It seems like for the first time in a looong time we had a completely race-less month! We have had a couple times where one of us made a race without the other, but August 2013 was completely race-less for both of us!
But it worked out for us and was in hindsight just what we needed. Also, yes, we know y’all are tired of hearing us say we are busy. We are too and really who isn’t?! And let’s just go ahead and stop with the glorifying of that word. Many of y’all might not know that Teal took a new job and is back to the world of middle school and this time as a counselor! So if you were tracking her professional timeline it would be 5 years as a middle school teacher, 1 year as a high school counselor and now the new gig back in middle school.
In Beth’s family everyone was born in August. OK, not really but it sure feels like it. 🙂 It starts with celebrating her Mom’s birthday (hi, Fancy Nancy!), moves into an August birthday celebration that includes her uncle, aunt, sister and husband and ends with at least some sort of friend celebration for sister (Kate) and husband (Brent). Since those last two are just two days apart in birth days it makes it that much more fun (challenging)!

Teal & Michael got Brent this awesome Aggie Yell Leader Barbie as a Birthday present. Best Birthday present ever!
Thankfully, we’ve still had time to de-stress with running! We’ve put in a lot of hill work in the month of August with our fellow NTX Runners. Actually that statement is true for pretty much the entire summer!
We’ve also added to our fall racing calendar with a not so surprising registration for Dallas Marathon! It is our halfiversary race! This year will be the 4th year we’ve participated in some form of this race (half or marathon).
So, anyway, we survived race-less August, we’ve been doing our training for Dallas, but now that it’s September bring on the next race!
What have YOU been up to? 🙂
It was such a fun surprise party! You did good pulling of that surprise because I had absolutely NO CLUE!
Yay!! It was a very fun night and even more fun catching you by surprise! Our team work and lying to you skillz worked! HA!
@Kate – You *were* surprised! It was a great time! Thanks, Beth and Teal for coordinating it and inviting me to share in the fun!
Also, I feel famous cuz my photo is on here! 🙂