This is Our Confession

This is Our Confession

As it turns out the LiARs are really liars! 🙂

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October 19th

This was our last bit of lying to the world through Instagram.  We spent the weekend at the Holland lake house, the guys went up first without us and we met them Saturday for the A&M game at a local restaurant/bar.  Three shots of Tuaca were ordered and a shot of water extra chilled for Teal!  The water shot is on the right. 🙂 Yah, for black and white filters!

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October 5th

Teal was invited to a wedding in early October lucky for her the only alcohol at the reception was for the champagne toast and again lucky for her they had sparkling white grape juice as well.  So it wasn’t a big deal to try and hide or pretend anything!  But it was very amusing that a friend of her’s there asked her when she was going to get pregnant. 🙂

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September 21st

This was one of two tricky situations, but it worked!  Michael ended up drinking most of the wine that got poured into Teal’s wine glass as we were out celebrating Bitner’s Birthday at a wine place.  This is what husbands are for, right? To drink your wine when you are hiding from the world that you are pregnant.

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September 6th

Teal’s Birthday weekend at the river; this was the first tricky situation!  It’s pretty much given that when you spend hours floating in a tube down the river you will have something to drink and when it’s for someone’s birthday, well, you’re going to have something to drink the night preceding said float.  The Birthday shot all four of us girls at the river “shared” on Friday was really a she took a sip, she took a sip, Beth chugs a ton of it and Teal takes the smallest sip ever situation.  Teal also did an awesome job of having water bottles she filled with “vodka” so when time came to float the river she made sure everyone else saw her mixing her “vodka” with Snapple tea for her river drink of choice.

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August 23rd

 This was actually the last time Teal had any alcohol. Ha, and we were there together just a picture didn’t happen.  We celebrated Kate‘s (Beth’s sister) Birthday with a surprise party for her.  Little did we know this night how many lies would be told in the very near future!

So for awhile any shenanigans that normally include wine, well, you’ll see that from Beth and it’ll be water for Teal!  Or you know milk or juice – whatever she’s craving that day! 🙂


Beth #sisengrathing


Teal sisengrathing

Congrats to Teal & Michael on their baby girl who is due to May 5, 2014!

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