The 2014 Running of Tour des Fleurs 10K

The 2014 Running of Tour des Fleurs 10K

This was the first race we ran together post baby for both of us! If you’ll remember when we ran Liberty by the Lake on the 4th of July that was Teal’s first race back and Lane’s first race on the outside! 🙂


Let’s stop for a second and admire how beautiful White Rock looks in the background of the above and below pictures.


Neither one of us had really run as far as a 10K since having Lane and Miles so we knew that we weren’t reeeeally ready to run TDF, BUT we’ve run it the last 4 years so we didn’t want to miss it this year.  We love this race! In fact we probably say that every year. Plus you basically have free admission to the arboretum so we forced our husbands and babies to come along so that we could have photo time afterwards.


Per usual we ran this race with Bitner because he’s part of the tradition of it too. 🙂  Not to mention it’s his birthday weekend so it’s an all around Bitner weekend and we are so glad he made the trip up here from Austin.  We are still in denial even now that he has left us for Austin.  And our girl, Catherine, came out to run it for a second year with us too. You’re welcome for that, TDF!

The plan for this race was stick together, know there will be some walk breaks and finish! It was a good hour plus of catching up on life, babies and everything in between.  We were even lucky enough to catch Mark out there on the lake getting in a 20 mile run for the day.


We finished the race, got our finisher’s hats and made our way to the pumpkins for photos.



hehehe #newmomfail

IMG_6706We will see you next year, Tour des Fleurs! 🙂


Wordless Wednesday 39

Wordless Wednesday 39




times ten


teal art thing

balloon fest
