We All Mess Up Sometimes…

So you all know we ran a race this past weekend, right?  Well, we aren’t going to name that race in this post or another company because this is NOT a post pointing fingers at anyone! So please note that now and try to not read that tone in the words to follow! 🙂

As we were finishing out our half marathon this passed weekend we both heard the guy announcing finishers and around the time Teal crosses we hear “Blanca Perez from someplace, TX.”  Hmmm, how much of a coincidence is that someone with Teal’s same last name was crossing right around the time she did??  We were both confused.

Fast forward to our racing results:

Yes, Beth did pull ahead at the very end of the race, but NOT so much so that there was an 11 person distance between the two of us and not a gap that spanned 38 seconds!  This morning Teal, still confused by her racing results found the item in her results that is wrong! Her bib number was 347, see…

So Teal Perez and Blanca Perez’ race results were in fact switched!! This was our 26th race together, so honestly this was bound to happen to one of us at some point, right?  And as you all know this was the slowest half marathon either one of us had ever run before so the time really is irrelevant, but the real point of this post is – who else in our running community has this happened to?  Did you do anything to get your results changed? You know since pretty much once you run a timed race your results are forever searchable on the interwebs!  Let us know!


  1. I haven’t but I know people who have. I think if you send them an email with the pic of Teal, they would go ahead and change it. You all sure did have an interesting time there this weekend.

  2. I did a Rock n’ Roll marathon where they added .25 mile to the course. Everyone messes up and the Rock n’ Roll series has been on that streak the past couple of years. Doesn’t matter the size or experience, everyone messes up.

    The good part … with every messup you have an opportunity to improve 🙂

  3. I had a race miss my chip time at the start so they just had my gun time, and they fixed it by watching the video. They might do the same based on photos in this case! I was so bummed (at the time it was my PR!) but they were super great about fixing it.

  4. Yup, it’s happened to me before.. They recorded my husband’s 10k finish time as 29 minutes instead of 59 minutes.. Then when they noticed, they bumped him down to the 5k results.
    I emailed them, they fixed it, but then altered MY finish time.
    It made no sense.
    But it was a case of time wasn’t that important too.

  5. So uhm, that’s a total pain! But working for a race timing company myself something that is EASILY fixed, don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise!

    also, i just about died…

    “You know since pretty much once you run a timed race your results are forever searchable on the interwebs!” <—hahahahaha. <3

  6. Forget about the times being mixed up…I’d be more upset that I landed in the F50-54 division when I belong in the F25-29! But, that’s me. 🙂

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