#LiAR Goes Ultra

#LiAR Goes Ultra

Ok, so we didn’t totally go ultra…..but we DID go and crew our favorite groupie in her first ever ultra race!!  Since Catherine refers to herself as a LiAR groupie we can just put that out there on the ol’ blog, right?!

Thanks again to Ninja for letting us ride with him down to Huntsville for Rocky Raccoon!  We all meet up verrry early Saturday morning which was race day to make the roughly two and a half hour drive.  We actually left Dallas at the time of the race’s start and hoped to get there just in time to see Catherine come in from her first of three 16.7 mile loops!  And we did in fact make it! We got to join in a set up right by the finish line so we could see her coming from a mile away. Ok, just kidding it was less than a mile, but you get the idea….
This was really our first time at an ultra and we’d heard about “crewing” and knew people that had gone out to “crew” a friend’s race, but what all “crewing” entailed we did not know!
Ha, mostly we sat around a lot and learned from other people “crewing” around us what to do.  Which was good because by the time Catherine came in from loop 1 Ninja and Byron that we’d been hanging out with had wandered off somewhere and it was just us with our racer!

If you zoomed in you’d definitely see the beginnings of a smile on that face – loop 1 is done!

Do you need food?!
Do you need your water refilled?!
What do you need help with?!
Are you changing shoes?!
We don’t know what to do but ask you questions?!
So again, do you need food?!
Do you need something to drink?!
And then she was off again! And we resumed our sitting and eating the food that Teal, the smart woman that she is, brought with her!  We are pregnant….we’re allowed to sit around and eat all the food! 🙂
We should also mention our buddy, Paul, was out there as well.  We did zero things to crew for him. Ha! Paul was pretty darn reliant on himself and the food tent for the runners.  Which also, holy cow, ALL of the food they have out there for these crazy ultra runners!  

Congrats, Paul! A nice first 50 miler in the books for you!

And then our girl, Cat, came in for the BIG finish! Of course she’d stolen Ninja’s jacket from him at an aid station so we were looking for the wrong color race attire.  Teal could tell she was coming solely on her gait and we were excited to see her after a few hours and finished with such an awesome accomplishment!IMG_2319[1]

She did it! (of course she did) photo cred: Ninja

She did it! (of course she did)
photo cred: Ninja


In case you ever doubted in this post that we were the most awesome crew people ever, well, here you go…..


photo cred: Studebaker


Now we are just waiting for Catherine to tell us when her next 50 miler is so we can test our crewing skills again! 🙂  She’s a freaking rock star in our books!  We are lucky she let’s us even hang out with her! 🙂

One, last shout out, for that day goes to Jason of Cook Train Eat Race who completed his first 50 miler that day and in the time since this race  Jason has completed his first 100 miler! Freaking awesome! Who runs 100 miles?!


photo cred: Byron


You ultra people are freaking crazy! 🙂  In a good way!  Hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post of a race that happened almost 3 months ago! We have such rock star friends!

First Trail Run

Ok so we have thought about how to actually  start this post so everyone could see the fear we had about this, and we couldn’t think of anything so we think it would work the best to just let you see our text messages to each other which show how clueless and scared we actually were! We were basically trying to decide where we were going to do our long run last weekend and really hadn’t thought much about it except we knew we wanted to run in the morning- duh, its’ 9 million degrees here!  We have both recently joined the North Texas Runners and really wanted to see what they were doing. Beth had been active on twitter during the day and saw that they were going to do a trail run at Erwin Park… here are our initial thoughts –
Teal: It says trail? Does that mean grass and stuff?
Beth: Hahaha uh maybe?
Teal:  haha its says, plenty of climbing and alternatives to easy routes, 8.1 mile loop, There is a you tube video.
 LOL it looks CRAZY might be fun might die.
Beth: If you’re up for it. I’m up for it. Ill do whatever.
Teal: ok- I’ll meet you at your house.
It’s a true trail I’m scared
Beth: We don’t have to, Ill do whatever
Teal: Its fine I just haven’t done that since High school
Beth: I have no idea what to expect! Will we die?
Can we stay together I’m scared?
Teal: YES!!
Beth: Oh god
Teal: I know oh god for sure
So really this was a little taste of our anxiety- I would highly recommend NOT watching the youtube video. It’s crazy- well maybe not for veterans but for us newbies I was like, great. We are going to die! 
We actually never saw the North Texas Runners which was totally our fault, we were running late and we didn’t really know where we were going.  We decided to start where we parked, just the two of us- but don’t worry we seriously questioned staying on the street. We decided to buck it up and actually do it. We started out well. We ran the first 2.5ish miles fairly quickly with a lot of checking on each other and laughing.  Tree branches everywhere, roots- you know… grass and stuff! I am not sure that either one of us anticipated all the weaving and ducking and after about 30 minutes we were exhausted. We decided to walk and take some pics and run again. We started switching off run 10, walk 5.  This is hard for us to admit- we don’t like walking when we run, and I think get a little frustrated about it but this was nuts! We powered through and finished the 4.5ish mile loop in a little over an hour. We were tired, dirty and proud. This was something we had never done, never knew what to expect, and really could have chickened out at any time.
Trail running is seriously awesome and challenging. I think we both felt really good after the run and really felt like it was a great work out despite the walking we had to do. This is something we look forward to again as it is great training and just an all over humbling experience.
Here are some scenes from our run!











We got a little dirty out there which I think is something we didn’t really think about, but it’s a good kind of dirty right?  And Beth went out on her first run using a camelpak which she was VERY glad to have!  In this Texas heat all the water you can comfortably carry is awesome in our opinion!














Now, we know 4.5 miles isn’t THAT far, but considering it was our very first trail run and it’s a different run than we were use to we were still proud.  We’d anticipated that run being our long run for last week and opted to wake up early Wednesday and put in some good miles together.  So yesterday we met at Beth’s house at 5:30 a.m. and got in just under 7.5 miles!  This coming weekend we are hoping to get in a run and finally meet some other members in North Texas Runners!