Three Things Thursday

We’ve never done a Three Things Thursday post before…maybe because we’ve never just had 3 things to tell you, but today we think we do! Here goes –

1. We finally caught up with the times and we gave our little blogy blog here a Facebook page! Feel free to go here and like us! Also feel free to leave us a comment if your blog has a Facebook page and we’ll go like you!  Or just click on the fun little like box over there somewhere ——->

2. We again finally caught up with the times and each joined DailyMile under our own names!  So if you are want to connect with us there we would love it!

3. And lastly, happy holidays to each and every one of you! We are so grateful for the people who have been brought into our lives in 2011! We wish you and your’s a very Happy Holiday season!


What are you most thankful for this holiday season?