Thirty Things Thursday





2. Not just any Birthday either…’s her 30th Birthday!


3. We will now spend the next 9 months and 18 days running races in different age groups….

4. Teal’s name starts with T (in case you didn’t know ;)) like Thursday, thirty, and her dad’s name, Tom!




5. As you might know, Teal became a marathoner in her 20’s.

6. She has the same Birthday as Rosie PEREZ.




7. You also might know that, Teal completed 13th half marathons in her 20’s.

number 13

8. She once ate over 30 jalapenos just to get her brother to wear pants.  He laughed afterwards and did not wear pants.

9. If you didn’t catch on from above….she likes Justin Bieber….or at least his tunes….or maybe I made that up??

10. She loves Mark Salling. He also turned 30 this year.




11. (9 + 6) = 15 (X 2) (like in 82 a.k.a. 1982 a.k.a. Teal’s birth year) = 30

12. On this day in 1839 the Cherokee Nation formed and you know what? Teal is part Cherokee!

13. Pretty much she is a bad ace and all who know her are lucky!

14. Teal’s cool husband, Michael, collaborated on this with me…..thanks, Miguel!

photo by Gina Van Bemmel


15. There really aren’t 30 things, sorry? Sorry, Teal!  But Thirty Things on a Thursday that happens to be your Thirtieth Birthday sounds cooler! 🙂

Happy Birthday to the best running buddy a girl could ask for! I am thankful for you!! Please send Teal some Birthday love today! 🙂


  1. Happy birthday Teal! I hope it’s a great day!

  2. This is hilarious! I love you running buddy!! 30 is crazy!

  3. Happy Birthday!!

  4. This literally made me laugh out loud! Happy Birthday Teal!

  5. Happy Birthday!

  6. LizzieRogueRunner says:

    HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY birthday, Teal!!!! Hope you have the best day ever!!!


  8. I hereby name today “Thirsty Thirty Thursday”, on which you shall by law of the land consume thirty beverages in short order.

  9. Love this post! I SO thought there was gonna be thirty things! I got all comfy to read it. lol Happy Birthday Teal! 🙂

  10. Aww! I love this post! Y’all are so cute! I hope you had a fantastic 30th birthday, Teal!*

  11. very cute!

  12. 30 JALAPENOS?!?! my stomach just hurt while reading that!! ouch! hope you had a great 30th teal!

  13. Happy late birthday!

  14. Happy Belated Birthday Teal! I love this post-probably one of my favorites from you guys!


  1. […] was very different for the two of us and rightfully so!  Teal was still very much celebrating her 30th Birthday (since every year your Birthday should be celebrated for at least a week!)!  Her weekend involved […]

  2. […] week we went out for Teal’s birthday to a place that only Teal and her husband had been to up to that point. Misto Bistro is this […]

  3. […] 4. Not cry on my 30th Birthday! […]

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