What Do YOU Do for Cross Training?

What is your go to cross training workout? We just want to see what other people do on their cross training days and see how many people do similar activities or if they vary far more than we even thought!!

Do you spin?

Do you kickbox?

Do you do crossfit?

What is it that we’ve mentioned or even left out that you do for cross training? Let us know in the comments section! Look forward to what you all have to say!

– Teal & Beth


  1. I love crossfit! In the summer I plan to swim more.

  2. I am sad to say I don’t know what to do, so I’m looking forward to tue comments. I dont want to injure myself on my days off from running, but have heard cross training can be beneficial! I’m thinking of swimming as cross training to give myself a low impact option to stay cool in FL heat and humidity.

  3. Crossfit is my number one way to train – lots of great core and leg workouts like thrusters, deadlifts, overhead squats, etc..

    In place of a lot of long runs, I’ll add shorter more intense sessions (sprint for a minute, rest for 30 seconds for 30 minutes) or my new favorite leaping burpees (start in standing position, drop and do a pushup, hop back up and jump forward) for a 1/4 – 1/2 mile.

    Also, having a 5 month old puppy with infinite energy is helpful. Just pop him off his leash in the middle of a field and try to catch him 🙂

  4. I like to hike when I’m not running.I go to Regional,Wilderness,Natural Parks..I slow my pace down and take in the sights and sounds.I like to pick up a Trail Guide of the park and write down what I saw and heard.I wear a backpack and fill it with the basics.I’m getting a great workout and it feeds my spirit and soul.

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