Running Moms Rock 5K

Running Moms Rock 5K

Back in April I had this brilliant plan that I would keep up with running 5Ks after completing Kacie’s Run and that way I could get a collection of race t-shirts that would fit my growing pregnant belly.  Except I pretty much didn’t follow through with that at all. Ha! Both Teal and I had become apart of the local chapter of Moms Run This Town and I heard from our girl, Catherine, that she would be participating in the Running Moms Rock 5K along with some of the other moms.


I might not be a mom to a baby on the outside yet, but I figured since I have a baby cooking I could participate in this 5K, right?

Unlike most races that start in the wee hours of the morning this one was at 5:00 p.m.  We are in April here in Texas and the heat has already come out to play for the year, so it was a bit toasty out there.  This race was so last minute for me that I actually signed up at the race site.

Even though it was just a 5K, I definitely had a case of the going out too fasts.  Oh, well, you live and you learn plus this whole running while pregnant thing is still very new to me.  I met up with DK on the course and we completed the 5K together.  It was good to have a buddy out there and to catch up with her since I hadn’t seen her in awhile! I brought home a time of 33:58.

25 weeks 3 days pregnant at the Running Moms Rock 5K

25 weeks 3 days pregnant at the Running Moms Rock 5K

Since I was last minute on this race I didn’t get to participate in being on a team for the race and coming up with a costume to wear, but thankfully the other ladies in the MRTT group let me still be apart of their photo after the race! Don’t they look cute?

photo cred: Jolene A from Moms Run This Town

photo cred: Jolene A from Moms Run This Town

Back to my brilliant plan of running 5K’s so you get a t-shirt instead of a tech tee, well, that definitely didn’t happen here. Who knew they’d actually be passing out tech tees for this race.  So while I was successful in running a 5K I was not in having an extra large shirt to fit my pregnant belly. Oh well!