Baby P’s Locally Grown Shower

Baby P’s Locally Grown Shower

Last week you got to see Baby P and hear all about his arrival into this world, but today we wanted to share how we celebrated him before his arrival with the shower Beth and friends helped throw Teal and Baby P.

We rave a lot on this blog about Beth’s sister, Kate, who is a website and graphic designer.  She has designed SO MUCH stuff for us! The header for our blog was done by her and some of the recurring headers for posts are designed by her just for us!  Well, Kate, helped throw this baby shower and she was the one who landed on the theme we would use for it as well.

Locally-Grown-Texas_blue-&-green (2)

The locally grown theme is SO Teal and was perfect for celebrating her little dude, so we ran with that theme and put together what we thought was a very cute shower!


Neither one of us (not that Teal would be making decos for her own shower) sew, but in our little group of girlfriends we have a couple of VERY talented ladies.  This is demonstrated by the cute bunting that was made specifically with Teal in mind.






There was so much delicious food at this shower too including taco bites, guacamole bruschetta, jalapeno pin wheels and mini cobblers in mason jars.  Special mention goes to the snack mix with goldfish because, well, there were goldfish in it!  And of course we had cupcakes and an awesome trail mix in mason jars in the blue crate as a thank you gift to all of the guests for coming and showering Teal and Baby P!



We missed getting a picture of ALL of the hostesses, but we did manage this picture!  There were also some more decorations that just didn’t get photographed. 🙁  But you might have noticed that Baby P hasn’t actually been referred to as anything other than Baby P. 🙂  There is good reason for this and also why not ALL of this shower is photographed.  Some things are better left a mystery right?!

To find out more about Kate’s custom invitations or her website and graphic design skills please check out her website here and/or shop her Etsy store here!