Tasty Tuesday: HG Style Chicken Cordon Bleu

How many of you have already heard of Hungry Girl?  Well, we have too and have both been HG followers for six-ish years now!

We both own multiple HG cookbooks and sometimes when you find one of their recipes that’s de-lish you HAVE to spread the word.  The Hungry Girl created their own version of Chicken Cordon Bleu back in April of 2009 and I’ve made it a number of times it had just been awhile since the last time. 🙂   HG makes a lot of their recipes as a single serving in case you are the the solo healthy eater in your house or just cooking for one regularly, but they are normally quite easy to double, triple, etc.

The ingredients are pretty simple:

1. one 5oz. raw boneless skinless lean chicken breast (I just grabbed a whole package of chicken breasts since I was not eating alone this night)

2. one wedge of The Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss cheese and let it get to room temperature (loooove this stuff!)

3. one oz. (about 3 slices) of 97-98% fat-free ham slices (in this case since I was making it for more than just me so I bought a slightly fancier ham instead of just your traditional sandwich meat varieties)

4. salt and pepper to taste

Start by preheating your oven to 350 degrees.

Once you’ve trimmed your chicken of any fat you’ll need to place it in a large sealable plastic bag and get as much of the air out as possible because next you gotta pound that meat to get it flat!  Pound it! Good way to get out some aggression if necessary! 🙂

Try and get the chicken to be about 1/4 of an inch thick.  Pretty positive I am a little too impatient for that, so at least give it some flatness! Then take the chicken out of the bag and beginning seasoning it to taste with your salt and pepper!  Grab your cheese wedge and spread that Laughing Cow Cheese over one side of your chicken like so…

This looks so appetizing right now, doesn’t it??

Please note you’ll want to spray your pan with a nonstick cooking spray or line it with foil before placing the chicken in the dish. 🙂

Next you’ll place your slices of ham on top of the side of the chicken you smeared with cheese, like so…

Roll up the chicken breast as tight as you can with the ham and cheese side on the inside of the roll.  It is probably easiest to then keep your chicken rolled up by securing it with a toothpick or two.

Cover your dish with foil and bake the chicken for 20 minutes.  With a hot pad or something else that will keep you from burning yourself remove the foil and let the chicken cook for another 15 minutes.  Then voila!  We decided to have whole grain couscous and broccoli with our chicken cordon bleu this time around!

Tasty looking, right?

Based upon the ingredients typed out above Hungry Girl has given the following nutritional data for their Chicken Cordon Bleu:

Sorry to our meat-less readers as this recipe is not really for you! :-/

Have you tried any Hungry Girl recipes before? What’s your go to HG recipe?


  1. Y’all, this looks AWESOME! I’ve got a Hungry Girl cookbook, and I think I need to break it out again because I love that they used Laughing Cow to make this recipe work. Thanks for sharing!

    • You definitely should!! Sometimes those cookbooks have a lot of recipes that don’t speak to you individually, but when you find just ONE oh em gee! This is fab recipe! Let us know what you think when you try it!

  2. YUM! That looks delicious! I’m always on the lookout for new, tasty, healthy recipes, so I will definitely add this in the dinner rotation. Thanks for posting it, ladies!

  3. Guess what was on sale at my local stores this week. ALL THIS STUFF! Chicken – check! Cheese – check! Ham – check! So, I *had* to get it all and make this tonight. And, drum roll, please: it was fantastic!
    I also made a whole package of chicken instead of just one single serving. The beating part was fun! I was able to get the chicken very flat but they were so large when rolled up that I had to cook them for an extra 10 minutes because they weren’t done after 35 minutes.
    And, I changed it up a tad – I used the Garlic Herb and the Queso Fresco & Chipotle varieties of The Laughing Cow cheese on different chicken breasts. I’m not sure which one I ate tonight but whatever it was, it was good! Can’t wait for leftovers and a different cheese flavor!

    • Yah!!! We definitely need to try it with the different Laughing Cow cheeses – I’m sure that can totally change it up! SO glad you liked it and love your variety, lady!

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