Beth’s Bachelorette Bash

As you might remember in our Throwback Thursday post a couple of weeks ago, we mentioned that Beth’s bachelorette party was that weekend! It has taken Teal this long to recover and recoup so I figured now was the time to let you all in on the excitement of the weekend.

Beth’s sister Kate was pretty much the mastermind of this event. We started the weekend by checking in at the Belmont Hotel in the in the Bishops Arts district. This is an awesome newly renovated 1940’s boutique hotel! We highly recommend checking it out.

That night we decided to keep it low key, as to go all out Saturday. We headed to Tillman’s Roadhouse for dinner and drinks. Even though it was low key we weren’t letting Beth out without her super classy bachelorette garb made by our friend Rebekah!

Dinner was awesome and even included table side smores!


In case you haven’t met us, we EAT! We headed to brunch at Smoke (which is conveniently located next to the Belmont Hotel!) Saturday morning, it is conveniently attached to the hotel! After Smoke we hit the pool to burn a few hours before heading out to Dry Bar! This pool has an amazing view of the Dallas skyline.

If you have never seen straight haired Beth, prepare to be amazed! All of us had our hair blown out at Dry Bar- if you have never been GO! They are awesome, include an adult beverage or two, and completely do your hair for you! We like!

We hadn’t totally planned this out, but we wanted to try the drinks at the hotel bar a.k.a. Bar Belmont and made a quick stop there before dinner! So many mixings on the beverages! Eeek!!  What to choose?

Every bride needs lingerie so we turned dinner into a lingerie party as well! We won’t mention the creepy waiter who lingered around for that part, oh wait.. we did, yuck!!

After dinner we headed across the street to Prime Bar where we put Beth to work! She too had a “scavenger hunt” and succeeded like a champ! Just to give you a little idea here are a few pics of her efforts!


Get 5 guys take a picture with you of their belly buttons. These guys were awesome!

We promise there were actually 5 of them!

Show us your muscles! She even got his first shirt off!

Get the advice of 5 male strangers on marriage!

Definitely some interesting advice out there!

Call the last person on a cell phone!

Pic with a guy named Brent- we at least we think that was his name! 🙂

We made one last stop at Dee Lincoln’s Bubble Bar for her last three tasks and headed to the hotel! Great ending to a perfect night!

Beth is such a trooper and we are now just a few days away from the 3 month mark until the wedding! Where has the time gone?