Friday Food Finds {1}

We are so fortunate these days with how readily available information is to us especially with blogs! From our own blog posts about the times we’ve done the Advocare cleanse to providing you with healthy recipes we think y’all know we are always on the look out for doing what’s best for our bodies.  Blogging, twitter and instagram have all played an awesome part in connecting our blog with other bloggers and finding food bloggers that share delicious and healthy recipes.  Delicious and healthy recipes that we love! So we wanted to periodically share some of the foods we find elsewhere and are constantly making at home with you!  So without further ado let’s really get to what this post is all about:

Fit Foodie Sam – Wonton Tacos: These are delicious and a fun twist to turkey taco meat!  This dish has become a regular at our house and they are easy to put together and don’t take long to bake at all.  I’ve also heard Sam has done a pizza spin on this recipe as well, which will be tried soon!


Peas & Crayons – Confetti Pasta Salad: If you are look for a dish to bring to your next potluck, to a pool party, to a 4th of July party or if you happen to already be looking for dishes for Labor Day Weekend – look no farther!  This is your dish!  I have made Jenn’s dish multiple times in the past couple of months and have heard nothing but good things from everyone who has gotten to have a serving!

Happy Friday! And happy cooking! 🙂

The Life & Times of LiAR

Howdy, y’all! 🙂  We have a lot of stuff we have yet to share with you on our little bloggy blog and need to get on top of that!  But since it’s Friday (HAPPY FRIDAY!!) we figured we would give you a more picture and less words post.  If you follow us on instagram though chances are you’ve seen some of these pictures before.

life and times of liar 2

We’ve still been running!

life and times of liar 3

more running just this time in Houston!

Reading all kinds of iiinteresting things about food and learning more about what we put into our bodies!

Reading all kinds of iiinteresting things about food and learning more about what we put into our bodies!


Sunday Fundays!

Sunday Fundays!


Bulletproof coffee!

Bulletproof coffee!

Spring Break!

Spring Break!


Getting ready for the annual St. Paddy's Day parade on Greenville here in Dallas!

Getting ready for the annual St. Paddy’s Day parade on Greenville Avenue here in Dallas! You can find us on this float!

We hope everyone has a safe and fun St. Paddy’s Day weekend! Good luck to all of you racing! 🙂

#BethBrentHitched {Wedding Weekend Take 3}

If you missed Take 1 or Take 2, well, there are the links for them! Now go catch up! 😉

And here we are rapidly approaching 6:00 p.m. and the start of it all!  The whole day really did go by quickly and then the last 15-20 minutes seemed to sa-loooooow down! Is it time now? ……What about now?

At a point I was told to not sit down because of how it did this or that to my dress. Ok, then can we just get started?

Then the nerves set in, and not cold feet nerves more than holy cow there are going to be a lot of people in that room watching. What if I fall? What if I lock my knees and pass out? Haha

Then all of a sudden my dad was walking me down the aisle. AND I DIDN’T BAWL MY EYES OUT! I definitely thought I was going to, but nope! Didn’t happen.

My youth pastor from growing up married us, and that was so special because I’ve known him since before I entered the youth group at 12 years old plus he’s just always been a big part of my life and my family.

Before we move on let’s once again remember how incredibly cuuute our flower girl and ring bearer were that day and just are in general!

One aspect of the wedding ceremony that I loved was having Bitner involved in it.  Remember him from some races with us? We’ve pretty much known each other for almost 10 years now and when I first met him in college I just loved him to death!  If I’m ever having a bad day he is always able to turn that around – he’s just so darn funny! But he read Love by Roy Croft for us except for the last line or two of it and he did a fabulous job!

We were pronounced husband & wife, the Bride was kissed and then we walked down the aisle as Mr. & Mrs. Brent Holland. 🙂

The whole ceremony took a grand total of 20 minutes, and then it was take your traditional pictures while guests go enjoy a cocktail hour.  I love pictures so you may be getting way more than you wanted to see. 🙂

the color is a little weird in this one, but hanging out in the court room while the guests leave the ceremony room

with each of our sets of parents

who doesn’t love a goofy pic?

Then the reception started, and Brent & I had our first dance together to Everything by Michael Buble.  I am a HUGE Michael Buble fan so I do love this song, but this particular song was also kind of a joke between the two of us so it’s the only thing we have close to an “our song.”  After that Brent & I did manage to actually eat dinner with our wedding party at what I like to think of as the largest head table ever!

or have you seen larger?

Somewhere in the mix we had the Father/Daughter dance sung by one of my Dad & I’s favorite entertainers in Dallas, Pat Peterson. Sweet moments with my dad!

We cut cake, forgot to feed it to each other, but we DID feed each other cupcakes. Hooray! Have I mentioned that I am obsessed with my cake topper? It is actually Brent & I! I emailed one of my engagement pictures to Simply Silhouettes and this is what they sent back –

And then we all just danced! By now you know that our wedding favor was a pair of sunglasses with #BethBrentHitched on one side of them.  I love them!  I loved seeing them through an instagram photo on our Best Man’s little boy the next day!  A pair has been on vacation to Cabo already. So fun!

Have to include the green drink picture!  Green drink pictures have been a thing two of my best friends have been doing for about 7 years now.  Just one of those things that randomly develops and Teal joined the green drink club!  How fun that the green drink actually matches the wedding!

One thing I was excited about doing at our wedding was the Aggie War Hymn!! I am a fightin’ Texas Aggie and Brent is also a fightin’ Texas Aggie! WHOOP! 🙂  Let’s also go ahead and give another big WHOOOOOP for the Ags beatin’ the hell out of Alabama this past weekend! A-WHOOP! 🙂  Ok, I’ll stop now, but we got all the Aggies together and sang our war hymn.

Kind of love those photos! And my DJ actually got a video of a little bit of it as well!


 Again it was a really fun night and while the whole evening didn’t feel like it went by in five seconds it did still go by very fast! I loved it!  🙂

at some point I finally took off my heels and you can see just how short I am compared to Brent

I love this, so I’m sharing it with you! 🙂

And we are off!

Then we lived happily ever after! 😉

Sorry I’m wordy and  use lots of pictures.  It reminds me of what my youth pastor, Mike, said at the wedding with Brent you get 5 words and with Beth you get 500 words. Haha. Oops?

Tasty Tuesday: Green Chili & Vegetable Soup and Green Juice

This post is brought to you by the color green!

So the pictures on this recipe are a little weak. Something mysteriously happened to my iphone and in the place of the finished products is a picture of strangers. How it got there is beyond me, but never the less the pictures are gone.

If you follow us on instagram you might remember from a couple of weeks ago, we used diptic to show you what we each had for lunch. This was mine! Green Chili and vegetable soup and green juice (not as scary as it sounds!)

Green Chili Vegetable Soup

Large green chili (whatever heat you like)
8-10 red potatoes (the little ones)
Garlic clove
Fresh green beans
Can of corn
48 oz Can of red diced tomatoes
1 can of peas
1 can of rotel
1 lb of lean ground beef or bison
2 carrots cut into slices


I am not big on listing 8 million spices and their exact quantities; I did put garlic, sea salt, pepper, a little cumin, and chili powder. This is up to you. Really I don’t think it needs much and depends on the person- this is clearly my non-chef talk

To make: This is so easy! Brown the meat in a pan and place in the crockpot after it is finished. Add in remaining ingredients and cook for 6-8 hours depending on what temperature you need to set it at and what time you put it in. The meat is cooked so really all you need to do is make sure the potatoes finish.

I placed mine in mason jars and ate the soup for lunch all week.

Green juice

3oz spinach
3oz kale
½ large cucumber sliced
2 green apples
1 lemon.

To make: Cut apples in to cubes, peel lemon and slice cucumbers (note: you only have to do that part if your juicer is old school like mine and you have to cut and peel) and throw everything in the juicer. If you don’t have a juicer you can blend and then drain out the chunky parts. If I do it this way I usually blend and drain twice and you might have to add a little water. It tastes exactly the same but the texture is different.

**Advocare Note: If you make the Green Chili & Vegetable Soup during your 10 day cleanse either leave the potato out or you’ll need to count that as your one carb for the day!!**

When We Aren’t Running We Sometimes Crawl

This past weekend we got to spend Saturday celebrating two important people in our lives, Kate & Brent. Or you might remember them as Beth’s sister and Beth’s fiancé. For the 4th year in a row Kate celebrated her Birthday with a pub crawl and since Brent’s Birthday is two days after her’s we celebrated him too! Our weekend in instagram pictures:






The pub crawl was a blast and we had fun seeing everyone that came out too, but we think we may be too old for pub crawls now!?

Happy Birthday to Kate & Brent!!

Five Things About Us

If you follow us on Instagram you might have seen the picture below on Friday. If you don’t follow us on Instagram and you are in fact on there – go follow us! Right now!

Anyway, Courtney tagged us in a 5 Things About Us post on instagram and we thought we’d share that here with a little more detail.

1. Yes, Teal is married and Beth is engaged, but it’s ok to have a celebrity boyfriend on the side right?? One that we happen to both share?

2. You would really never know it since Teal straightens her hair all the time, but yes, she does in fact have curly hair! It’s not often that it’s in curly form and we actually had to go back to our beach trip in 2007 to find that picture.

3. We shop at the exact same clothing stores. We are not afraid to buy an article of clothing the other one has – clearly based on the above picture! This must mean we both have great taste! And we big time puffy heart Francesca’s!

4. Yep, we are! At any given moment we probably each have a bottle of nail polish on us or in our car. Ok, not actually when we are out on a run, but guarantee we both always have one bottle in our purse!

5. Could anyone be more obsessed with goldfish than the two of us? We don’t think so! Put a bag infront of us and it will NOT last!

Five Things Friday

1.  In T- 6 days we are going to start a self inflicted challenge, BUT we would like for YOU to join us!  In many parts of the country, our’s included, it might as well already be summer…but there is still time to get some toning of the bod in before summer is over.  With that said we are doing a push up and plank challenge!  The idea is to print out the blank calendar below and keep a record of how many push ups you do and how long you plank each day!  It is as simple as that!  You can do it however many days  you want, BUT…yes there is a but – if you want to win the prize from our Tone It Up Challenge you are going to have to beat your competition!  When June is over you will send us via email, a twitpic, etc. your filled in calendar and who ever planked and pushed up on the most amount of days will win!

You  might be thinking, well, Teal & Beth, what if some of us tie????  Good question! We have an answer! We then take it to who did the most push ups and the longest amount of planks.  For example, if Challenger A did 1,000 push ups and planked for a total of 45 minutes, whereas, Challenger B only did 800 pushups and 41 minutes of planks then challenger A is the WINNER!

So click the link below and print out the calendar…..and June 1st get to work on push ups and planks!  Let’s Tone It Up!

June Tone Up Challenge Calendar

Now you might be thinking, Teal. Beth. What do I WIN???  Another good question we only have a partial answer to that one!  Oops?? We are thinking a gift card…a $50 gift card to the winner!  We haven’t fully decided where this gift card will come from but we are thinking a running store, running company so you can reward yourself with some new stuff!  So join us June 1st for the Tone It Up Challenge! You know you want to! 🙂

2. We joined Instagram, why not? All the cool kids are doing it. We have been on individually for a while and just decided yesterday that Life is a Run needs one too! Come find us!

3.       Tour des Fleurs registration opened Thursday! We love this race for many reasons but perhaps the best is that it really was the kick off to our first ½ marathon training together. Beth ran before as you know, BUT we love it and are excited to run again. Come join us!!  Oh, and an added bonus this year is your race registration gets you free into the Chihuly exhibit currently at the Dallas Arboretum! It looks cool!

4.       We found out that the Dallas White Rock Marathon has officially changed its name to the Dallas Marathon! Check out this press release. We also then realized that this meant we ran the LAST official White Rock Marathon ever. Hey at least it went out with a bang… or crazy ridiculous cold rain.  Check out the mary story if you are confused 😉 Plus registration for that opens June 1st too. You will see us out there for sure but just for the ½ this time because…


5.       We decided to FINALLY register for our SECOND full marathon.  We will be running the Louisiana Marathon January 20th in Baton Rouge!!


Welp, that’s all from us! Have a great Friday and please join us in our June challenge!