September Report Card

September Report Card

Teal –

1. Clean out the back bedroom. Just look at this mess. Enough said and now I am sufficiently embarrassed!

B-: even though it looks like I actually did nothing I did a bunch, hence the decent grade. I got a lot of crap moved out, donated, or reorganized into another room but in the process I moved more things in here. I really need to deal with the fact that my house has no storage and toss some stuff but I am still working on finding homes for things. I’ll continue but I have made progress.

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2.  Join Soul Motivation yoga and go 2 times per week. I used to do yoga at 24 Hour Fitness with the guy (Joseph) who now owns Soul Motivation. He left 24 Hour obviously but I have so missed him. It’s pretty far from my house but it’s worth it. Just need to get my butt up there.

B-: Apparently I like this grade today. I am not going to join now because I haven’t been able to actually get there. It’s kinda far from my house and its smack dab in the middle of 635 construction (I’m thinking summer time) and I leave work at all weird hours, I decided to buy his DVD’s. I have heard awesome things about them from his former yogis, so I figured I would try that instead for now. I am still going to try and make the Friday community classes for just $5 and the occasional Saturday for $7 if my dad lets me off early from work! I just got the DVDs yesterday so I’ll let you know how they go!

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3. Make healthy popsicles! I am in a search for healthy popsicle recipes! I know summer is basically over but its Texas so I still have awhile! I bought super cool Popsicle molds like a month ago and have not even attempted to use them. This must change!

A: Made them and they are good, kinda tart but good.

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(one cup plain Greek yogurt, one pint blueberries, one cup of strawberries, juice of 5 lemons, tablespoon of honey- mix in blender, poor in container, freeze, eat) You can probably use less of each thing because I actually had about a cup too much for my containers.

Beth – 

1. Our house is still a work in progress obviously and I’m pretty positive every month for awhile I could work on a new house project.  This month my house project is to actually make window treatments for at least one window.  I have fabric for two and then remember I wanted to make some for a third window as well.  So I’m starting small with one window and hope I actually accomplish more.

F: My windows are still verrrrryy lonely! 🙁

2. Read two books.  On goodreads I set a challenge of reading 26 books this year and have been on track or ahead by just a liiiittle bit all year long.  Need to keep that up. I also joined a book club a couple of months ago, so I’ll be reading Serena by Ron Rash as one of my books to be ready for our next meeting!

A+: I did it! I read two books except they weren’t the ones I told you about. Ha! Since we posted our goals so late into the month I’d already let my mind forget about the book club book I read for our meeting in early September.  We read Table for Seven by Whitney Gaskell for our September meeting so that was book number 1.  The second book I read before diving into October’s book (Serena) was The Likeness by Tana French.  I read her first book a couple of years ago and I keep trying to spread them out so I don’t run out of Tana French books to read. 🙂  Am I the only dork that does this??


3. YOGA!!  Still with the goals and needing to get them done!

B-: I’ve still been though I did slack off in the last week of September hence the somewhat lower score! 🙂

September Goals

Oh, good! We are getting our goals for the month up before it’s officially the half way mark. 🙂

Teal –

1. Clean out the back bedroom. Just look at this mess. Enough said and now I am sufficiently embarrassed!

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2.  Join Soul Motivation yoga and go 2 times per week. I used to do yoga at 24 Hour Fitness with the guy (Joseph) who now owns Soul Motivation. He left 24 Hour obviously but I have so missed him. It’s pretty far from my house but it’s worth it. Just need to get my butt up there.

3. Make healthy popsicles! I am in a search for healthy popsicle recipes! I know summer is basically over but its Texas so I still have awhile! I bought super cool Popsicle molds like a month ago and have not even attempted to use them. This must change!

Beth – 

Don’t kill me if my goals are pretty much the same as last month! Still working perfecting them.

1. Our house is still a work in progress obviously and I’m pretty positive every month for awhile I could work on a new house project.  This month my house project is to actually make window treatments for at least one window.  I have fabric for two and then remember I wanted to make some for a third window as well.  So I’m starting small with one window and hope I actually accomplish more.

2. Read two books.  On goodreads I set a challenge of reading 26 books this year and have been on track or ahead by just a liiiittle bit all year long.  Need to keep that up. I also joined a book club a couple of months ago, so I’ll be reading Serena by Ron Rash as one of my books to be ready for our next meeting!

3. YOGA!!  Still with the goals and needing to get them done!

Here’s to hoping we’ve been working on these for the past 12 days already if not we’ve got a lot of work to do! 😉  Hope your September is going great!