August Report Card

Here’s how we measured up for the month of August!

Teal –

1.  I HATE doing weight lose goals because I always disappoint myself because my body clearly loves all of its fat (and you probably roll your eyes that this is another stupid weight goal), BUT this month is the month before my birthday and  IF I lost 5 pounds I would weigh what my goal was for 30. So it would have taken me until 31 and a rather roller coaster year for my weight but it would be off! SOOOOO there you go, lose 5 pounds and make my 30 year old goal weight (not really what I want in life just what I wanted at 30) but really do it at 31!

C- : I ultimately lost like 2.5 pounds if I get to count the morning weight! Hahaha.  We shall keep working on the forever struggle of being consistent, healthy, and fighting the fat gene!

2.  I changed my half marathon training plan slightly from Beth’s because I don’t want to burn myself out like I did last time so my goal is to make my runs! This is totally doable because I have basically started an “I am a newbie and haven’t run” training plan to not destroy my love of running again!

B: I have missed a few “short” runs but have been getting the longer ones in and loving my plan. I do not feel discouraged, slow, or overwhelmed by the plan. I know my next half marathons will not be my “fastest” but I am 100% ok with just enjoying the run!

Beth – 

1.  To get up once a week and do a workout before work.  If you follow me on twitter you pretty much know that usually on Tuesday & Thursday mornings I am up at Private Training Zone by 6:00 a.m. to get in an hour of weights with Johnny and the other ladies in my workout group.  This goal would mean I have to get up an additional morning to do a workout on my own.  There was a time when I would do this with yoga, but that has been awhile and I know I just need to transition into this type of routine.  Let’s hope this makes a habit of it!

F: Haha, this one is gonna take a lot of work on my part.  I’ve reverted back lately to even having a hard time wanting to get out of bed for my Tuesday & Thursday mornings, but I do!  I did get up early in the first week of August, but it was to try and get a bunch of reading done for my book club. lol

2. Finish yet another project at our house.

A+: There are now two walls in my house that are no longer blank! Hooray!  I even bought some fabric for a window decoration project, but still have a few more supplies to get for that one!

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now to finish accessorizing the shelves 🙂

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3. YOGA! Haha, my goals are back and the idea for this month is to get in at least 3 yoga classes a week. :)

C-: Ok, so there were two weeks where I didn’t go, BUT I still went to yoga 10 times throughout the month of August so that’s why I’m still giving myself a C range grade.  All things considered with Birthday celebrations and work picking up steam with busyness I’m proud of those 10.  I love me some yoga and glad I’m making it a priority during this marathon training cycle!

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this was before I missed a week…then another…. :-/


See you tomorrow when we lay out all of our hopes and dreams for the month of September! 😉

July Report Card

Our one idea for changing up our goal posts was to divide them up, so here’s how we measured up for July and August goals will be up next week…


1. Clean out the garage.  This thing is a mess and has just become a catch all for whatever crap I don’t want to look at in the house.  We have stuff everywhere and half of it is not even needed.  I have attempted twice to have a garage sale but because I work every Saturday or if I am off we are usually racing, I don’t have time for that.  So my goal this month is to get the garage clean. And not just clean, an organized clean so that it won’t continually get messy.  Then I think I will have to walk my husband through what I did because he will just start putting stuff wherever. 🙂

A+: I mean I don’t even think I have to say much. Just check out these pictures. I will also note that I did this all by myself in the Texas heat. Yea clean garage.. or at least as clean of a garage as I can get!

the before shot

the before shot

the after

the after

2. Create a headboard for the guest bedroom and fix the weird paint job.  When my brother lived with me forever ago he painted the guest room navy blue and got the paint on the ceiling.  I would like to fix that and then add a headboard to the new bed.  I went cheap (sorry guests) and just bought a bed and the lower frame, so it needs something to spice it up.  If you follow Beth’s sister, Kate, she recently re-did the room Beth used to live in and created a headboard.  I literally want to copy her and do the same thing!!

Big FAT F: So basically all I got to on this was reading Kate’s blog on how to do it. That’s it. I didn’t even so much as buy cloth or paint to fix the ceiling. I shall try this again, but not next month because next month is just insane!

Beth –

1. We have a couple of blank walls in our house that I know what I want to do with them but I haven’t really moved forward in the execution of the plan in my head.  One will be a long collage wall so even acquiring 50% of what I want for that wall will be an accomplishment for this month!  I also keep hearing over and over in my head my husband saying, are you going to put any of our wedding pictures up in the house??

A:  Right after our initial post I made a trip to a local thrift shop and picked up a bunch of frames for under $13 and was so proud of myself for finally doing that since I’d been meaning to for awhile.  I still need to do this a few more times to get everything I need and I just can’t afford to buy new everything.  I give myself an A because the only blank wall I really finished was on in our bedroom that was not going to require much, but hey, Brent and I also hung up the curtains we got months ago in our bedroom too.  We are getting there! Slowly….but we are!

the 3 frame collage is the new addition to this wall

the 3 frame collage is the new addition to this wall

2. Lose 5 pounds.  Yay, for bringing back the weight loss goals!! :)

A+: I did IT!!  Now to keep it off and maybe shed a few more of those lbs.

Joint Goals –

1. Get caught up!  We’ve been working on this one pretty hard lately – can you tell?? ;)

We are soooooo close to caught up! So close so we give ourselves an A- here!

2. Today marks the third time we’ve redone a half marathon training plan for ourselves and this time we are going to actually DO the runs!

Well, you’ll see from our August goals partly we we give ourselves a…..let’s say C here.  One of us might be doing something different and the other missed 2 runs. Oopsies!

Have an awesome weekend!