Someone Hold Us We’re Running a Half This Weekend

That’s right if you’ll remember from our little countdown a week ago we are in fact running the Hottest Half on Sunday!

This week we’ve discussed the race and how we will survive it plan to cross that finish line together.  Once again being us, we were totally in sync with each other.  Are you sickened by our ability to be like that? Running partner match made in heaven!  On a side note, can we tell you how hard it is to NOT type NSYNC whenever we talk about how in sync we are?

Anyway, we also recently let you in on how our running has been not so excellent lately so we are enacting a run/walk strategy into this weekend’s half marathon.  We both are not big fans of the run/walking because our racing legs just don’t do so well with that method. (disclaimer: if you do that method we ain’t judgin’, you might cross a finish line faster than us doing it, but it’s just not OUR preferred method – that’s it! Promise)

We have no time goals for this race although in the back of our minds we’d both like it to be faster than our ZOOMA half times.  Thankfully the high on Sunday is only 99, no triple digits! Haha

Maybe you sense the dread in our posts about running such a hot half marathon and wonder why are you running it?  It’s the bling!  You see we signed up for the Four Seasons challenge and this is race 2 out of 4.  We crossed off spring half marathon with Big D Half and hopefully this weekend we’ll be crossing off summer half!