Going Back to Where it All Started

This weekend we will be running the race that started it all for us as Life is a Run…well, kinda.  We say kinda because they changed the name on us from White Rock Marathon to Dallas Marathon and the race course is very different.  Not to mention the starting line is no longer in Fair Park, but that’s been the case in years past since this race did start in 1971 and this wouldn’t be the first time the start is actually in downtown Dallas.

Excuse us while we steal a couple words from some of our frunners (stolen word #1 – credit to Mama C), but there’s one frunner in particular, Michelle, who just had her half-a-versary (stolen word #2) and we are about to have our’s!  Hearing that phrase from MK really puts this coming weekend into perspective.  Because really this weekend is kind of a big deal in our world or at least a reflection on where we started and just how far we have come since 2010.

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2010 when we became half marathoners!

We both had been runners in different times of our lives, but 2010 was when Teal asked Beth if she wanted to run a half with her, a distance neither one of us had come close to running.  It’s cute to think now how we use to run for time not for distance, you know like, long run this weekend is running for an hour and a half – oh my!  It’s also cute to think how neither one of us ran with a phone or any device with GPS.  We ran on feel alone. Ohhhh how the times have changed!  And who would have thought in 2011 we’d come back to run White Rock Marathon as our first marathon!? By the time we come back this year to toe the line at the half marathon distance it will be our 15th half marathon upon it’s completion.

In 2010, we had pretty much the perfect weather and little did we know that we were actually going to be spoiled by that.  We would like to pat ourselves on the pack for actually starting our first ever half in very appropriate running gear.  Yes, in the above picture we have fleeces on but we had Michael, Brent & Kate holding onto all of that for us while we ran.  Then 2011, for this very week leading up to the marathon we were both panicked.  WHAT?! Rain on marathon day??  What will we wear? What do we need?  Well, we learned lessons from that one. You could read about them here.

Teal finish photo

Teal becoming a Marathoner!


Beth becoming a Marathoner!

It’s race week once again for White Rock/Dallas Marathon and per usual we have no idea what we are going to wear because we are pretty sure the projected forecast for Sunday has changed in some form or fashion each day this week. We mentioned in our weekend post how we’d hit a record high last Sunday in the 80’s. Well, we’ve had chances of a cold front coming through Sunday and we’ve had highs of 77 or something like that, so we’ll just have to see how it all plays out. As long as there isn’t rain we should be good! 🙂

In pre-race posts of the past we’ve given you a goal and we are going to kind of do that for you here.  Our individual thoughts, expectations and what not going into Dallas Marathon this weekend –

Teal: I am actually for the first time in a while nervous about a race. I usually just go and run and that is that. I know for a fact that I can make 13.1, clearly!  I haven’t set goals for a while because they started to have the opposite effect on me and they weren’t motivating. I am nervous because I do really want/need this race to go well. It is the last one before the Marathon… dun dun dun. AND I seriously, as dumb as it sounds, am still stuck on how completely and totally crappy last year was for this race (i know it was the full), but still and that has carried over into my marathon training. Sooo really if I was goal setting, my goal is to have an awesome race and to gain some confidence going into the Marathon, confidence that I pretty much do not have right now. I don’t even need a PR, I just want my race to feel good. How to make that happen?? I don’t know. So there goal set. Wish me luck.

Beth: White Rock Half 2010 holds my half marathon PR.  The closest I’ve come to my 1:56:39 PR was at Big D this past April, but I was still 34 seconds away from my PR.  I want so bad to beat that and I want to say that I could do it this weekend, but I just don’t know if I can. I’d like to run a smart race where I definitely do not start out too fast and have enough left in me to speed across that finish line.  I’m afraid of making “get a new PR this weekend” a goal because I’m not fully sure I can do it.  All year I though I’d come back to this race and conquer it with a new PR, but when I heard about them changing up the course it kind of changed things for me a little bit. So just like Teal is nervous, this goal I so want is making me nervous for race day Sunday.

So there you have it some of our reflections as we run our Half-a-versary race this weekend and what we think going into it.  Bring on half marathon no. 15 for #LiAR!  May the speed be with us!

Thirty Things Thursday





2. Not just any Birthday either…..it’s her 30th Birthday!


3. We will now spend the next 9 months and 18 days running races in different age groups….

4. Teal’s name starts with T (in case you didn’t know ;)) like Thursday, thirty, and her dad’s name, Tom!




5. As you might know, Teal became a marathoner in her 20’s.

6. She has the same Birthday as Rosie PEREZ.




7. You also might know that, Teal completed 13th half marathons in her 20’s.

number 13

8. She once ate over 30 jalapenos just to get her brother to wear pants.  He laughed afterwards and did not wear pants.

9. If you didn’t catch on from above….she likes Justin Bieber….or at least his tunes….or maybe I made that up??

10. She loves Mark Salling. He also turned 30 this year.




11. (9 + 6) = 15 (X 2) (like in 82 a.k.a. 1982 a.k.a. Teal’s birth year) = 30

12. On this day in 1839 the Cherokee Nation formed and you know what? Teal is part Cherokee!

13. Pretty much she is a bad ace and all who know her are lucky!

14. Teal’s cool husband, Michael, collaborated on this with me…..thanks, Miguel!

photo by Gina Van Bemmel


15. There really aren’t 30 things, sorry? Sorry, Teal!  But Thirty Things on a Thursday that happens to be your Thirtieth Birthday sounds cooler! 🙂

Happy Birthday to the best running buddy a girl could ask for! I am thankful for you!! Please send Teal some Birthday love today! 🙂

Wordless Wednesday No. 13

Welcome to the world, Eliza!  We love you already and are so excited for your parents, Rebekah & Zac!


Eliza’s daddy, Zac, is a fellow marathoner who with his last marathon on December 11, 2011 in Bryan, TX became eligible to be a  Marathon Maniac! We are so proud of you, Zac!  Rebekah is one of our best friends who has not only been a cheerleader for her husband at races but also for us.  We love you guys! Congrats!