Tasty Tuesday: Crockpot Chicken Taco Meat

A couple of weekends ago we got together with some of our friends and had a taco dinner much like our wine dinner we had back in January.  We had brisket tacos and chicken tacos, but the chicken taco recipe*** was such a breeze we HAD to share this one with you!  Especially since there are probably a lot of things you could do with the chicken once it’s cooked besides just using it as taco meat.


3 Tablespoons of taco seasoning

1 cup of chicken broth

1 pound of boneless and skinless chicken breasts


Clean your chicken and trim off that fat!  Pour your chicken broth into your crockpot then pour in the taco seasoning and let it dissolve in the chicken broth. Then place your chicken breasts in the crockpot.

Not the most exciting picture, but the chicken broth should pretty much cover your chicken breasts and who doesn’t love crockpot liners for an easy clean up??

Put it it on low and cook for 6 hours.  Once it’s finished cooking you’ll have such tender chicken it’s literally falling about trying to get it out of the crockpot.

Then serve it to your guests should you be having a taco dinner party or divide it up to eat throughout your week!

If you use this same recipe and create something other than just the chicken taco meat being sure and SHARE IT with us!! We would love to know!  Hope you enjoy this recipe and how easy it really is!


Wine, Wedding & What Not

So from our Wordless Wednesday post yesterday if you assumed we had a FUN Saturday night at our wine dinner party then your assumption was correct! 🙂

Pretty much everyone that came has already made an appearance on this blog, so if you’ve been hanging around the LIAR blog [yes, we just abbreviated our name, ha] their names might sound familiar to you!

Beth, Heidi, Teal, Kate & Mandy

Doubt we could have gotten them to pose for a picture together so we got the boys in deep discussion 🙂 L to R: Bitner, Brent, Michael, Josh & Brian (sorry it's your back) oh and cute little Meranda!

Also, please remember this was the day after our cleanse! 🙂  We had a lovely dinner with crockpot roast, twice baked potatoes, asparagus salad, a pasta dish with butternut squash and nuts.  But special mention should be given to the dee-lish appetizers we started with pears & melon topped with prosciutto and a balsamic glaze and tomatoes & mozzarella topped with the same balsamic glaze.  Are we making your mouth water yet?

Most of the food

It was a wonderful night of good wine, good food and great friends!  Now we just need to plan the next Wine Dinner Party!  If you’re a wine lover here were all the wines we had to choose from that night. Ha 🙂 Also, if you remember back in October when Teal went to Sonoma for the weeekend well then she brought the 2007 Allure Meritage from Williamson Wines and 2007 Topel Pinot Syrah both from that trip!


The wine dinner was also a perfect night for Beth to tackle another wedding item – get a flower girl!  Mandy & Josh have THE most precious little girl – bias? No way! She is! Ha  If it’s possible for someone to adore a child before she’s even born then that’s exactly how it was for Beth.  Little Meranda was the first kid born to one of Beth’s best friends, so that probably has something to do with adoring her before she was born.  But she’s going to be the cutest little flower girl in Beth’s wedding! By the time the wedding is here Meranda will be 3 years old! Oh, how time has flown by!

Beth has also asked two more ladies to be apart of her big day as Bridesmaids!  Last week she sent flowers to her soon to be sis-in-law and it actually was perfect time!  Lindsay had kind of had a crummy week and hopefully she meant it when she said the arrival of the flowers Friday afternoon and asking her to be apart of the wedding made her day!  So lucky to be gaining an awesome sister-in-law who is the same age!  Just a couple nights ago Beth asked her sister-in-law Tiffany to be a Bridesmaid.  Tiffany has officially been apart of the Lynch family for not quite a year and a half, but it feels like so much longer! She just fits right in! The fun thing is that she and Beth are the same age too!  Beth, her sister, Kate and Tiffany try to once a month go out for sushi and it just so happened that the sister sushi night was coming up, so Beth knew that’s when she’d ask Tiffany.

A fun fact about Tiffany is that she’s a quarter Japanese.  Since fortune cookies are actually based on a Japanese cracker even though you mainly get them from a Chinese restaurant they are originally Japanese [looked it up on wikipedia, people!] Beth knew that’s how she had to ask her!


Beth's brother, Scott and sister-in-law, Tiffany

The same night as sister sushi night Beth asked if Tiffany if her oldest boy, Wesley could be the Ring Bearer.  Wesley did such a good job at Scott & Tiffany’s wedding that it’s like he’s a pro already!  Bridesmaid dresses have also been picked for the most part! 🙂  Are those allowed to be shown? Haha, the Bridesmaids get their choice of style and Beth picked the designer, color and fabric for each dress!   You are not going to get an update on if there is or is not a caterer for the wedding because there are still 12 days left in January to work on that one. 🙂

Have you noticed we are a little obsessed with the diptic app for putting multiple pictures into one picture?