White Rock Marathon

Well, after a year of running and training the big weekend is fiiinally here. CRAZY! Its is pretty clear that we have been a full range of emotions this week and are pretty sure that will continue through the weekend. I think we’ll save the details of that for the recap! I’m sure you can’t wait for whatever stream of writing comes from that! 🙂 As many of you know we will be running in the Dallas White Rock Marathon on Sunday!


So we figured we would give you a few details about the race- especially for those not from here! Based on the news yesterday it is cool that this race is designed by over 40 runners for runners and has awesome features to accommodate the actual runners! (did we say runners enough in that last sentence??) It is pretty interesting also to note that this is also the oldest and largest marathon in Texas and the race benefits the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children.  The course has been improved this year and we recently read an awesome article that details the top 10 things that runners and spectators should know about the race. You can find the link here but we figured we would tell you we are excited about the improved starting times. Last year as we ran the half marathon it actually took us almost 45 minutes to start—eeek. And they said that this year all runners should have crossed the start line within 35minutes! Also the route is wider in areas which is super helpful because there was some strange bottlenecking spots in the ½ last year!


We are so ready for this to start! SO READY! We have been a little nuts this week. Teal went home on Wednesday and was such a mess. She ended up baking cookies, making a wreath, uploading pictures and then tossing and turning all night. These may seem relatively normal but are actually things that never happen at all. She even left the stupid hot glue gun on all day and while driving to grad school she missed the exit. She has gone to that school for nearly 7 years – Can it be race day yet?? Beth has been staying occupied by…well, anytime she thinks about the marathon she immediately stops thinking about the marathon. 🙂  And as actually taken a HUGE step back from normal activities and read A LOT and caught up on the DVR this past week!


So in getting with the details of the race the course is described as mostly flat with rolling hills. We have heard different stories about those “rolling hills” and many have even called them the “Dolly Parton” hills. We hope they are more like the 12 year old Dolly and not the current Dolly.  We can’t wait to see Michelle‘s (@rnrgrltx) husband out there at the Dolly hills!  Here is a picture of the course with the elevation! We are excited that the last part is basically down hill!


Another aspect of the race that is making us a tad bit nervous is the weather.  And by a tad bit nervous we mean constantly freaking out! 🙂 We are not shy or worried about running in the cold. We have done that plenty of times before but we are worried about RAIN. We have been checking the weather since Monday and it is pretty safe to say that that was not the best idea! As of today the weather is as follows:


We have both purchased rain gear.  We hope it’s enough!  Beth actually purchased this awesome jacket for the race –



Thanks to Mary Alice for telling Beth about it and not killing her for running off and buying one for herself!

And Teal for the FIRST time ever has actually purchased something with a little color (you’re welcome, Beth!) –

We are still worry about whether or not we will be warm enough out there should it really rain and if it should rain reeeeally hard!  We’ll both be wearing our Brooks Arm Sleeves again. Green for Teal and yellow for Beth –

We’ll both be wearing the same shirt and Teal will be wearing the Nike pants on the left and Beth will be wearing the CW-X pants on the right.  So should you see one of these combos of clothing with one of our jackets on us – you found us! HA

We have tons of friends & family coming to watch us and we could not be more grateful!! We appreciate your support SO MUCH!! We have been working on strategically placing them along the course to help us out!  We have also set up RunKeeper Elite because the race does not have official tracking this year. 🙁  So if anyone wants to track us you can find us both by following these links:

Beth is at –  http://runkeeper.com/user/ealynch12/races

Teal is at –  http://runkeeper.com/user/tealperez/races

Although we think that we should both show up on the same map, but just in case you have the link for each of us.  Fingers crossed!

Our goal is rather different for this race – first and foremost we want to finish!  And not only do we want to finish we want to do it without stopping – no walking!  It is not in either one of us to stop and start it again.  We cannot tell you how HARD it is for us to get going after we stop to walk. We want to run the entire thing.  So with that ultimate goal accomplished we are going to run at a pace that would hopefully put us finishing the marathon between 4:15 and 4:20.  We will ultimately be happy with either of these things occurring and we are SO excited about actually achieving this goal!

 If you have any tips for and or suggestions for running in the rain we will gladly take them!