Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Happy Monday, y’all!! We made it back safely from our Rock ‘n’ Roll Half in San Antonio last night!  We just want to once again thank everyone who donated to us over the past five months!  Words cannot express how much we appreciate you and are thankful for your generosity!  And we thought of y’all every step of our race on Sunday!  We got ribbon and wrote everyone’s name that donated on the ribbon and wore them in our hair during the race –


So thank you for not only donating but also being a source of inspiration for us as we ran in memory of Cindy on Sunday!



Now the moment you have been waiting for – who will be the winners of the following prizes??? —

First Prize

– a $30 gift certificate to Go Sport ID

– a pair of Tommie Copper Compression Sleeves

– a six pack of GU Energy Gels that we are throwing in to the mix

Second Prize

– a $30 gift certificate to Go Sport ID

– your choice of a Tommie Copper Hat or Beanie



CONGRATS to our WINNERS!! 🙂  We will be in contact with you soon so we can get your prizes to you!