Wordless Wednesday No. 15

13 Things Friday

In honor of Friday the 13th here are our thirteen things:

1.  Today is our LAST day of the Advocare cleanse! YAY!! Look for a recap next week.

2.  Two weeks from today we leave for Austin for our weekend of volunteering for the 3M Half Marathon. Our first volunteering experience together AND we can’t wait to meet Courtney & Luke…you know IRL!

3.  Tomorrow night we have a wine dinner at Beth’s house with friends both old and new – we can’t wait!


4.  This week Beth put a big check mark next to “pick Bridesmaid dresses” on her wedding to do list.  Extra bonus that the 4 BMs so far are happy with the dresses!

5.  In 4 weeks, Teal & Michael will be living alone for the first time in the history of their marriage. 🙂 No more roommates!

6.  Six weeks until we leave for our next big race weekend – Princess Half at Disney World!!!

7.  Since this month started Teal has attended 5 yoga classes and Beth has attended 10 yoga classes.  Will we meet our goals??

8.  Teal’s last semester of grad school starts Monday.

9.  We received some Celliant samples in the mail this week that we are anxious to try out!

10.  Teal is going to the doctor on Monday for her foot! Keep your fingers crossed for her pleeease!

11.  We got another NEW button on our blog! You can now buy Go Sport ID’s through us just by clicking the link on the right hand side of our blogy blog!

12.  We each have a secret goal of learning to swim in 2012 – you know as in be better swimmers because we know the absolute basics of swimming i.e. doggie paddling 😉

13.  We are not really superstitious.

13.1  Are you superstitious?  What race superstitions do you have?

New Things Friday!

Happy Friday!! Well, we got a NEW header!  All thanks to Beth’s sister, Kate!!  What do you think??

Also, did you happen to notice earlier this week the appearance of a new button on our blog?? Right around this area —–>


We are SO happy to be able to tell you that we are ZOOMA Connectors for the 2012 Texas event which will be held in Austin on March 31, 2012!!



What is ZOOMA you ask? Well, it is a race series designed for women!  We all love girls weekends, right?  [well, all of us females at least :)]  ZOOMA has basically gone and created a girls weekend for runners!  You run your race and afterwards at the after party expo you are pampered with wine, massages, demos and shopping!  What else is cool about running their half marathon is each finisher gets an exclusively-designed piece of jewelry! We absolutely love the theme of the ZOOMA events:

run. laugh. celebrate.

The ZOOMA race series is really all about promoting a healthy & active lifestyle!  They really embrace that by finding Ambassadors in each city where a race is held to help train and inspire runners.  Their big kick off event for runners and Ambassadors to meet is actually tomorrow morning at the Luke’s Locker on Sandra Muraida Way, so if you are in Austin and want to participate go here to RSVP to the event!  There are a number of links on their site to inspire you and your training or just help you get started!

Ok, so we have really promoted this whole it’s a girls weekend aspect of the ZOOMA event, it really is just one big girls weekend, BUT men are welcome too!  So ladies if you want to run this race and your husband/significant other/brother/etc. is looking for a race to run too, well, bring him with you!

Registration is open NOW for the Austin, Texas event on March 31, 2012 and if you sign up before January 7, 2012 [tomorrow] you will beat the price increase!  The two of us will be heading down to Austin and running the half marathon portion of the event, so come and join us!

Sign up today and let us know that we will see you out there! 🙂

If you are one of our readers outside of the great state of Texas be sure to checkout the other 4 events in the ZOOMA race series and plan to make one of those!

Atlanta – April 22, 2012

Annapolis – June 2, 2012

Cape Cod – September 22, 2012

Great Lakes– October 20, 2012

Lazy Solo Running Weekend

Beth here with my running recap for the weekend! 🙂  My weekend turned out to be NOT what I was expecting, but exactly what I needed! After my long run Saturday morning I was suppose to be hitting the road to Austin with my sister for a wedding, but life happened and sister felt she needed to stay in town to be with a friend.  I took full advantage of this and slept in on Saturday morning!  And by slept in I mean until 7:30 a.m. Woohoo!  My favorite spin instructor at my L.A. Fitness had been out of town last Monday on my usual spin day, so I skipped it.  I decided spin class on Saturday morning [since favorite instructor would be back] made more sense than Sunday morning and then back to spin class Monday after work.  So I did spin, I did a 30 minute yoga class and then I spent hours with my littlest nephew!  It was a fabulous Saturday! Here’s what my sister and I did to our nephew on Saturday –

This was inspired by what Jack’s Mom did to him last week.  Jack being the first grandbaby of Cindy[#TeamCindy] who we are running Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio half in memory of and raising money for breast cancer.  And here’s me getting some good cuddle time in with Easton!

Sunday I slept in until 8 a.m.  That was some glorious sleep! I wrote thatWhat’s the Deal? post a few weeks ago and to be honest I still hadn’t fully snapped out of it! I’m pretty positive I was wearing myself out during the week and then just going, going and going on the weekends.  Pretty much since the weekend of August 20th I had been going on long runs then drinking tons of coffee in an effort to stay up and go out to celebrate things like: my sister’s birthday, my boyfriend’s birthday, being in California and running a half, celebrating one of my best friend’s birthdays, celebrating a 1 year old’s birthday, celebrating a 2 year old’s birthday, hosting a baby shower, celebrating my oldest nephew’s birthday and my sister in law’s birthday – see what I was doing to myself??

Anyways, I laid in bed Sunday morning catching up on my DVR until I had to get up and meet a friend at yoga at 1:00 p.m.  I ate a late lunch and decided to lay in bed longer while my food digested before I could go out for my long run.  And something happened that NEVER happens – I took  nap!  I am in no way a napper!  I just lack the ability to take a nap and wake up refreshed, so the only times I do it are if I’m sick or I’m apparently wearing myself out THAT much.

Shortly before 5:00 p.m. I was off on my long run for the weekend!  This run I decided to take with me a Clif gel I’d received while I was out on the Tour des Fleurs 20k race course in September.  Like I do every long run I stuck it in the hidden pocket inside my Nike shorts only problem was that the Clif gel packaging is wider than the GU gel packaging I usually take on my run.  I ran through the gel pack poking me for 4 miles then I had it, took it out and ran holding it for 4 more miles until I opened it.  Now I am a HUGE chocolate lover, but I am now not a fan of chocolate flavored gels which is what I had!   But don’t worry Clif! I have not given up on you just your chocolate flavored gel. 🙂

And there is my cut/chaffed area/what have you on the right in the picture above.  I’m not going to tell you where that is exactly, but if I put the pack in an inside pocket of my shorts I think you can use your imagination. 😉 [Sorry Mom if you are reading this and are shaking your head at me! Love you!]  Ok, back to long run – I didn’t know how this would go since I have never run more than 8 miles by myself and Teal had left me to go on an awesome trip to San Francisco!  SO jealous! But it went great! I was so proud of myself for keeping my pace under 10 minutes the WHOLE entire time!  I had a couple times where I wanted to stop more because I needed to use the facilities than being tired. 🙂  I guess that’s the downfall of running not at my usual time.   I explored a little bit and ran a slightly different area than Teal and I have ever run before and overall I felt great during this long running!

I ended my Sunday night with some #runchat, Chipotle, Rangers, wine and my Tommie Copper calf sleeves [if you don’t own any – what are you waiting for?? Seriously!]

Check back with us tomorrow for Teal’s San Francisco Running Weekend recap!

Are you a fan of Clif gels? What is YOUR favorite flavor?