Rock ‘n’ Roll Dallas 2014

Rock ‘n’ Roll Dallas 2014

So at this point it’s July and it’s about dang time I put up a recap of my last half marathon in MARCH, right?! Right! Here goes – when we ran New Years Double on January 1st Teal did the half and I did the the full so we found ourselves yet again at not the same half marathon number.  Don’t you love how we try and keep that the same?? It just makes it easier to keep count!

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I had signed up for Rock ‘n’ Roll Dallas as the last half I would run during this pregnancy.  The weather has been pretty good for this race minus 2012 when it was hot!  I didn’t then and still don’t now really know how pregnancy and hot weather mix, but it completely scares me! 🙂  Anyway, I thought this would be a great last half to do plus it was great motivation to keep me going with running.  And my cousin/friend, Chase, would be coming up from Houston to run this race as well!

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It was hard to have goals for this race other than finish it!  At 20 weeks pregnant and still not really noticeable that I am pregnant I just didn’t know what my body would want to do that day.  While you couldn’t totally tell I was pregnant my pace had definitely slowed down some so I knew I was not going to be busting out a new PR or anything that day.  Of course, as race day got closer I did have this idea in my head that maybe I could achieve a 2:10 half, but again this would take a lot of listening to my body.

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I got in my corral just minutes before the first corral was signaled to take off.  I was getting nervous, but was also thankful that it was kind of chilly out there instead of really, really hot!  When it was our turn Chase and I took off together although we didn’t stay together long because of a potty break. 🙂  In our family we joke about how some of us have the world’s smallest bladders and lucky for both Chase and me we inherited it!  I knew I would see some friendly faces out on the course so I just tried to start off conservatively and keep an eye out for people to say “hi” to!


photo cred to Amy Stubblefield

My first sighting was Amy from NTX Runners who snapped the above picture of me. Since I waited until the beginning of July to write this recap (minus the few notes I put in my phone) I can’t remember now when I expected to see Teal & Catherine out there cheering, but it was juuuust shortly after this and I was soooo happy to see their smiling faces!



My happiness of seeing them is evidenced below. 🙂IMG_2814


A little blurry, but I was surviving which is good to do somewhere around the 3.5 mile mark of a half marathon. 🙂  So I kept on going and the next big thing I remember from the course was that I was running through a neighborhood, saw this group of people outside of a house and thought that little kid looks familiar! Ohhhh, it’s Cason!  As in the son of J-Si from KISS FM and sure enough his wife, Kinsey, holding their daughter and their son, Cason, playing.  Though I didn’t actually see J-Si out there anywhere. Bummer! But I thought that was fun since I’m a Kidd Kraddick in the Morning fan!

Shortly after this I saw the most awesome cheering squad comprised of FRUNNERS!!  Right around mile 8 which made me oh so happy!  I mean, look at those happy faces and look at that hot dog! 🙂


photo cred to Mama C

This left me with a goofy grin on my face and not even a mile down the road from that sighting did I hear the sounds of a police officer being an awesome cheerleader for all of the runners!  This was the first time I’d really heard an officer be THAT encouraging and vocal towards runners on a race course.  I loved it! So pretty much the goofy grinned stayed on my face that much longer thanks to him.  Before you know it I was telling myself you only have a 5K left!  And then it was you only have a mile left!  Somewhere I was able to tap into a bit of a reserve for a final kick right before the finish line.

I don't know who exactly gets the photo cred here, but Lisa texted me the picture :)

I don’t know who exactly gets the photo cred here, but Lisa texted me the picture 🙂

Oh, did you wanna know if I actually came in around 2:10 or not like I had put in my head?! Well, I made it across the finish line in 2:09:19! I was pretty darn proud of myself and felt like I ran a really conservative race considering I was in fact running for two. 🙂

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With that I was caught up to Teal with half marathon no. 21 in the books! We will see you half marathons again on the other side of our pregnancies! 🙂


February’s “Race”

February’s “Race”

You guys!!! Our last post was our 300th! *pats each other on the back*  It’s crazy that we’ve been doing this whole blog thing for right at about 3 years now! Thanks to those of you for sticking with us! Starting #LiAR has definitely opened us up to a wealth of knowledge (running and then some) and a lot of great frunners!  Shoutout to Mama C who, we believe, is responsible for coining that term! 🙂

Back to the original reason we sat down to write this post…..a half marathon about 5 weeks ago!  We posted some pictures on instagram, but still wanted to put some details out there.  We signed up to run The Texas Half in February.  The timing on this race was pretty perfect for around the time Teal wanted to run just one more half before she said good bye to racing half marathons during pregnancy.  Plus this year they were offering a jacket with your registration!  Apparently you change things up just a little bit from a shirt to a jacket and the people want to sign up for your race.  We were sold and handed over our moolah to The Texas Half.

Our pre-"race" pic

Our pre-“race” pic

Fast forward to race weekend and Saturday a front was moving in and bringing the cold weather back to DFW.  It was another one of those times of religiously stalking the weather to see what would happen.  We saw rain, we saw snow…..but what was really going to happen?!

Ultimately we didn’t give the race a chance.  We decided to let our current state of each of us growing a human + slower running + freezing temperatures = no race for LiAR.  You can call us wimps!  But the idea of having to run/walk a half in freezing temps just did not sound appealing nor did the idea of the weather potentially getting REAL bad and either one of us getting hurt.  We each still wanted to get miles in for the day so we hit up Beth’s gym together for some good ol’ treadmill miles.


26 weeks!


13 weeks


Between the two of us we put in 14.2 miles that day so if we pretend like it was a relay with just some extra mileage then we completed a half! YAY! 😀

The Great Santa Run

The Great Santa Run

We signed up for this 5K because, well, ALL of our frunners seemed to be doing it. 🙂  There was also a groupon for it.  Everybody needs a small race to get you back into running after a marathon weekend…..oh, wait, Dallas Marathon didn’t happen……

Plus, when you register you get a Santa suit to run in as your swag for this race.  We realized the week of this race that it wasn’t actually chipped time, so it makes it that much more of a good lowkey race post Dallas Marathon, if only Dallas Marathon had actually happened.  Dang you, #Snowpocalypse!

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As you can see in the pic above we found our people quickly when we got there.  We heart them!

Beth’s SIL, Tiffany, actually turned their pants into cute skirts for the race.

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There were ALL kinds of interesting outfits out there!  Although most people just threw on the ol’ Santa suit and called it a day, but perhaps a couple of the runners maybe should have double checked in the mirror that what they wearing was not see through. 🙂  Sometimes your eyes can’t unsee things is all we’ll say!

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we have never felt more attractive!

Thanks to Mark for providing us with Christmas music while we all ran together and entertainment as he yelled at every Santa that passed him, “SANTA!!! I know him!!” 🙂

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Really it was a fun race as we ran with our friends and got to catch up with them.  We got to hear all about Drum braving the weather elements and still getting her marathon in the weekend Dallas Marathon cancelled and not only that but BQ-ing her race! Talk about speedy!  This race you might have also already learned that Teal knew she was having a baby boy. 🙂 (sorry we forgot to tell you for so long here!) So many things to catch up on while running.  A nice stress free 5K!  Mark even took a video of the race….if you watch long enough you might see a snowman take a tumble.


Liberty by the Lake 5K

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pre-race car pic!

Sooooo July 4th a bunch of our running friends were doing Liberty by the Lake 5K/10K and if they were doing it we had to do it too.  Right? That’s how it works?  The internets also had a special so we got this race for pretty cheap!

We didn’t have big hopes and dreams for this race because, come on, it’s July in Texas. Hot!  But being the weird summer that it is the temperature that morning wasn’t really as bad as it could have been, but don’t worry the humidity was still there. Blah!

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(pic stolen from Mama C)

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NTX Runners!
Look at Ninja representin’ w/his tank

We should also note how pumped we were to wear our latest purchase from Compete Every Day with our Texas Strong shirts!  We loooooove them!!  We did see a few other runners out there sporting different CED shirts as well.  If you haven’t checked them out you really should, especially if you are a Dallasite, as they are a local business!  And no we weren’t paid or rewarded with free things by that mention we just really love their stuff and awesome customer service!

Then at some point it was time to do what we we went to The Colony for and that is run a 5K.  So run a 5K we did.  Not a lot of shade out there and we hear the 10K-ers have it even worse.  We stuck together and ran the whole thing together.  This was also our first race back in the same age group since Beth fiiiinally turned 30.  We crossed that finish line together at 28 minutes flat!

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Several in our group that day won age group awards, but only a couple of them won the privilege of a LiAR photobomb.  Way to go Brian & Jesse!!

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Another thing we should point out which you can’t see from the above pic, but we totally love Jesse’s method of keeping cool in the Texas heat:

Step 1: wear a hat

Step 2: insert ice in hat

Step 3: put your ice hat on your head

Step 4: repeat as necessary (if you have a cooler full of ice w/you which he normally does somewhere close by)


It ended up being a fun time, but the fun did not stop there! We made our way over to Team K’s house for some 4th of July waffles and mimosas!


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2013-08-14 12.43.27

Fun times were had by all!  We are so blessed to have made such awesome friends in the running community! It really is incredible all the greatness that running can bring to ones life! 🙂

Again the fun did NOT end there because after this we went and met up with our husbands who were drinking some beers to get thaaat much closer to reaching their plates at Flying Saucer.

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So here we are – officially caught up on our race posts! 🙂  We don’t have any races scheduled for August though so unless something happens no more race recaps until September!

Also, shout out to all the people whose pictures we stole without telling them to make this post that much more fun (a.k.a. Mama C, MK, Jesse and Alison P.)!

Hello? Are you there?

Hi, there! Do you remember us?! We kind of went a little MIA for the holidays, well, as far as blogging goes. Ok, we were also kind of MIA on our twitter account too. Oopsies?

Sometimes you just need a break to recharge though right?!

Pretty much since our last couple of blog posts we have done A LOT of things. We kicked off the holidays that next week with a frunners party at the Luebs!

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It’s a joke…just know we are fun people! Promise!


Heidi, the Hostess with the Mostest!

Heidi, the Hostess with the Mostest!

Ninja hijacked the LiAR instagram

Ninja hijacked the LiAR instagram

Then we were able to celebrate this cutie patooties 1st Birthday at her Grandparent’s house.  We take any and every opportunity we can to see her mom & dad….and, obviously, Miss Eliza as well.  Isn’t she just SO cute?

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We of course celebrated Christmas with our families, and we each have little kids in our family so there are never dull moments!

Beth & her nephew Christmas Eve

Beth & her nephew Christmas Eve


And you thought Teal was tall? Check out how much taller her bros are than her!

And you thought Teal was tall? Check out how much taller her bros are than her!

For those of you reading this blog that are NOT from Dallas and/or did not spend your Christmas in Dallas – we got SNOW! ON Christmas Day!  It was pretty!

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The day after Christmas Teal and her family participated in the 4th Annual Wynnwood Haven Memorial Walk.  Forty-five people came out despite the 20 degree temperature to participate in the walk that honors her Grandpa. How cool is that?

Wilson is ready to walk!

Wilson is ready to walk!


On the 30th we got in our last run of 2012 together at White Rock Lake.  And thankfully Teal & White Rock are starting to be friends again!  What are we talking about? Read this.

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The two of us volunteered at New Years Double on day 1 of the race.  We put on as many layers as possible and hung out in the cold & rain. We actually ran this race last year (check that out here & here), and let us just tell you right now this race does NOT disappoint when it comes to bling!  You should definitely add it to your list of races if you are in DFW or if you are looking to race in the DFW area!

That's one impressive race medal!

That’s one impressive race medal!

You do have to run the race on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day to get each of those medals that fits into the challenge plate! Such an awesome way to end your year and start a new year!

Our only picture together includes the awesome DK! Who PR'd her 5K!!

Our only picture together includes the awesome DK! Who PR’d her 5K!!


And then of course we did partake in the whole celebrating New Year’s Eve thing. Thanks to Bitner & Chaz for having us all over to your house!  It was a night of good friends, good food and some good ol’ card games.

Bitner, Su & Teal

Bitner, Su & Teal




Our dudes :)

Our dudes 🙂

So there you have it the end of our 2012. We have kept the fun alive so far in 2013 the proof is in this last Saturday’s activities which pretty much include day drinking and bowling.

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The start of our 2013, and just where we’ve been since before Christmas. We hope that you all had a great holiday season with your family and that your new year has started off great!  And with this we are back to our regularly scheduled selves once again!  See you again soon. 🙂

Going Back to Where it All Started

This weekend we will be running the race that started it all for us as Life is a Run…well, kinda.  We say kinda because they changed the name on us from White Rock Marathon to Dallas Marathon and the race course is very different.  Not to mention the starting line is no longer in Fair Park, but that’s been the case in years past since this race did start in 1971 and this wouldn’t be the first time the start is actually in downtown Dallas.

Excuse us while we steal a couple words from some of our frunners (stolen word #1 – credit to Mama C), but there’s one frunner in particular, Michelle, who just had her half-a-versary (stolen word #2) and we are about to have our’s!  Hearing that phrase from MK really puts this coming weekend into perspective.  Because really this weekend is kind of a big deal in our world or at least a reflection on where we started and just how far we have come since 2010.

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2010 when we became half marathoners!

We both had been runners in different times of our lives, but 2010 was when Teal asked Beth if she wanted to run a half with her, a distance neither one of us had come close to running.  It’s cute to think now how we use to run for time not for distance, you know like, long run this weekend is running for an hour and a half – oh my!  It’s also cute to think how neither one of us ran with a phone or any device with GPS.  We ran on feel alone. Ohhhh how the times have changed!  And who would have thought in 2011 we’d come back to run White Rock Marathon as our first marathon!? By the time we come back this year to toe the line at the half marathon distance it will be our 15th half marathon upon it’s completion.

In 2010, we had pretty much the perfect weather and little did we know that we were actually going to be spoiled by that.  We would like to pat ourselves on the pack for actually starting our first ever half in very appropriate running gear.  Yes, in the above picture we have fleeces on but we had Michael, Brent & Kate holding onto all of that for us while we ran.  Then 2011, for this very week leading up to the marathon we were both panicked.  WHAT?! Rain on marathon day??  What will we wear? What do we need?  Well, we learned lessons from that one. You could read about them here.

Teal finish photo

Teal becoming a Marathoner!


Beth becoming a Marathoner!

It’s race week once again for White Rock/Dallas Marathon and per usual we have no idea what we are going to wear because we are pretty sure the projected forecast for Sunday has changed in some form or fashion each day this week. We mentioned in our weekend post how we’d hit a record high last Sunday in the 80’s. Well, we’ve had chances of a cold front coming through Sunday and we’ve had highs of 77 or something like that, so we’ll just have to see how it all plays out. As long as there isn’t rain we should be good! 🙂

In pre-race posts of the past we’ve given you a goal and we are going to kind of do that for you here.  Our individual thoughts, expectations and what not going into Dallas Marathon this weekend –

Teal: I am actually for the first time in a while nervous about a race. I usually just go and run and that is that. I know for a fact that I can make 13.1, clearly!  I haven’t set goals for a while because they started to have the opposite effect on me and they weren’t motivating. I am nervous because I do really want/need this race to go well. It is the last one before the Marathon… dun dun dun. AND I seriously, as dumb as it sounds, am still stuck on how completely and totally crappy last year was for this race (i know it was the full), but still and that has carried over into my marathon training. Sooo really if I was goal setting, my goal is to have an awesome race and to gain some confidence going into the Marathon, confidence that I pretty much do not have right now. I don’t even need a PR, I just want my race to feel good. How to make that happen?? I don’t know. So there goal set. Wish me luck.

Beth: White Rock Half 2010 holds my half marathon PR.  The closest I’ve come to my 1:56:39 PR was at Big D this past April, but I was still 34 seconds away from my PR.  I want so bad to beat that and I want to say that I could do it this weekend, but I just don’t know if I can. I’d like to run a smart race where I definitely do not start out too fast and have enough left in me to speed across that finish line.  I’m afraid of making “get a new PR this weekend” a goal because I’m not fully sure I can do it.  All year I though I’d come back to this race and conquer it with a new PR, but when I heard about them changing up the course it kind of changed things for me a little bit. So just like Teal is nervous, this goal I so want is making me nervous for race day Sunday.

So there you have it some of our reflections as we run our Half-a-versary race this weekend and what we think going into it.  Bring on half marathon no. 15 for #LiAR!  May the speed be with us!

10 Reasons We Love to Run

So we love all things #runchat which means we HAD to participate in their blog challenge to list 10 things we love about running keeping in mind if we were never going to run again.

1.  All the fun gear – shoes, jackets, socks you know….ALL of it! 🙂

2. FRUNNERS!!! [we stole this term from our Dallas area running friends] We have met so many people since we started blogging and our twitter account. We are SO thankful to them for the advice, support, encouragement, motivation and so much more!

(pictures courtesy of Mama C)

3.  Bling Bling!  Who doesn’t love being rewarded at the end of a race with shiny medal?  And who doesn’t love being reminded of the things they’ve accomplished by looking back at a shiny medal?

4.  Getting a break! Love being able to get out on the road and be free of the stresses and concerns of the day!  It’s so liberating to free your mind of all of that!

5.  Testing your limits and realizing you are a whole heck of a lot stronger than you even knew you were!

6.  That we each have a an awesome running buddy! 🙂

Running through Angels Stadium

7.  Those mornings when you don’t want to get out of bed and run because you just don’t feel like, and then you go anyways and the run is freakin’ fantastic!

8.  Feeling healthy on a daily basis because we are active and watch what we eat so that we can be better runs.

9. Travel to races!  While we have only left the great state of Texas once so far for a race we LOVED having that opportunity to travel to California and experience new things there as well as a new course.  At the end of this month our racing will take us to Florida, and we are looking into other states for our next marathon!  There are plenty of races in cities that we might not experience or we might just experience in a new way because we came there to run!

10.  Eating!  There are so many calories and so many food items we would have to cut back on if we just flat out stopped running.  We aren’t talking we run and then go eat the greasiest hamburger and largest order of fries ever, but there are a lot of foods we get to partake in because we are so active with running!

As a side note it was fun seeing our picture on the #runchat website this morning!

Did we leave out something that is key to your running?  Let us know – we want to hear what you love about running!