November Report Card & December Goals

Happy  December to you!  What a year! Here’s to hoping that everyone has a fabulous last month! Let’s all make it great….us included!

The Report:

Teal –

1. Get my house in order without losing it! I am too routine and orderly for this mess. 

A: Done and Done and I didn’t totally lose it but I NEVER want to deal with that again. It was madness for three straight weeks! I only took this picture to send to a friend because really it hasn’t totally even been clean since the finish. Put you can see the floor and the bar change!

new orange door

new orange door

photo 261


and after!

and after!

2. Get my butt/mind in gear for marathon training. I feel so blah about it right now. It doesn’t feel right or like it is supposed to happen and I need to figure out how to get excited about it!

B: Better, I have not missed a run but have cut a couple short ie: this weekend I ran 15 instead of 18 and I have not done a couple of the “warm-up” miles. Still trying to get excited womp womp.

3.  Send out Christmas cards by the end of the month! We have only done this once and I want to make it a tradition.

F: yea nope, but I blame living socials, there was a problem with my paypal and I tried to fix it 3 times and they never got back to me thus no cards have been ordered. This might not happen! Oh well it will be totally fine!

4. Successfully host Thanksgiving at my house for the first time (ties to number 1 big time). Pressure is on for number 1 for sure!

B: I mean this went fairly well. You could have probably told from the Turkey Trot post recap that the turkey was slightly a mess, it was a little dry but everyone ate! My nephew had a great time with the bounce house, and everyone left full! I’d say that’s not a bad Thanksgiving!

my nephew Caleob

my nephew Caleob


Hanging out in the bounce house with Elijah on Thanksgiving

Beth –

1. Get my house in order!  I didn’t get ALL of my stuff moved out of my sister’s house before the wedding and with wedding presents there are A LOT of boxes over at my new house with my husband. :) :) We both don’t like messes so this is hard to look at right now until we get it all organized and into place.

B+: There is still a lot to be organized, but we are definitely in WAY better shape than when this month started. Plus Christmas decorating didn’t exactly help the organizing part out.

our kitchen looks SO much better!

our kitchen looks SO much better!

2. Get in the game with marathon training!

A: I missed one tempo run in November, but I honestly think it worked out for the better.  It was the last week when I was about to do my 2nd 18 mile long run of this training cycle and kept having a slightly annoyed pain in one leg.  By long run day it had gone away, so I count this all as successfully getting my butt into gear.

3. Have all Christmas cards addressed and ready to be sent out by December 1st!  I’m so excited to send out Christmas cards this year! :)  I have them already to order, so this goal shouldn’t be too hard to tackle!

A+: I just have to put them in the mail!! I didn’t say actually mail them so I count this as an A+!

4. I’m bringing back my yoga goals, and in baby steps. Yoga once a week!  If I don’t start doing this I’m going to need to either cancel my membership or freeze it to save some moolah.

F: I didn’t go at all. I failed.  The thing is my body craves yoga it’s just like there’s some disconnect in actually getting my butt there….I don’t know what my deal is at all.

The Goals:


1. Complete all marathon training runs.

2. Go to the Ross Perot Museum.  This place looks awesome and just opened on December 1st!

3. Not last minute Christmas shop although I may already be setting myself up for failure.

4. Don’t be a scrooge and actually put up the Christmas tree this year


1. Complete all marathon training runs.

2. Get another room in my house organized this month!

3. In addition to organizing there are a couple of crafty projects I want to do around our house, so I’m going to commit to complete one of them this month!

4. Run a smart race at Dallas Marathon (only the half though).

5. Actually make use of my handy dandy Kitchenaid stand mixer and make Christmas cookies!

And here go, time to make these goals happen! Have a wonderful December! What are you wanting to accomplish this month?