Gender Explanation

Gender Explanation

SOOOOOOO it turns out that Baby Perez is actually a BOY which might confuse you because, when I originally posted that I was pregnant it was a picture of my dog that said “ Wilson’s first look at his baby SISTER

perez baby announc (1)

Well as it turns out they were wrong! I really think that we are off about a week on everything, but they have yet to adjust my due date or anything but this is basically what happened.

We went in for a sono and they made a guess that the baby was a girl. Literally they said “ you see these three lines, by this time it would be vertical if it was a boy

I went for a second sono for extended testing, one where they check out the brain, kidneys, heart, if my kid has all its limbs, all the good stuff. Also important to note is this sono was long and extensive, I was in there for about an hour. This was about a week later and they again stated….” Oh we are 90% sure you are having a girl, you see these three lines, they would be vertical by now”. This appointment actually had a sonographer and another doctor in it. So 2 more people have said it!

So at that point, I had had 3 different people (2 sonographers, and a doctor) state that I was, in their medical opinion, with 90% accuracy, in fact having a girl.

We went in for the 20 week official “gender” sono and much to our surprise Baby Perez was actually a BOY.


So there you have it and lesson learned.  I am new at this clearly and totally believed that they were pretty good at guessing this stuff and had logical reasoning behind it. Plus my app said that at the time I was at that appointment the gender was developed. What I HONESTLY think has happened, like I said before, is that my baby is really a little earlier than they think. He actually still measures a little small in appointments, at my 24 week appt many measurements were at the 22-23 week range! I guess when he decides to come will tell us if he really is “younger”.

But nonetheless Baby Perez is a BOY and we are super excited…. Now to just find a dang name? Suggestions anyone?!

Wordless Wednesday No. 43

Wordless Wednesday No. 43

baby perez 1 (1)


baby perez 2 (2)

Wordless Wednesday No. 41

Wordless Wednesday No. 41

perez baby announc