Wordless Wednesday 39

Wordless Wednesday 39




times ten


teal art thing

balloon fest


The Vineyard Run 5K

The Vineyard Run basically popped up in our email, most likely because we have run our fair share of Mellew sponsored races. Teal really wanted to run this race because the Vineyard run is set at Delaney Vineyard where Teal got married!

Plus it offers a few more bonus points such as a free wine tasting and live band.  Although we didn’t actually enjoy any wine while we were there. But it’s at a winery and since that is somewhat rare in our parts it’s a nice change of scenery!  We should also mention that it was actually a little chilly that day! Hello cold day in May in Texas, what?!


Brian you are all over this blog now!

We headed out together as normal and perhaps our need to be at races super early is dwindling because we really almost missed this one. Oopsies! We hadn’t picked up our bibs and the cut off was like 30 minutes before the race. We thought we left in time but due to the fact that one of us updated our phone to the stupid new operating system that brought with it a horrible update to google maps, and its lame, and the fact that the area around the DFW airport is the biggest cluster of construction, we found ourselves driving in circles trying to get to the stinking race. We finally figured it out and ended up getting in the back way and then running to packet pick up. Apparently that is a way to force us in to a pre-race warm-up?

We made it and got to hang with our fellow NTX Runner Brian for a few minutes before the race started. He was out there volunteering for the race! We might add that he was wearing his 100 miler sweatshirt. Show off 😉

Waiting for the race to start

Waiting for the race to start

SOOO really we ran a 5k. It was flat, it had 2 kind of annoying hills but nothing we couldn’t handle and then it was over. Also we might add that it was in no way our fastest or our slowest race, so we can call that a win right!? How do you like that for a recap?? Recapping 3 miles is much easier than 13.


The Good, the Messy & the Hilarious {Wedding Weekend Take 1}

For the two of us ladies the whole wedding weekend kind of kicked off Thursday afternoon! Teal rocks and took not only Friday off, but also Thursday to help me with last minute things.  Priorities first though we went that afternoon with my mom and sister, Kate, to get manicures & pedicures for the weekend.  The nail salon loved Kate, Teal and me because we all wanted the exact same colors on our fingers and toes, but it gave us more time to drink our wine since they only had one bottle of the green polish!

Green and gray to match the wedding colors!

Then the four of us were off to run a few errands.  Teal and I stopped by Target for wine and goldfish. 🙂 Y’all, these are essentials in our lives – haha! And then Teal very graciously continued to stick around and helped me do a mock of the cupcake table, pack up all those supplies in bins, get the place cards ready to go and really just get organized for the weekend.  Also, a big shout out to my sister too for all her input and helping me load up our cars that night to head to downtown Dallas Friday afternoon!

This is from Wednesday when my SIL, Tiffany, and littlest nephew, Easton, were over helping me with stuff. My sister & I’s house has been a wedding mess forever. Thanks for putting up with me and the wedding mess!

Friday my dad’s sisters and my one and only girl cousin threw me an awesome bridal luncheon! I’m sad because I don’t think I snapped a picture with just them at the luncheon. 🙁  But should you read this Aunt Cindy, Aunt Leslie and Erin I am truly blessed by the 3 of you and lucky to have such wonderful women in my life I get to call family! It was so fun to just get to hangout with the ladies in my family and  my wedding party!

Mother of the Bride & Bride




My House Party dude! 🙂

I was fiiinally able to give my Bridesmaids their presents for being in my wedding.  One of the things I gave them in particular I was trying really hard to either keep it all or aspects of it a secret, but one of them ended up having to teach my mom and me how to make so she knew ALL about it.  My mom sewed clutch purses for all of my Bridesmaids (well and me, my MIL and herself – a lot of purses!) and I don’t really sew so the only contribution I was really able to make was being the fabric cutter.  Lots of hours went into these bad boys but thankfully we started pretty early on them and they were done well in advance of the wedding! I think they’re sooo cuute!  Thank you to my mom for generously giving up all of that time to work on these for me amongst other things!

One of the other things I got them and was really excited about was that OPI in the spring, I think, came out with a Holland collection (my future last name), so I was able to find a good deal on a set of the Holland collection nail polishes. Perfect timing, OPI!

Anyway, after that we all kind of went in separate directions until the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner that night. Brent and I both grew up in Dallas, but didn’t know each other so pretty much the whole weekend of events was in Dallas proper which seemed appropriate with both of us being born (same hospital just a couple years apart) and raised here.  The wedding venue had some fabulous views of the Dallas skyline, and my in-laws also picked out a wonderful rehearsal dinner venue with just as awesome views!

Bride & Father of the Bride ready to rehearse!

with my in-laws to be (the next day)

The rehearsal dinner was full of good food, lots of laughs and just fun time with family and close friends.  Brent & I are truly blessed by the not only amazing family we have but the true friends in our lives!  After dinner a lot of us headed to the hotel bar to have more time to just hangout before we called it a night.  Eventually Brent left to head to his house for the night  and most of the wedding party was staying at the hotel so when we were ready to call it a night we just went upstairs.  And let’s end this Friday night on a funny note – when Kate, Teal and I got to our floor and off the elevator we look to our left and what do we see?  Two men in their boxer briefs wrestling. Haha.

**Disclaimer: There are SO many people that graciously gave of their time and helped me out throughout the last year of my life if you weren’t specifically mentioned in this post please know that doesn’t mean I forgot about you or by any means am not completely indebted to you for your time you shared with me.**

Throwback Thursday: Teal’s Wedding

With Beth’s wedding this Saturday! Yep! Saturday! Raise your hand if you can’t believe it has been a year! We surely can’t.  We figured we would do a little Throwback Thursday so you could see a little of what Teal’s wedding was like. Her wedding was 4 years ago which was pre-blog and pre-crazy running life!  Teal is about to celebrate her 4th wedding anniversary and was married November 22, 2008 at the Delaney Vineyards in Grapevine, Texas.  Her love of wine and the fact that this place did not have a square inch of carpet made it a perfect place!

The day started out with a little pampering at the Green Peridot Salon in Frisco. Teal booked this place not knowing that it was Daniel Lewis who was voted fan favorite on the Bravo tv show Shear Genius! We all got our hair, makeup, and mini facials done, and even got to hang out with Daniel for a while!

The ceremony and reception were both at the same place to make life easier! We of course took all our pictures and hung out to wait for the wedding.  There is such a huge time crunch on wedding day and in order to get the pictures all done Michael and Teal opted to see each other before the actual ceremony. The photographer basically set up the shot and really still makes Teal cry to this day.

The ceremony was very special! Teal is close to both of her dads and it is such a hard thing to deal with as a daughter for what to do when you have two dads on your wedding day.  Another perfect thing about Delaney was that it had stairs leading to the aisle and she was able to “split” the walk down the aisle duties with both of her dads. Her step father walked her down the stairs to her dad, who then walked her down the aisle where Michael, and her brother, who was the “Reverend” would give the ceremony. Teal’s brother Brad became an ordained “Reverend” before the wedding to marry Michael and Teal. Yep they let you pick your title and he chose Reverend! Teal’s grandfather spoke at the wedding too and she still cherishes these pictures so much as he was lost only a month later.  Teal feels so lucky to have stood up with her most cherished of friends. Some from childhood and others from later but all loved and cherished the same!

Reverend Brad on the left & Grandfather on the right

The ceremony ended and every one enjoyed cocktail hour while the staff turned the ceremony site into the reception! The changed happened super fast and then it was time to party! We had a seated dinner and then danced the rest of the night away!

Here are just a few pics of the wedding!

The skunk on the groom’s cakes was to remember the proposal. The entire proposal was a mess but memorable. Michael tried to ask Teal 3 times but was interrupted by a sprinkler system turning on, rowdy kids, and finally a skunk that ran in front of them!

Instead of a grand exit in a limo, Teal and Michael opted to leave in the infamous Pickle wagon! This 1960’s VW bus was not even running the day before the wedding but managed to make it!

With all of that said I cannot wait to stand up on Saturday next to Beth and see her get married! I love Beth and Brent so much and they are such a huge part of my life and will be forever! Her friendship means more to me than I can explain and she deserves such a perfect day! We will of course recap the day for you! We can’t wait for Saturday!

Wordless Wednesday No. 32

C is for Crafts, Cake & Cocktails

This weekend both our guys were headed out of town for Brent’s bachelor party. Beth was planning on doing some wedding crafting with all of that free time! Wilson was sad to see Michael packing. He’s so smart and knew that meant Michael was going away. Look at that face!

Teal & Michael’s doggie, Wilson

The two of us and Beth’s sister, Kate, decided to get the crafting started on Friday night.  So we decided to get in some hill work on the gynormous Windhaven  hill in preparation for our Tyler Rose half marathon coming up.

Hill work done!

Also, a big thank you to, Kate for making us pulled pork tacos from the crockpot for dinner Friday night! Mmmmm! Saturday Teal of course at to work so Beth, Kate and our friend Mandy got to work on crafting that morning.  Mandy brought along the flower girl or you know Meranda, her daughter to the crafting adventure.

Sweet little Meranda turned 3 on Sunday so she got some Birthday goodies while at craft time.  She makes a good princess, don’t you think?

And then our running buddy, Bitner, turned 30 this past week so we went and enjoyed some wine at Times Ten Cellars with him to celebrate!!  It was such a nice day to sit on the patio and enjoy some vino!

Kate, Beth, Teal & Bit

Checkout the cake we had! Not only did it look beautiful, but it was dee-licious!

We actually did A LOT of crafting this past weekend and hopefully everything will actually be done by the time the wedding is here! 🙂

ZOOMA Zoom Zoom & a Boom Boom!

Perhaps if we believed in signs we would have seen this weekend’s madness coming but alas we did not…..

As you may know  we had a race this weekend in Austin, the ZOOMA’s [women geared yet men are welcome!] race series half marathon. Because we live in North Dallas we were not able to make the expo so we had to have our bibs mailed, and due to uncontrolled matters Beth did not receive her bib. We were a little worried/stressed but we were able to get that solved [thanks to Tricia for helping us out!].  Teal, worried about chaffing as usual and really wanted to stop at Lululemon for a running skirt. So much so she was willing to try anything (and yes, body glide is not totally working). We stopped, shopped, and then sat down and ate dinner.  We actually didn’t leave North Texas until after 8. Whoops?? We arrived in Austin to literally crawl in bed to wake up in less than 6 hours.

We got up, realized we hadn’t prepared food wise for the race and basically were like – Whelp, what can we do? Not a good sign here for us. We had PB sandwiches and shared some Swedish fish left over from our Rock ‘n’ Roll race weekend. Haha.

The race started right on time and it is clear that neither of were really paying all that much attention because as soon as we crossed the start line we had to run up our first of MANY hills.

This one was not too bad, but we kind of looked at each other in a “oh lord, is this a sign of things to come?” way.  We knew the race was a “challenging course” per the website, but we really had NO CLUE what we were about to get into, we hadn’t seen or maybe missed an elevation map. So we were completely clueless!!

As you know we both had just come off of pretty successful half’s the week before at RnR Dallas, and it was clear within a mile that our legs were not feeling it. Teal looked at Beth and was said “I feel like a brick” Beth agreed. Crap! We kept running along, Beth decided for fun to keep track of the hills we ran because it was that crazy. After mile two, we had counted 9 hills. We are not talking little ant hills, these things were insane. We started walking up the 9th hill at mile 2. NINTH! Oh crap. We have 11.1 miles left.  13.1 had never seemed so long before to us.

We continued this,  “run down, walk up,”  business that we are both very sad to admit happened.  Because for us, it’s just personal preference for the two of us, but we aren’t run/walkers.  There was just no way! We can honestly say that we checked out mentally and our bodies were not there physically, which made matters worse.  Oh and maybe we can pour a little salt on the wound with this screen shot of our weather.

Stinking spring humidity in Texas is no joke. There was a breeze but yuck, thick air.

We decided that we would basically not let the 2:20 pacer pass up. 2:20! Good lord! What was happening?? The hills literally just kept coming. Some were so steep that EVERYONE around us walked. We honestly think crawling them would have worked just as well.  After the race our trust Runkeeper app informed us that this was our highest elevation EVER.  We have used Runkeeper for going on almost a year and a half now.

We had no clue where the course went but luckily we ran (haha!) into this lady in front of us who was running this course for the 4th time. We give her uber props! She said we had about 2 miles out and back then around the golf course on the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines resort. Ok! How bad could that be? Yah, bad. We made it down the 2 miles out and still just felt blah, we walked a little, ran a little, ran up a few hills, but then we were just both so mentally checked out that pushing anything was just terrible.

Beth had miscounted (yep, did we mention mentally checked out??) and thought we had 3 left just as we hit 9. She looks at Teal and was like 5k left. Right?  Nope 4. We walked. That is deflating!

We hit the golf course at around 11. This is a mental issue too.  We had to do a little “trail” running. We had to run on this mulch stuff that takes every ounce of bounce out of your legs. Teal looked at Beth and said “ I do NOT want to finish.” Luckily, Beth in her logic was like, “you don’t have to, but you’ll still have to go back that way.” UGH. Might as well finish at this point.

We did some more walking. Grrr!! and managed to run it in right around 2:20ish. This marks our worst half marathon to date for each of us. It was bound to happen, we know, but we were still a little blah about the entire thing. This marked our 10th half marathon but really you wouldn’t know it by how it went for us.

We hung out after and were luckily able to grab a glass of wine from the Barefoot Wine garden and met some nice ladies out there! Fun hearing other ladies’ running stories, but ultimately we decided to just get home to Dallas!

Oh, but wait, we consulted the twitterverse as to where in Austin we should get lunch so with the recommendation of a twitter friend we stopped off at Moonshine for lunch.  If you are ever in need of a place to eat when you are visiting Austin then store Moonshine in your memory bank!  And uhhh, we HAD to stop by an Austin Lululemon and uhhh, we were in Austin we HAD to stop by The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf!  Y’all, have we told you we love that place??

We pretty much passed the time in the car singing along to and every CD that Beth had in her car.  There might have been some dancing too….

To PR or Not to PR, What Did We Do? [Part1]

We ran Kacie’s run this weekend and guess what!?!?! We have a new PR!! We don’t run many 5K’s as you may have noticed so Beth has not had a chance to PR in a 5K in a long time, but this weekend she did! Beth finished Kacie’s Run in a new PR time of 25:28 winning FIRST in her age group. We really have no idea what Teal’s official time was because we broke tradition on accident [tradition being Beth always puts her chip for her] and her chip timer never made it on her shoe. Whoops! We are pretty sure if she had had her chip on she would have come in about 40-50 seconds behind Beth and made third, but who knows. And in case anyone was ever wondering, chips only work if they are on your shoe! It stayed on the bib but never registered the time. Schwoops!

Really we blame the madness of the morning on the chip problem. We ended up getting to the race an hour and a half early because they were doing bib pick up the morning of instead of pre-race. Teal thought that this might be a disaster because about 20 of her students signed up to run this race as their first ever raceand really didn’t know what to do. We got there early to pick up everything for them and meet them in the parking lot.

For Beth this is rather funny to watch. Teal’s kids are cute in that they really didn’t know what to do at all. We helped them pin bibs, get their timer chips on and listened to all the random things they ask about what to do. Most didn’t have the right shoes, wanted to run in spikes, or wondered if we would see cars on the course. They also made a point to let their teachers know they planned on beating them. They are funny and it is cool to be present during someone’s first race!

Haha! Our faces in this pic...and notice the timing chip on Teal's bib

We want to know when your first race was!! For Beth her first 5K was in 2008 at the Mardi Gras Run 5K and for Teal back in 2000 at the Susan G Komen race in Plano which was super small compared to what you see now!  So leave us a comment with when your very first race was!

Also because it is Tuesday! We wanted to again let everyone know about Girl’s Night Out we are going to tonight!  If you are going to be around the Carrollton area and would like to show some support or just see how awesome some local, business ladies are then come on out and join us from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.!  There will be door prizes that include items from the vendors there – Creative Chaos the book, a Glitzbandz, a piece of jewelry, a wine gift card to Dee Lincoln’s Restaurant, a gift card to Matador, etc.  There will be wine and treats! So come join us!  Check out the flyer below for further details!

Three Things Thursday [Ladies Themed]

Sorry to the dudes…this is geared more towards the ladies! BUT you can still read if you would like! 🙂

1.  In two days we are running the Kacie’s Run 5K, in three days we are running Dallas Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon AND in nine days we’ll be running the ZOOMA half marathon in Austin!! Like how we snuck three things into this one thing? We’re awesome like that!

2.  For our Dallas area people – come join us and some amazing vendors at this Girls Night Out! Event!  If you are coming PLEASE let us know!! 🙂

If you’ve been meaning to find a Scentsy person – there will be one there!

If you’ve been meaning to buy one of those cute no-slip headbands you see other ladies wearing at races – GlitzBandz will be there!

If you’ve been meaning to buy a new chicklit book – self published author, Kate O Lynch will be there!

If you’ve been meaning to get cute new jewelry – Melissa Vest will be there selling her handcrafted jewelry!

If you’ve been meaning to checkout a new line of skincare products – 3000BC will be there!

There will be little of something for everyone there plus a door prize and who doesn’t love wine?

3.  In keeping with the about the ladies theme of this post..check back with us on Monday as we have a GIVEAWAY coming!

Happy pre-Friday, friends! 🙂

Wine, Wedding & What Not

So from our Wordless Wednesday post yesterday if you assumed we had a FUN Saturday night at our wine dinner party then your assumption was correct! 🙂

Pretty much everyone that came has already made an appearance on this blog, so if you’ve been hanging around the LIAR blog [yes, we just abbreviated our name, ha] their names might sound familiar to you!

Beth, Heidi, Teal, Kate & Mandy

Doubt we could have gotten them to pose for a picture together so we got the boys in deep discussion 🙂 L to R: Bitner, Brent, Michael, Josh & Brian (sorry it's your back) oh and cute little Meranda!

Also, please remember this was the day after our cleanse! 🙂  We had a lovely dinner with crockpot roast, twice baked potatoes, asparagus salad, a pasta dish with butternut squash and nuts.  But special mention should be given to the dee-lish appetizers we started with pears & melon topped with prosciutto and a balsamic glaze and tomatoes & mozzarella topped with the same balsamic glaze.  Are we making your mouth water yet?

Most of the food

It was a wonderful night of good wine, good food and great friends!  Now we just need to plan the next Wine Dinner Party!  If you’re a wine lover here were all the wines we had to choose from that night. Ha 🙂 Also, if you remember back in October when Teal went to Sonoma for the weeekend well then she brought the 2007 Allure Meritage from Williamson Wines and 2007 Topel Pinot Syrah both from that trip!


The wine dinner was also a perfect night for Beth to tackle another wedding item – get a flower girl!  Mandy & Josh have THE most precious little girl – bias? No way! She is! Ha  If it’s possible for someone to adore a child before she’s even born then that’s exactly how it was for Beth.  Little Meranda was the first kid born to one of Beth’s best friends, so that probably has something to do with adoring her before she was born.  But she’s going to be the cutest little flower girl in Beth’s wedding! By the time the wedding is here Meranda will be 3 years old! Oh, how time has flown by!

Beth has also asked two more ladies to be apart of her big day as Bridesmaids!  Last week she sent flowers to her soon to be sis-in-law and it actually was perfect time!  Lindsay had kind of had a crummy week and hopefully she meant it when she said the arrival of the flowers Friday afternoon and asking her to be apart of the wedding made her day!  So lucky to be gaining an awesome sister-in-law who is the same age!  Just a couple nights ago Beth asked her sister-in-law Tiffany to be a Bridesmaid.  Tiffany has officially been apart of the Lynch family for not quite a year and a half, but it feels like so much longer! She just fits right in! The fun thing is that she and Beth are the same age too!  Beth, her sister, Kate and Tiffany try to once a month go out for sushi and it just so happened that the sister sushi night was coming up, so Beth knew that’s when she’d ask Tiffany.

A fun fact about Tiffany is that she’s a quarter Japanese.  Since fortune cookies are actually based on a Japanese cracker even though you mainly get them from a Chinese restaurant they are originally Japanese [looked it up on wikipedia, people!] Beth knew that’s how she had to ask her!


Beth's brother, Scott and sister-in-law, Tiffany

The same night as sister sushi night Beth asked if Tiffany if her oldest boy, Wesley could be the Ring Bearer.  Wesley did such a good job at Scott & Tiffany’s wedding that it’s like he’s a pro already!  Bridesmaid dresses have also been picked for the most part! 🙂  Are those allowed to be shown? Haha, the Bridesmaids get their choice of style and Beth picked the designer, color and fabric for each dress!   You are not going to get an update on if there is or is not a caterer for the wedding because there are still 12 days left in January to work on that one. 🙂

Have you noticed we are a little obsessed with the diptic app for putting multiple pictures into one picture?