April’s Race Part II

This weekend just so happened to be the annual Crawl for Cancer in Dallas, and as tradition would have it we decided to partake in the Pub Crawl festivities again.  Originally we signed up for the Crawl for Cancer at the end of January before we had even started thinking about running a race in April.  It turned out Beth had 3 weekends of traveling in this month so we ended up settling on having Pub Crawl as the same day as our race, but in being consistent with our craziness we went anyways. After leaving the zoo run we headed home to freshen up then headed to Lemon Bar for brunch before the Pub Crawl.  We were team red this year and had a completely different bar path than the years before – we went from Lotus to Ginger Man to Trophy Room to Sfuzzi and ended at Uptown Bar & Grill.

We had discussed the level of drinking that would take place this weekend because as you may know we plan on running the White Rock Centennial Half Marathon on May 7th. We need to train for this, as our last half was in December and we have not run that far since. Both of us were a little nervous signing up for this race because of the time frame and that fact that our longest race this year was the 15k, Too Cold to Hold, we ran in January.  We were scheduled to run at least 8 miles Sunday and both had every intention of powering through even if it was a slow pace.  Just get the mileage in!

We headed out on our usual path which we took when preparing for White Rock Half last year and at the 5 mile mark were in need of a break!  We had spent the previous day drinking after all, so we stopped in Starbucks, got some water and headed out to finish the last 3 miles.  Tonight we are having our 8 mile run do over and hope to run it all consecutively!  The plan is to stay on track and run 9 miles this Sunday and 10 miles the week before White Rock Centennial.  Don’t worry we will be sure to keep you posted on our 1/2 training progress!

And we will leave you with one last pic from Saturday –