All About the Ladies!

Happy Monday to you all! 🙂  Hope you all had great weekends!  We did, but you’ll have to wait to hear about that until tomorrow! 🙂

Well, this week is pretty much our ladies week here at LIAR (you know Life is a Run)!  Tomorrow night we are supporting some of our favorite DFW vendors in their Girls Night Out event! AND to kick off our week leading up to the ZOOMA run in Austin we are hosting a GIVEAWAY!

We are excited about this giveaway because it is for a product we LOVE!! Thank you to Emily over at GlitzBandz who is SO generously giving one of our followers the GlitzBandz of their choice!  We first got the GB bug when we were searching for what we would wear to run the Disney Princess Half.

Yep! We sure are wearing GlitzBandz in this picture! 🙂

You can’t go wrong with a sparkle headband – what lady doesn’t love something sparkly?  We both wore our bands for the entire half marathon and neither one of us had an issue with slip-age!  Teal even added a flower onto her Glitzbandz to help her top off the Ariel look and even that addition created no problem for the headband!

Emily is truly awesome!  She definitely takes care of her customers and is so personable!  Plus she’s a local DFW-er and who doesn’t love to find something you love locally?? Since Princess Half we have acquired more GlitzBandz.

The bands are no-slip headbands and really they don’t slip!  They are made in either 19 or 20 inch, so the 19 inch would fit most youth.  There are SO many options to choose, so whoever wins this giveaway good luck on actually picking out just ONE that you like! Ha.  Emily also does custom orders!  We are pretty sure she does this special regularly – but if you order 2 GlitzBandz you get half off the 3rd one! How can you beat 3 Glitzbandz for $25?!  Very affordable, cute and do not slip!

The GlitzBandz site does not lie they do "make the perfect gift" as we've already given two away to a friend for good luck in a race!

At this point you are probably like ok, LIAR, tell me how I freakin’ win a GlitzBandz!  Here are the deets on winning your very own GlitzBandz:

  • Go over to the GlitzBandz Facebook page and like the page!
  • Next you will need to leave a comment on the Facebook page telling Emily which GlitzBandz is your favorite and “Life is a Run sent me here”
  • Last but not least – leave us a comment on here saying you did the above two and you are entered!

You have ONE WEEK to get all of that done!  Monday, April 2nd we will be selecting one winner at random to receive the GlitzBandz of their choice!  Good luck and we know you’ll love these bands just as much as we do!

Wordless Wednesday No. 16

What do you think? Suggestions?

Marathon Running Weekend…Well, Not Entirely..

But we do have a number of runs/races to tackle this weekend….Twitter Road Race, Northshore Trail Run, and Too Cold too Hold – ooooh my! We are up for a busy weekend and have definitely added a little variety to running. So with that said we’ll give you a little breakdown of just what we will be doing.

1.Twitter Road Race: You guys know how much we love twitter and our twitter running community so we jumped at the chance to sign up for this first ever  Twitter Road Race. This idea is the brain child of @seedouglasrun and you can check out the details on his blog here, but basically this is an opportunity for twitter runners all over the country and even the world to run together! So many times we want to change things up and run different locations, places, and meet new people but that is not always possible. This is a great way to connect to more runners too which we love!

So how exactly does a Twitter road race work? We asked the same thing but basically we will choose a spot to run in around our neighborhood and complete a 5k. We will be running alone for this 🙁 BUT we will both run Saturday morning! Once completed we will tweet our run using the #TwitterRoadRace and give our results to Doug! It’s that easy and best of all it is FREE.

It is not too late to sign up either just go to this site and register and then you can race “virtually” with us too!

2. Northshore Trail Run: If you have followed us for a while you might have seen our first ever trail run post/pics. We have not ventured into trail running again so we thought would give it another shot. We have decided to branch out and are going to head out to Lake Grapevine Saturday afternoon! We will run the Northshore trail and according to the website is a favorite for area trail runners and says there are basically “rocks, roots and ups and downs”. We are hoping to get in at least 4 miles and we will def take pics and update you on how this goes.


3. Too Cold Too Hold: On Sunday we both signed up to run Too Cold too Hold. This was the first race we ran together last year (not counting WR ½  December 2010)and really love these events. We signed up for the 15k and plan on making this a good training run and not necessarily racing it. We are off our game a little still and are getting back on track to run our Disney Princess Half at the end of February. Can you believe we are this far through January already? We also wonder if the weather being like it is if it will actually be cold that day.

How many miles do you plan to put in this weekend?