The Happiest Race on Earth Weekend [Part Two]

Like we mentioned in our post yesterday, Disneyland Half started bright and early at 5:45 a.m., and we had about a twenty to twenty-five minute drive into Anaheim that morning. We made it out the door by 4:10 a.m. – if only we’d asked Chris to refresh our memories of the directions he gave us last year to get to Disneyland. We did not get there, parked and in the corral with that much time to spare, but thankfully we did make it into the corral before the race started. We were actually able to make a quick port-a-pottie trip and even able to snap a picture. Kind of laughing because this guy had just offered to take a picture of the lady taking our picture with us then he realized “ohh, you aren’t wearing a matching outfit like them!

That guy and his two buddies with him all had on matching knee high yellow socks. They started being all chatting and the main thing that stuck with us was one of them saying “what’s your goal for today? 1:45? 1:30?” We responded with “we’ve kind of been slacking because we are starting marathon training soon so…, not a 1:45 or 1:30” Not to mention neither of us has ever run a half anywhere near that fast! We then overheard them talking out a plan for the race ” let’s start out at an 8:45 pace til mile….then at mile…we’ll go down to a 8:15” And next thing we know the announcers are sending us on our way!


We had really been hoping to see Lisa before the race since we were all in corral A, but we had just gotten there too late for that to happen! We would have held out hope to see her at the end, but we didn’t need to as she found us very quickly after the start! From here we give our race recap from our own perspectives –

Miles 1-3

Teal: I was overall very scared of what would happen during this race given that 2 weeks earlier I wanted to die after 4 miles and really had one of the worst races ever. I do not feel in shape right now so I worried big time. Running in California and the weather there proves to be the biggest God send in racing! It’s SOOOO much different than Texas madness and my body just does a complete 180 in terms of how it feels. Miles 1-3 felt awesome! The crowd is amazing; going through the park is so fun. We had a few changes this year at the beginning! The colored lights in the water and a run through cars world made it awesome. I think at one point I looked at Beth and said “yea this race is soo much better than Disneyworld” and really I mean so much better than most races period. It’s just so different in terms of the atmosphere, the Disney staff really comes out to support and there is never a dull moment.

Beth: I had not set any goals for this race and last year we had both run it at the 2:00-ish mark, so that and my want to run more sub 2:00 halfs than not in 2012 was all lingering in the back of my mind. BUT my performance at Hottest Half and just running this summer didn’t give me that faith in myself to pull through this race with a satisfying to me time. The first few miles of this race were really fun! We ran through California Adventures and got to see the cool water/light show at Paradise Pier (wish I could have snapped a not blurry picture there) and see the new Cars area of the park! I knew my nephew Wesley would LOVE it if I had taken a picture with Tow-Mater and/or Lightning McQueen and shown it to him, but no, I didn’t want to stop. 🙂 Sorry, Wesley! Plus, I didn’t want to lose Teal and Lisa so early on in the race!

photo by Michael Huey


Miles 4-8

Teal: I am still doing really well body wise here. I just keep giving myself a mile goal every time I hit the Disney sign. I knew my runkeeper was off because I started it too early. I just kept saying, one mile at a time and get there under X time frame. This worked well and I really felt good. I think I slowed down slightly from Beth and Lisa around 6.5 or 7 but I still felt ok, just not like I could keep that pace up for the entire race. I knew once I got to 8 it would be ok, but closer to mile 8 I really got that “ I’m not in shape chest pressure feel” if anyone knows what that really is, it was just hard to breathe for no other reason than I was tiring. I knew Angel’s stadium was around 9 miles from last year and really focused on getting there! I should also add that this stretch of the race was lame because the sun was literally right in your eyes and you could almost not even see all the things they had lining the streets! This section had tons of both vintage and modern cars that you just couldn’t see because of the glare.

Beth: We’ve just left Disneyland and are out running on the streets of Anaheim. This is the part where Disney does a fabulous job of not leaving us all our there alone. With all the cheer squads, bands and different dancers (Hawaiian and mariachi) you can’t help but stay pumped up. I was trying to take it mile by mile and see how I felt. The beginning of this section, I believe, was where there is the on big incline (bridge) to run over and I was excited when it didn’t take a whole lot out of me.  It was somewhere between mile 6 and 7 that I kind of evaluated how I felt as I had been waiting to reach the halfway-ish point for that.  I giggled a little when I heard to other runners discussing where the half way point was and that it would be at 6.55 miles.  I knew we’d kept our pace under 9:30/mile, so I decided to just go for it.  See what all I had to give.  It was also at this point the sun was in my eyes, so I just put my head down and went for it.  I knew that exciting times were ahead of me based on running this race last year and reaching the Honda Center in mile.  So I knew that Angels Stadium was up after that and I just kept thinking “did they change it this year? Do we still get to go through the stadium?! Please let us still go through the stadium!!

Miles 9-13.1

Teal: Home stretch!! Thank god. I also love everyone’s reaction going into the stadium. This women next to me literally starting yelling “ This is so cool, this is amazing, are we really going in there!?” It’s just so freaking cool. I wish Dallas ( wink wink ) would do something like that! Hello, both Rangers and the Dallas Cowboys Stadium are right next to each other! The last 5 miles of this race were a test. I was very tired but I knew I wanted to just keep running and get it over with. After running through Angel’s stadium you really get a burst of energy. At about 10 miles my true test came. I don’t know if I was running very tight in my upper body or what, but my entire chest from like mid chest all the way to mid back felt strained, like muscle strained (it actually still hurts now, 4 days later) so something was up. That coupled with my “out of shape feeling” from before was extremely painful. I just kept taking deeper breathes and kept going. At around 12 I ended up passing one of our yellow sock boys from the beginning. He was too far away for me to get the energy to run over to, but he was completely stopped stretching his calf muscles! It might be evil but in my head that made me so happy to beat him, given their predictions at the beginning of the race! Shortly after, around 12.5 this kid running in front of me literally lost his breakfast! I had to jump over it as to not run in it. I still was pretty close to him at the finish and he threw up again. I keep laughing because you can even see him do it in the Disney video of the finish!! Gross! That is the first time I have come that close to someone throwing up ON me.

Beth: As I got closer I knew we were in fact going into Angels Stadium again and I was SO excited!  The energy in there is incredible!  It was also going into the stadium that there was a Clif Station where they were passing out gels.  I was so glad because I’d actually forgotten to get my Hammer gel out of my purse that morning. Anyway, back to the stadium, the energy just came upon you immediately!  I did my best to high five as many boy scouts, girl scouts and other little kids that were front row. What a high!  I had kind of forgotten that just shortly after leaving the stadium we would hit the 10 mile mark!  And shortly after that was when I saw one of the yellow socks guys.  Pretty positive a grin probably spread across my face seeing him stopped and stretching his calf out. Evil? Yes, I probably am, especially since I went and hit him on the arm and said “let’s go yellow socks!”  He ran with me for a minute and I told him “We just have a 5K left let’s do this” and I might have followed that up with “you can’t let me beat you across the finish line!”  He said he accepted the challenge and then a minute later was stopped again. Another little burst of energy from knowing that they had been talking a big game in the corral, but I’d finish ahead of him.  From here until the end all I was thinking was “can I make this in under two hours?? Can I really pull this off?! It is going to be so freakin’ close if I do!”  Just kept digging deep and I’d also like to say that I really felt the impact of my bleacher Tuesday workouts through this race.  I feel like that really did have a huge part of my performance at this race!  I got to mile 12 and knew I needed to play it safe.  If I push too hard here I won’t make it across that finish line without throwing up, but I also didn’t want to play it too safe and regret not pushing a little bit harder.  I heard someone say to me as I was leaving Angels Stadium, “you’re still running this with a smile on your face!”  Yah, it totally disappeared in mile 12. Ha!  I got closer to the finish line and again knew I was teetering the two hour mark, tried to push a little harder, and no, there’s the need to vomit.  I held it in until I got to the trash can just on the other side of the finish line (my video at the finish line you can actually see me throw up – ha!). Done! But did I make it in under 2 hours? I didn’t think so, I was pretty convinced I had run a 2:00:10 half.  The official race photographers actually captured a picture of me where I have the I am going to vomit look on my face ! Ha.

We also think it is cool to see what a difference even 2 weeks makes! Just look at these splits (even though they are slightly embarrassing) This is improvement and we totally feel like progress is being made from this slump in running lately! Yea!



Regardless, we DID IT!!  We completed our two Disney races and earned our Coast to Coast Challenge medal!  Teal actually overheard someone after receiving their Coast to Coast medal say “this cost me $2,000.”  Which is why we need to say a BIG thank you to Chris for allowing us to stay with him and drive his car this past weekend!  We canNOT thank you enough and we both look forward to seeing you next month at Beth’s wedding!! 🙂 It is such a pretty, shiny medal though!

If we did not express it enough earlier, we would like to take the opportunity to say this is a fabulous race!  The course is awesome for multiple reasons – the water stations are fabulous, wonderful volunteers, so much course entertainment and so many awesome course sights to see!  We highly, HIGHLY recommend you take the opportunity to plan a trip to Disneyland over Labor Day weekend and experience this awesome race!  This race might not see us again for awhile or at all, but it truly is a once in a lifetime experience (we were just lucky enough to experience it twice).  We hope to hear of more running friends going out to Anaheim and enjoying it!  We wanna read your recaps and live vicariously through you!! 🙂

Overall Results

Teal: 2:08:12, finished 2,720th out of 14,829 finishers, 1,053rd female and 198th in age group

Beth: 1:59:58, finished 1,779th out of 14,829 finishers, 585th female and 97th in age group

To see more pictures from our Disneyland Half race weekend please checkout the Life is a Run Facebook Page

What is your absolute favorite race you’ve run so far??

The Happiest Race on Earth Weekend [Part One]

Our labor day weekend slash Disneyland Half weekend started out with the two of us not getting to sit together on our flight out to Orange County. 🙁 You might remember from previous posts that Teal isn’t the biggest fan of flying, but as you can tell we made it there in one piece! Hooray!

Thanks to Beth’s friend Chris for picking us up from the airport and then grilling up a delicious meal for us. Once Saturday morning rolled around we were texting each other from our rooms to see if it was time for us to make our first trip to Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Ha!


We should probably mention what ridiculous creatures of habit we are – Teal definitely brought a snack bag on the trip. We were both prepared with single servings of Shakeology and Beth brought servings of oatmeal for breakfast each day. Don’t worry we also made a trip to the grocery store for almond milk, fruit and nail polish remover. We told you we have an obsession! We did paint our fingernails twice while on this trip. 🙂



Later that day Chris took us to The Habit for lunch. Tasty salads and we love trying places that we don’t have in Texas! We did make it to a beach for about two minutes that afternoon too.

Then it was expo time! This year we didn’t really spend that much time here.  We, of course, got our bibs. We got our Coast to Coast Challenge wristbands! Eeeee!!

We got our race shirts.

And then we HAD to have a pic or two with the finish line.  You know just in case we didn’t actually make it across the next day! 😉  Chris also had some fun at the finish line too.

Shortly after that we were off to meet LISA!!!  Or as you might know her on the twitterverse – @runlikeacoyote.  We all decided to meet up at the Irvine Spectrum and hung out over dinner at the Yard House.  Lisa, thank you again SO much for treating us to dinner! That was so sweet of you!  It was so great to finally get to meet Lisa!  She is an incredible running inspiration and we love following along in all of her running adventures.  We are forever grateful to her for all of her support of us as well! Such an encouraging woman!  We are lucky to know for sure!

After that it was off to bed since our half marathon had a 5:45 a.m. start time.  Thankfully we were still on Texas time so we were both ready for bed pretty much immediately after getting back to Chris’ house.  We had to keep reminding ourselves when it was 8pm it was OK that we were tired and ready to sleep because it was getting late in Texas especially when you include all of our early mornings leading up to and during the weekend.

You will have to wait for our race recap until tomorrow! 🙂 [we don’t wanna make you read such a looooooong post – thank us later ;)]

After the race our friend Monica took us out for brunch at El Torito.  Let us just say, a brunch that includes sparkling wine is a brunch you can never go wrong with, or at least in our books!  It was the perfect celebration to completing our 13th half marathon.  Then Monica arranged for us to all drink some wine with Claire much like we had done this time last year.

We had a ton of fun hanging out with you, Monica & Claire! Thank you for sharing some fabulous wine with us!  There is never a dull moment with these fun ladies!

And with that our weekend was pretty much over! 🙁  It went by so fast and was full of so much fun we both will probably be recovering from it for a few days!

We got to sit together on the plane ride back!  We made our seatmate’s day by telling her she could have the window seat we wanted to sit next to each other instead of having her in the middle of us. 🙂

Check back with us tomorrow for our full race report! We hope all of you had a fun and safe holiday weekend!

September Race No. 1

What a fun (and entirely TOO quick) weekend in California!  Due to a small flight delay and then a suspicious bag scare at LAX we didn’t make it to where we’d be staying for the weekend until about 12:00 a.m. PT and then by the time we actually went to sleep we’d both been up for 24 hours.  Little did we know that’d work out to our advantage….

Saturday can’t say we actually did anything THAT exciting (but that doesn’t mean we didn’t still have fun :)) with the exception of visiting the Health & Fitness Expo at the Disneyland Hotel which we didn’t get to until the very end of it.  (The picture below was our first attempt at lunch for the day which didn’t work, but we are proudly sporting our cool Go Sport ID shirts!) We managed to finally fit lunch in around 4:30PM and Beth’s high school friend Chris showed us around Laguna Beach and Dana Point before calling it a night.  We ate a very healthy pre-race meal of Dorritos and were in bed by 9PM.  That was the advantage of our late night the night before…we were exhausted.

That dang 3:30AM alarm came WAY too fast!  We made it to Disneyland a little after 4:00AM.  There were SO many people at the race!  The females actually made up 62% of the participants! Yah, ladies! 🙂 We were assigned to corrals and of course we were not put in one together, so Teal joined Corral D with Beth.

We started the race and per usual we were separated.  We both saw each other at different points in our dodging around people and about a half mile into it we were reunited!  This was our first race to pretty much run the whole thing together! It would be my guess that this was the worst race we’ve had in terms of dodging people and being cut off. The first four miles of the course we ran through Disney California Adventure and Disneyland Park.  So many Disney characters were out to take pictures and were a huge part of being cut off or having someone just stop right in front of you.  We had a really good pace going so neither one of us wanted to add time by picture taking with the characters.  Maybe next time?

There was a lot to see out on the course and amongst all the spectators.  For Teal the girl running with underwear outside of her pants that said on the butt “only 13.1 miles because I am only half crazy,” and for Beth it was the sign someone was holding that said “Running is a mental sport, so you are all crazy!”  There were a lot of people dressed up in costumes and we have to give props to the ones who were in legit costumes that probably added some weight like the man dressed as Mr. Incredible or the girl with Rapunzel hair who was literally carry the hair in one hand it was so long!

Our absolute favorite part of the race came when we were somewhere in mile 9 and we got to run through Angels Stadium!  The energy in there from all the people that were cheering everyone on was incredible.  We both almost started crying that’s how awesome it was for us!

making our way into the the stadium

After Angel Stadium we were almost to the home stretch portion of the race – the last 5k!  We both knew we were on track for a good time and kept plugging away.  When we saw the mile 11 marker our pace picked up.   We basically were at a point where it was going to be a matter of sheer will to get until 2 hours. Teal mentioned that she really at this point thought it was possible and our pace picked up big time. The very end of the course was one where you keep curving around and never really see the finish line until you are right there upon it.  But we finished and we now have new bling to add to our collection!  We both kept walking after the race and immediately found a place to sit down, stretch and gather our thoughts. We both gave each other a look and a very big, “great job.” This race seriously felt awesome in terms of weather and speed. Once we sat down the pain kind of hit Teal. She literally sat down and basically wanted to crawl out of her own legs. She had apparently run through a major shorts malfunction and was actually bleeding due to chaffing. It is seriously interesting the pain you don’t feel or shut off while running that doesn’t hit you until the end. Insane for sure and we can remember times in the past actually questioning how and why runners keep going. It really just seems to turn in to “it’s just what you do.” We sat for a while and then ended up talking to a man who had received an awesome Coast to Coast medal!  In order to earn this medal you basically run at both Disney locations within one calendar year.  The fact that this idea has even been introduced to us of course makes us seriously contemplate the idea of working towards one of those ourselves. They are awesome!


Teal: 2:01:36 and a new PR!!!  Finished 108th in age group and 1,668 overall.

Beth: 2:01:35, getting closer to the White Rock Half Marathon time!  Finished 107th in age group and 1,663 overall.

Remember how we gave up alcohol for the week leading up to the race?  Well, we finally broke that streak once the race was over! 🙂  We headed out to meet our friend Monica for a late lunch and some cocktails.  Spent the rest of the day enjoying time with friends over some wine and awesome views of Laguna Beach.

Disneyland Half Marathon

It’s finally time for our second biggest race of the year!  Of course our first marathon at the end of this year is the biggest for us, but since we are traveling to California TODAY and running in the Disneyland Half Marathon on Sunday this is definitely the runner up!

We could not be more excited for this race, what we’ll see on the course and just the course itself!  From the event website – “The course for this magical event will take runners from the Disney California Adventure™ Park, celebrating California’s storied past and exciting future, to theDisneyland® Park where you will explore the fantastic “lands” of nostalgia, color and delight. Then it is on to the scenic streets of Anaheim, past the Honda Center, home of the Anaheim Ducks, along the Santa Ana Trail overlooking the Santa Ana River, through Angel Stadium, home of the MLB’s Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, and then past Disney’s Paradise Pier® Hotel and the Disneyland® Hotel for an exciting finish of the Happiest Race on Earth!”




We’ll be those girls out on the course wearing matching outfits! Woohoo go Life is a Run! 🙂  Have I mentioned we are excited?  This week we’ve chatted with some fellow runners who will be out there doing the same race and even with all the info they’ve given us I am confident this race will be way more than we can even expect.  What if this race runs us for others?  Guess we’ll just have to make yearly trips to the Disney theme parks for races! 🙂





Precip.: 0%

Wind: 1mph

High: 86*

Low: 63*

Kind of sad that we are all excited about the cooler weather in California and Texas is actually getting a bit of a break from the heat while we are gone.  See –

Oh well!  It will still be awesome!


The goal for this race is to beat our White Rock 2010 half marathon times although we won’t be disappointed if we get caught up with our surroundings, take some pictures and therefore add a couple of minutes to our time.  Then we can always come back next year and do it again right? 🙂


Kind of a short blog post from us – we reserve the right to overshare about our trip when we get back! 🙂