Tour des Fleurs 10K

By now you’ve probably learned that with some of our weekends we really like to go big or go home and by that we mean fit ALL of the things into one weekend. 🙂  Our Wordless Wednesday post was a glimpse into everything we had going on this past weekend.

We kicked it off Saturday morning by running the Tour des Fleurs 10K at the Arboretum just like we’ve done every September for the last 5 and 6 years.  And per usual our friend Bitner also participated in the race with us, but this year we also made Catherine join in the fun as well!


You can probably tell from the picture that Bitner was a little cold that morning – ha!  A “cold” front had come through and we woke up in Dallas to temperatures in the 60’s.  It was woooonderful and a big change from the heat!  By the time we catch a shuttle bus from the parking lot to the Arboretum and walk through the Arboretum to the race area we aren’t really there that early and it’s time to start the race.  Off we all go on our merry way.

Running along White Rock Lake as we have done every year at this race.  We make it to the one “major” hill on the course that’s almost at the halfway mark.  Beth encounters a runner that’s running a zig zag pattern up the hill with her fingers out dancing along to her music.  We turn the corner and the hill is over! There’s a 3 mile marker sign. Huh? Where was the 2 mile marker sign?  Oh, well surely someone just messed up. Running, running.  Hey 5 mile marker sign.  Ok, this is just messed up!  We are a little over a mile off from these mile markers.  Beth opted to go music-less for this race and no one else around her was commenting about the markers so she kind of assumed maybe she just took a wrong turn because it wouldn’t have been the first time (hello, Too Hot to Handle 2011!).  Teal right away knew something was wrong with the course and reaffirmed that with other runners around here.

It turned out that the lead officer took that right turn onto the “big” hill instead of going straight a little bit further and us coming back to the hill.   And then there really wasn’t a person out there to direct racers either, so we all ended up running a 5.15 mile race. PR’s for everyone! 🙂

When the race was over we each grabbed our finisher’s hats (THANKS for bringing those back, TDF!!) and made our way to the after party.  They do throw a darn good after party with beer, lots of different food options and some free schtuff.


see the free schutff in our hands?

One of the best parts about this race is getting to walk around the Arboretum afterwards and see all the pumpkins and gourds out all over the place.  The majority of the time it doesn’t feel like Fall is even that close when we do this race, but we absolutely love getting to see the Arboretum all done up for Fall.


There were a lot of racers whose family came with them and were taking their children out of strollers to have their pictures taken amongst the pumpkins.  As you know we don’t have kids so we opted to put Bitner in the pumpkins and take his picture. 🙂  He loves of us, clearly, because he puts up with us doing these things!

IMG_0031[1]It is sad that the race wasn’t a true 10K, but we love this race!  We can still remember the feelings of nervousness when we were running our first 10Ks. So far!  It’s a bit pricey, but considering the great after party, the finisher’s hat (though they were gone for two years) and the free entry into the Arboretum it’s a good deal! We’ll be back!

Wordless Wednesday 39

Wordless Wednesday 39




times ten


teal art thing

balloon fest


September Recap & October Goals

Ahh yah! Look at us, we are posting our goals ON October 1st!  We aren’t complete slackers……well, read on and decide for yourselves! 🙂


1. Make Bridesmaid dress fit!

F-: I have no clue, I haven’t tried it on again. Maybe I should do that??

2. Read my book club book before September 23rd without having to cram, but hopefully Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult will hold my interest (I am not a big fiction book person and the club turned down my 100 Year Lie suggestion).

B: I finished and technically the night before so that is better than the last time where I was 15 minutes late and couldn’t shower because I was finishing it on the way out the door!

3. Log food within 100 calories of goal.

B+: I logged 21 days straight and for the most part those days were fairly close to this goal. That was for sure the best month I have had lately in logging food!

4. Not cry on my 30th Birthday!

A+++: I didn’t and now I am 30 and the world has not ended and no one has called me old. And PS: Thank you so everyone for all of the awesome birthday wishes, you made it so much easier to handle!


1. Run 20 miles a week.

F: Only one week out of the whole month I actually made 20 miles and that was this last week. :-/ At least I did it once instead of not at all??

Daily Mile monthly log

2. Not kill anyone….haha, not trying to be morbid, but wedding planning is HARD!

A+: I didn’t! Everyone is still alive! I did cry a couple times, but again, everyone is still alive!


1. Figure out and finalize our marathon training plan!

A+: We did and we even signed up for a few races to go along with it! Check out our Race Schedule page if you want to join us for some races.

2. Run a good, strong race at Tour des Fleurs since we will be basing our training times off of this 10k!

A+: We both PR’d at TDF, so we definitely count that as a good, strong race!!


This month since things will reeeeally be crazy since Beth & Brent’s wedding is only 26 days away we are joining forces and only having joint goals! They are:

1. Complete the Tyler Rose half marathon for our 3rd race in the 4 seasons challenge. It’s coming up October 7th!

2. Start marathon training!

3. Get Beth married!

photo courtesy of Jeffrey Lynch

Calling All Tour des Fleurs Racers

There have been  a few of you out there that have mentioned to us that you are running Tour des Fleurs and so are we!

The sad thing about this is the moment we are finished with the 10K we will be booking it out of there to get back to  Beth’s so we can shower and be all purdy for a wedding shower.

Why are we telling you all of this? Well, we would reeeeally like to see people there, so if you happen to get there early we will be at the arboretum at 6:45 a.m. and hanging out by the area where bands normally play.

Look for us in our orange Lululemon skirts again and possibly the same top? We just discussed wearing the same skirt! =)


If we happen to not see you before TDF we wish you the best of luck and send you speedy vibes!

Tour des Fleurs

Wheee! Another race weekend is in front of us. Tomorrow we will be running the Tour des Fleurs (TDF) benefiting the Dallas Arboretum.  This race is either a 10k or 20k distance – pick your poison.  We have run this race before and only as a 10k.  If you look at our PR page you’ll notice this is our very FIRST time running a 20k race, so yah!! No matter what we’ll both PR this weekend. 🙂

If you checked out our marathon training schedule you’ll notice we put 20k race + 4 miles…well, we decided we are going to attempt a total of 16 miles tomorrow.  Our plan is to run the 20k and keep in mind we have a little bit more than a 5k to do afterwards.  So if you see two crazy girls grab their TDF hats at the finish line and keeping going that’s why!  We’ll actually be out there with our friend Bitner (whom we’ve run with before) and I believe he plans on doing the same thing as he is also in marathon training for White Rock.

Here is what our course looks like:

We have run around White Rock Lake a handful of times so the only surprise for us will be the NOT around the lake part.  We are confident we will do fine tomorrow.  Maybe we still have a Disneyland Half high mixed with oh my gosh the weather is starting to be awesome again in Dallas high!


Precip: 10%

Wind: 7mph

High: 89*

Low: 70*


We share the same goals this week – do our best with the 20k and have our minds mentally prepared for the additional mileage we’ll put in after the race!  Which will also mean that this is the first time we’ve EVER run more than 13.1 miles! We got this!