What Do the River & Wedding Crafting Have to Do with Each Other?

Well, this past weekend was very different for the two of us and rightfully so!  Teal was still very much celebrating her 30th Birthday (since every year your Birthday should be celebrated for at least a week!)!  Her weekend involved taking 3 of the most important dudes in her life (hubby and two brothers) with her for a weekend of floating the river as well as a bunch of friends who would be meeting them at the river.

Any roadtrip that involves a stop at Buc-ee’s has to be considered a success especially since you can buy a cup there that’s big enough to hold the majority of your water intake for the day!

Sadly, Beth had to stay home from the river weekend due to needing to make use of time to work on wedding projects and to save a little dough. Her thrilling weekend was full of wedding crafting…

Don’t you wish you knew what it was? Ok maybe not…

Beth did get in some miles this weekend, but didn’t get a chance to try out her new Altra Intuition shoes just yet.  A version of these bad boys were ordered back on July 31st and this past Saturday the newer version of the Altra Intuition finally made their way to Beth’s house.  She did something to one of her toes so instead of aggravating it more she’s letting it rest a bit. Then it’ll be time to take them for a spin!…..or run, whatever!

Also, please note that it wasn’t Altra’s fault it took so long for the shoes to get here….just a random story with lots of details! =)

How was your weekend?


  1. I went to the river once and loved it! I went home Stinky and sunburned, but it was worth it. I hope Teal had fun!

    As for the circles/wedding crafting, I’m guessing pompoms. Clearly, not my area of expertise!*

  2. LizzieRogueRunner says:

    Ooooo I am dying to hear how you like the Altras. River and crafting both sound epic!

  3. super interested to see what you think about the altra’s!

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