Wordless Wednesday No. 16

What do you think? Suggestions?


  1. I’d scratch that 12 mile run a week out, make it 6 or 7, and give yourself some good fresh legs for RNR Dallas if your goal of this schedule is to race it fast.

  2. I think you be crazy! 🙂
    What # are you on for bendy?

  3. Looks great! I want to make one now too 🙂 My mind isn’t as strong as yours. I wouldn’t like running 13.1 knowing that the longest I’d run prior is 9 miles. But then again, it looks like you’re using that first half as a training run and focusing on the RnR?

    • Yes you are exactly right! We are using Princess as training. By the time we run princess our last half marathon we ran would have been just under 2 months before, so we that mileage isn’t that far from us. We feel like today if we needed to we could go out and do a half because we kind of have a base for it.

  4. I love it. Probably because it looks similar to mine as far as the cross-training & speed workout days 🙂

    I need to add spin back in!! I’ve been slacking on the cycling!

  5. runnerkelly08 says:

    Looks good. I agree with Libby on that 12 miler. Right now I need some of your mojo 🙂 when do you rest? LOL
    I never think anyone should race Disney, its all about fun there 🙂

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