Seven Things Thursday

Well, Brigid over at Live, Breathe, Huzzah! tagged us in a blog and we loved the idea of sharing with readers 7 things about ourselves so here it goes:

1.  My name is Teal – after the Duck NOT the color – My grandfather insisted that the first girl in the family was to be named Teal because he loved the duck, which has a Teal band around its neck, and my grandmother had given him 4 boys and no girls. I was the first born girl in the Monthley family and thus how I got the name Teal- not because my parents were hippies!


2. I have an unhealthy obsession with Goldfish – I can’t stop eating them. If you give me a bag I will eat the entire thing. My students buy me goldfish for treats and I have to hide them in other teacher’s classrooms in an attempt to not eat them all. I cannot buy them and keep them in the house. They are like crack, but for real!

3.  I have only had 1 stitch ever in life – I was riding on the handlebars of my brother’s tricycle at age 5 and fell off hitting a brick. My mother RUSHED me to the hospital where I received 1, count them 1, stitch, leaving a very small star like scar on my forehead. Clearly I am a dare devil.

4.  My animals are named after PHISH music – My cat’s name is Harry Sullivan (although he prefers to be called Mr. Kitties) after the song Harry Hood and Sullivan taken from the song Ginseng Sullivan, and my dog is named Wilson after the song with the same title!

Mr. Kitties


5.  Cars hate me – Here is what I have had to deal with… be jealous. 1988 Taurus (gas gauge used to leave me stranded all the time) 1996 Honda civic (timing belt issues, no air) 1978 Cutlass Sierra (stalled when you turned right…that was fun), 2000 Taurus (trunk camo-ducked taped and nailed down to stay closed) Ford Focus (flooded when it rained and broke down 5 times fully returned 1 month later), Ford Escape (driver door wouldn’t open, had to enter from the back seat), Volkswagen Jetta (nothing wrong!), Volkswagen Eos (wrecked !), currently Honda CRV- God help me! I don’t want anymore!

6.  I teach in a 100 year old classroom known as the hippy room – It’s big, but slightly scary, painted hippy wall, the black hole to god knows where, a black that was purple, green and yellow shelf, sponge ceiling and I love it!

7.  When I was 6 and 7 years old I shared a room with my younger brother, Brad. We slept in bunk beds the entire time and to make it better my parents painted my top half of the room pink and the bottom half of the room blue to please us both.


1.  My name is Beth, but my family calls me Beeper – I am the youngest of 5 cousins on one side and I have to assume that when my brother, Scott & cousin, Todd would come in from playing and ask “Where’s Beth?” being little kids they probably said Bef.  IT was around this time that the Wendy’s commercial was out where the two old ladies ask “Where’s the Beef?” sooo then they started calling me Beef.  Thanks to my mom she told them they needed to rethink that because what 13 year old girl would want to be called Beef?  It got changed to Beep/Beeper and I am still called that today!  [Please note that this is not an invitation to call me Bef because a 28 year old female doesn’t want to be called that either :)]


2.  My hair use to be straight – That’s right my hair was straight until I hit puberty 🙂 and it got curly.  Well, except for the year I didn’t know it was becoming curly and I’d still try and straighten it but then half way through I’d get tired of that because it was so long that it was just a big fro and awkward. (I am reeeeally sad I don’t have a picture to show you on this one, but if I find one soon I’ll put it up!)

3.  I homeschooled for 1.5 years – Again, I was the youngest of 5 cousins on one side and we all went to the same private school here in Dallas.  My aunt even taught there and I (as well as my two siblings) had her as our 8th grade History/English teacher.  After my sophomore year of high school I needed a change so I home schooled by watching videos through a program in Florida and ended up squeezing my senior year into 7 months to graduate in December 2000.  I might have graduated early, but I then took an eternity in college. 🙂

4.  I once went bobsledding – Ok, fine it wasn’t REAL bobsledding, but one of my all-time favorite college memories was when my roommates and I decided to go bobsled down the stairs in our duplex.  Then two of us when together needless to say I got a bump on my head and she somehow got a scratched leg.

The only pic I have of me in the "bobsled" after I'd gone down the stairs and run into the front door 🙂

5.  My first job was at a toy store – when I started homeschooling I got a job at Noodle Kidoodle which was then bought out and became Zany Brainy.  Loved that job and worked there for 3  years.  It eventually closed. 🙁

6.  I love Children’s books – It was probably working at the toy store that gave me my love for teaching children & children’s books in general.  I use to lead story time at the store and was in charge of book club for 4-5 year olds for two summers.  I even dressed up as the mouse from If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.  It’s a dream of mine to actually write my own Children’s Book!

7. I love to sing! – I was in choir growing up.  I use to sing on the Praise & Worship team at my church.  I took vocal lessons, but now you can find me jamming out to songs in my car OR occasionally singing my go to Karaoke song – Give Me One Reason by Tracy Chapman

Singing at my dad's 4th of July party

And there you have it – 7 things about each of us! 🙂

We’d like to extend the opportunity for some of our fellow bloggers to do the same, so get busy!

1. Heidi over at The Unpredictable Journey

2. Alex over at  Thoughts on the Run

3. Aimee over at Running from the Couch

4. Courtney over at C is for Courtney

5. Bear Runner over at, well,  Bear Runner 🙂

6. Jenny over at We Wander and Ponder

7. Gina over at The Naughty Spots