#RnRSA Saturday Lunch!

Ok, our fellow Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio running tweeps!! Let’s have lunch together on Saturday at The Cove!

606 W. Cypress

San Antonio, Texas 

It’s less than 4 miles from the Alamodome if you are going to be coming from the expo or going to the expo after (which is what we’ll probably do).

I’m just going to throw 12:00 p.m. out there as a lunch time and you can comment if you think it should be a different time!

Can’t wait to meet those of you that we haven’t met yet!

Also, feel free to comment and let us know if you plan to come so we can get a count for a table!

Baby Jack

He’s here!! We are celebrating with Cindy’s family on the arrival of a new family member and as we’ve said before Cindy’s first grandbaby. Cindy has to be smiling down on them from heaven!

Julie at 38 weeks

Jack’s mom, Julie went in Tuesday for her 38 week appointment after two weeks of bed rest due to high blood pressure, and her blood pressure had gotten a little worse. Her doctor admitted her into the hospital and said we’ll either induce Wednesday or Thursday.

After regularly checking Julie’s Facebook page and Cynthia’s Facebook page there was finally an update at 2:30ish Tuesday afternoon that she was moving along. Then 30 minutes later a text message from Jeff, the dad to be, that in an hour the pushing would probably start. And then radio silence for hours! Haha Sometime in the 7:00 o’clock hour Aunt Cyn posted Jack’s first picture on Facebook.

Jack Scott was born at 7:12pm weighing 7 pounds 5 ounces and 21 inches long! Mom, even though she had some complications, and baby are both healthy, and they should all be going home today!

Jack & his JimmyPa (Julie's dad)


Aunt Cynthia & Jack (Cynthia is pregnant with Baby Cindy due January 7th)


Last night Beth got the opportunity to go meet Jack and see how Julie & Jeff were holding up!  He’s such a teeny tiny guy!  Made all kinds of sweet noises and cute faces!  Don’t worry Beth isn’t scared of holding Jack just trying talk to Julie and hear about everything!


We are still in fundraising time, so if you’d like to donate money to Team Cindy, Jack’s heavenly grandmom please go here.  We cannot tell you how much we appreciate everyone’s support and the honor to raise money in the name of Cindy Marshall-Death!  We will be proudly wearing our Team Cindy shirts while we run the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio half on November 13, 2011.