Tour des Fleurs Pre-Race Thoughts

Like we mentioned in our latest goal post, we plan to race the hell out of this 10k! 🙂  It is our intention to follow the Run Less Run Faster marathon training plan this time around and we will use the Tour des Fleurs 10K to set our training paces.

This will be Teal’s 3rd time and Beth’s 5th time to run this race. We really like it, ok? Although, Race Director, we really liked it when you gave us hats at the end of the race and you disappointed last year when you quit that. Hint. Hint.Anyway, last year we took a break from the 10K distance and tried for the 20K as it fit in with some extra miles into our 2011 marathon training plan.  This year we are back for the 10K distance.  Our PRs for this distance currently stand at:

Teal: 56:41

Beth: 56:46

So we’ll see what we can do out there this weekend! Right now there is a 30% chance of rain for race day and looks like we’ll have temperatures in the mid to high 60s!  Have a great weekend!

Are you racing this weekend? Or what does your training schedule call for? We want to know!


  1. yessssssssssss! rock and roll philly. but you already know that.

  2. Oh, those PRs are history! Good luck!

  3. Every Monday is a race distance for me, this Monday will be running 46 miles to Des Moines. Been running across the state of Iowa. Enjoy following your blog. Got to run 8.5 miles this morning with the local College Cross Country Team, they were doing a 12-hour marathon run to raise some $$$ for the local Special Olympics club. Gotta love when people use their love for running with something that impacts the community for good. Anywho, thanks for the posts, a runner in Iowa digs them. Jim

  4. Good luck! Hope you crushed it!

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