Special Shout Out

You’ve been seeing his name on our blog lately (like here and here) – he’s our friend, our running buddy and Beth’s cousin – Chase!

Who doesn't love a good baby pic?

We’d like to give him a little Birthday (Eve) shout out!  Chase’s Birthday not so conveniently falls juuust before the Christmas holidays begin so for the past 6 or so years he hasn’t necessarily been around family on his actual Birthday.  Chase is currently working out of Houston as a Manager, Teacher Leadership Development for Teach for America!  Couldn’t be more proud of him! 🙂

back in 2007

Chase and I grew up for the most part 15 minutes-ish away from each other.  We would see each other occasionally around holidays and for whatever reason never spent THAT much time together nor did we really know each other that well.  It was probably all those times he would pinch or kick me when we were little- haha! I will never give that one up! 🙂

Brice (Chase's bro), Beth, Kate (Beth's sis) & Chase in May 2011

At some point while I was in college and towards the end of high school (I think) for Chase we decided to change that!  We are no longer just cousins, but also friends! It is a friendship I truly cherish, and am so thankful that we are able to form once we both were adults!  Even though as an Aggie it might be hard to forgive him for going to that other school down the road! 😉

So proud of you and what you’ve accomplished with your running this year and glad I could be a part of some of it! Can’t wait until our next race together!

Hope you have a wonderful Birthday tomorrow, Chase!  We’ll celebrate when you are back in Plano! 🙂


P.S. – aren’t you glad I went a whole blog post about you without mentioning vacuums?  Oh, wait….. 🙂