Seven Things Friday

1. We are going to AUSTIN today after work!! Wheee!

2.  So that we can volunteer at the 3M Half Marathon!


3. We are SO excited to get to meet these two:

 You know also known as @runthetrailsCO & @cisforcourtney

4.  We are officially signed up for the ZOOMA Austin Half on March 31, 2012!! We have a discount code good through the 31st for $5 off the 5k or $10 off the Half! Let us know if you want to join us and we’ll let ya have it! 🙂

5.  Neither of us have actually run in Austin and you know what? We are going to change that this weekend!

6.  We canNOT wait to get coffee at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf – have been dreaming about it since our last trip to Austin!

7.  We really wanted to post 27 things because, uh, duh – today is the 27th! BUT we thought that was excessive and that we wanted to keep our readers around! 😉  Thanks for hanging in there with us! 🙂


  1. Sooooo, are you guys here yet?

  2. I am so jealous that you get to go to Austin. I lived there for 3 years and miss all of it. The 3M Half 2009 still holds my PR. 🙂 HAVE FUN!

    • We are slightly sad to not be running 3M, but are so glad for the opportunity to volunteer! We love Austin and don’t get there enough! Did you move away because of a job?

  3. Cool! Have loads of fun!

  4. I have never been to a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf! Please tell me what you get! I’ve heard so much about them. Have fun volunteering 🙂


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