What Do YOU Do with Your Race Bibs?

No, really we want to know!

Do you discard them?  Do you keep them in a box? Do you make an album with them?

So far this year we have 3 and 4 race bibs.  As you know 2011 is a different year for us and honestly, a special one, as we are tackling a goal we’ve never attempted before.

Leave us a comment and let us know!


  1. I keep all of my bibs tacked on my living room wall. I’ve recently gotten into the habit of writing my time, pace, and overall place on the bib with a Sharpie. It’s nice to flip through them and look back at the good and the bad. I can’t imagine doing away with them!

    • Ohhh, that’s a GREAT idea!! I personally log all my timed races on athlinks.com, but to be able to flip through and SEE my time would be awesome!


  2. I put them on a bulletin board along with the medals

  3. I’m showing them off in the office 😉
    Sadly I started doing it only recently and threw away bibs from 2 years worth of racing 🙁

  4. I also put them on a bulletin board. Right now they are grouped by year and I have a few medals hanging on the board too.

  5. Oscar Gonzalez says:

    I have saved all of them, now for my Birthday I am going to Frame them with the medals. The ones without medals will be frame as well. The time idea is great, now I will have to find a way to frame them in glass so I can see them.


  6. My bathroom mirror is plastered with all my race bibs. My hope is to eventually just have a little space in the middle to see myself. It is great affirmation every morning!

  7. I hang them in my office to remind myself that I can accomplish anything.

  8. I accidentally threw my 2011 NYC marathon bib into the washer with my running clothes (it survived but got all crumpled and sad looking) so I should really think about what to do with all of them!

    Check out this blog post that shows ads from the Adidas “Runners, Yeah We’re Different” campaign from 1999 to 2000. One of them shows a dentist’s office full of framed bibs. That’s probably what we should be aiming for!

    • I totally feel your pain, I have washed just about every bib I have recieved. I need to get better at taking them off after the race or something.


  9. I write down my time somewhere on the bib and put it along with any medals into a lunchbox. Lunchbox is getting full, may have to upgrade to old busted Goodwill briefcase soon.

    For once, I’m not being a smartass, either. The lunchbox was the closest container I could find at the time and it’s been that way ever since.

  10. I’ve started writing our times on our bibs, and taking a picture of my husband and I after each race. I’m planning to put them into a scrapbook when I have a little more time!

  11. I have a scrap book with a different bib on each page. I use some stickers you can buy at craft stores to decorate around the bib. For instance, if you run a race in NYC, you can buy stickers that look like taxis, times sq, etc. I’m not very crafty, but this is easy. Then I leave the book on my coffee table and when people come over, they flip through and see how awesome I am.

  12. I have all mine stored in a box with times written on the back, and the box is completely covered/modge podged with a bunch of race bibs my friends/family didn’t want; it looks really cool!!! As soon as I have time, I’m going to frame the ones I have medals for in shadow boxes!

  13. I started off saving my marathon bibs quite a few years ago but now I just toss them in the trash. There are so many web sites that track races and times that it doesn’t bother me to not keep hard copies anymore.

  14. zsuzsy zsuzsanna says:

    I collect them for the whole year and pin them to my red bag. The one that I used for all my races. I love it people see it and I feel so proud 🙂

  15. kelly mejia says:

    I collect them! Its the trophy of having participated in a race.

  16. I put them in a shoe box in my closet!

  17. Hung it on the Duck of course: http://twitpic.com/4hordi

  18. courtney says:

    i throw mine out, but since y’all are racing every month it would be kind of cool to do a scrap book or something.

  19. I haven’t done anything special yet – they’re scattered around the house. I think I may frame them and hang them up in my office.

  20. I used to save them – but there were too many and they were adding to my apartment clutter (much like all the race t-shirts) – so in the trash they went – now the races will live on in my memory and the bibs won’t be in some box taking space up in my small NYC apartment.

  21. Here is my bathroom mirror ie: Walll of Bibs

  22. Here is my Wall of Bibs ie: the bathroom mirror

  23. I save them! If I am running a race with friends, I have them sign their names on the back. I also write the date, location and name of the race/event on the back.

  24. Hmmm good question! I am doing about 2-3 races a month now so I stand to collect quite a few I guess. I was thinking of buying a used mannequin and covering it with bibs – modern art or a great conversation starter 🙂 What do you suggest?

  25. I have them saved in a drawer. I am so new to running that I am not sure what to do with them, but I want to celebrate somehow. Writing the time and pace on the bib is definitely something I should start doing. There are lots of good ideas here.

  26. I make coasters out of them! Literally 🙂


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