Thankful Thursday

While a marathon is an individual event it is not something that happens alone or without support. We are so grateful to be surrounded by tons of family and friends who support us more than they may even know. We wanted to thank you guys today for everything you have done to help us get through this year of races and to achieve this crazy goal. We love you all and are beyond thankful.

Quote from Matt Long's The Long Run which perfectly describes how White Rock Marathon went for us

Michael – I am not sure how you have put up with me for so long. Thank you for encouraging me and cheering me on since day one. You deal with the light switch on at 5 am, banging of the doors and waking you up to say bye when you are in deep sleep! You deal with my endless amounts of sweaty cloths and shoes all over the place without complaint! You have never once become annoyed or frustrated. You deal with my insane schedule, running not included, and are so flexible when I added all this into the mix. You are seriously my rock! You support me more than anyone ever has and I know that is not going anywhere. Mmmmmmmmm.

Brent – A big, huge thank you to you, honey!  You’ve endured my lame Friday nights so I could get up early and run Saturday mornings.  You’ve given up drinking wine with me in effort for me to be the most prepared that I can be for races.  You’ve had confidence in me and pushed me when I was down on myself.  You have been such a huge and needed support system for me this year and don’t it all without a single complaint! I love you so much for it! 🙂

Kate – Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the times you rescued just one or both of us on long runs!  For putting up with our stinky selves as we lay on the den floor in pain after our long runs! For your willingness to see us at races and organize getting the rest of our family together!  You’ve been such a big support for the two of us!  You’ve picked up slack for me in SO many ways when I was trying to squeeze in a workout before a family or social commitment!  You are the best big sister ever!

#FancyNancy – Mom, thank you so much for also being someone that came to our rescue and picked us up from a long run!  Thank you for the many prayers I know you’ve said for me and for Teal as we are out running whether it be a training run or a race!  I am so glad you’ve gotten to see me do a couple of races this year and seen me in action! Thanks for enduring cold temperatures for both of those and thank you for all of your support! Love you!

Bossman – Dad, Pops, JSL, you support me in so many ways…you put up with me going to yoga at lunch a lot! Leaving work a little early to make it in time to an expo for a race or head out of town for a race.  You encourage me in all of my races that I am running! Thank you so much for coming out and seeing me complete my first marathon!  Thanks for coming out there with one of your fancy cameras and catching us on film! You are the best! Love you!

Johnny – Hopefully you know that I have been thankful for you ever since I met you & Angie back in 2007!  Thank you for continuing to be there for me this year, for pushing me harder, having the confidence in me, being there when I need advice & just putting up with me in general!  I couldn’t imagine there being any other trainer out there as amazing as you are! Oh, and “not today, baby, not to today….it’s too cold!” 🙂

Will –  Thank you for always looking out for me and calling me out when I am being stubborn and for worrying about my knees even when I don’t.  I would not be anywhere close to where I am now without your help and encouragement every week. Thank you for pushing me beyond what I think I can do or even want to do. I truly feel like you care about me as a person and not just a client. You are consistent and motivating and I couldn’t ask for a better person to train with. Thank you so much for coming and cheering me on it means more to me then you can imagine.

Cynthia – Thank you for being my wake-up call, last text of the day to remind me to get up and my motivation to actually go! You make working out so much easier and more enjoyable at the crack of dawn. You are loyal, constant and such a good support system for me. You look out for me and keep me in the know! I am so glad that we have become friends and I thank you so much for everything you have done for me these past couple of years!

Bitner, Chase, Joe, Mary Alice & Zac – Running buddies!  Running races with each of you this year has been awesome!  We have loved having the opportunity to share those times with you and some of you actually do training runs with!  Hoping for many more runs together!  Each of you mean so much to us!

Ashley, Emily, Heidi, Brian & Jason – Or should we say @ciaobella7 @EmilyRatcliff @HeidiRuns @bmlueb @reigning1 – Twitter friends who became real life friends!  To the ladies – we did it!! We are marathoners!  Thank you for all your support, for the laughs, for sometimes freaking out with us and for being awesome friends!  To the guys – thank you for always supporting all of us ladies and reminding us that we can do it! You two are wonderful men. Heidi & Ashley, you married well!

Chris– I am so glad to have a fellow running buddy here at work. I have enjoyed every conversation we have had this year about running! You are an awesome person to just be able to complain, rant, discuss, and brag to. Thank you for being so encouraging and you are an inspiration to me. I say daily that I don’t know how you do all the running you do and the way you do it. Can’t wait to hear more and you are an awesome runner, coworker, and person.

Mandy, Josh & Meranda – We cannot believe you drove ALL the way over from Ft. Worth in the cold and horrible weather to see us run by for two seconds, but we are so grateful to you guys for doing that!  It was such an awesome surprise to see you! Love you guys!

Sommer, Edward, Lilia and Brad – Thank you for braving the elements, traffic, and crowds on Sunday to come watch us even though we know there are 10,000 other things you could have been doing. We truly loved seeing you at the finish line and it makes this experience so much better.

Bossman #2 -Thank you for dealing with my crazy Saturday work schedule and not complaining when I have to rearrange everything, your flexibility is awesome. Thank you for dealing with my tardiness due to long runs and all the whining I do while there. Thank you for texting me with your support and being there for me.

Aunt Neil & Uncle Fred – Thank you for your support & encouragement!  I appreciated the text messages on Sunday and heard you both tried to make it out to the lake to see me.  That means the world to me!  I am so lucky to have such great family members!

There are numerous other family members, friends and tweeps we have to thank for merely asking us about and encouraging us in our runs and races.  We hope you do not feel like you have been forgotten because we can assure you that you have not!  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

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