why our local frunners wondered if we were not just running partners but partners in real life. HAHA Yes, to everything Teal said above. The Louisiana Marathon is a great example of a local race doing things right!
If you are still reading this then thank you! Thanks for sticking through this long post with us and we promise the next post will be WAY LESS wordy! 🙂
Don’t worry we didn’t forget about our goals during our hiatus in the month of December. Yah, yah, it’s the 11th and we are just now posting them…oops? Story of our lives?! Here’s how we did during the crazy month that always is December:
1. Complete all marathon training runs.
Um, I really don’t know how to give myself a grade for this since I am not actually doing the marathon now. But at the same time I really haven’t altogether been running consistently either. There are many reasons why this has happened, all I am sure you really do not want to hear about. The holiday season is just crazy anyways and if I was still running the marathon it would have taken a lot of discipline to not partake in holiday festivities at the extent that is SUPER fun!
2. Go to the Ross Perot Museum. This place looks awesome and just opened on December 1st!
F-: I blame my mother for this because she told me that she was going to go with my cousins and so I waited to go with them and then they never went so yea.. I’ll try it in January.
3. Not last minute Christmas shop although I may already be setting myself up for failure.
B-: I finished 2 days early! Haha! This is actually not bad and I had to do no wrapping of the presents the day of which hasn’t happened in a while!
4. Don’t be a scrooge and actually put up the Christmas tree this year
A-: I have to thank my husband for this! We actually put up decorations and a tree. It was only 3 feet tall but it was up! Anyone have one of those tall skinny ones they want me to have? That is what I decided I would do next year because part of my problem is my house doesn’t have a good “Christmas tree” spot. Anyone else have this problem? It drives me nuts! So a tall skinny tree is my answer for next year!
1. Complete all marathon training runs.
C+: I haven’t completed them and some of that is due to a weird pain in my lower leg, so ummm yah…..we’ll see how this all works out for me in a little over a week at the Louisiana Marathon.
2. Get another room in my house organized this month!
A-: Last month I got our office darn near close to organized and our guest room darn near close to organized. They both look SOOOOOOO much better! There’s still some work to be done, but I am proud of what I accomplished so far! I even spent part of an afternoon organizing our pantry because it was driving me crazy!
3. In addition to organizing there are a couple of crafty projects I want to do around our house, so I’m going to commit to complete one of them this month!
F: The closest I came to accomplishing this was printing out something I needed in order to do said craft project. No craft project was accomplished……
4. Run a smart race at Dallas Marathon (only the half though).
A+: I’d say getting a shiny new PR at Dallas Marathon (half) accomplishes this goal!
5. Actually make use of my handy dandy Kitchenaid stand mixer and make Christmas cookies!
A+: I made two batches of Grandmom Lynch’s ginger snaps. They are deeeeeelicious!
There you have it! We are kind of toying with revamping the way we do our goals, so you aren’t going to find any January goals in this post. We’ll let you know what we decided to do! 🙂
Until our next post – have a fun and safe weekend! Good luck to all of our friends who are racing this weekend! May the speed be with you. 🙂
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