December Goals

December Goals

The post where we tell you what we hope to accomplish throughout this month. 🙂

Teal – 

1. Run the Dallas Half Marathon and be happy about it! It will make me tired, it will not be super fast, the weather gods are clearly against us at the current moment, and I probably would rather sleep and stay warm in my bed that day ( I still get chills thinking about 2011, and the news said worst weather ever) NO MORE WATCHING THE NEWS! I want to run this and be happy about it at the end, enjoy each mile and the scenery, not annoy myself, and be super ready to cheer on Beth and Catherine for their last 13 when I am done!

photo (14) 2

2. House-wise I would like to finish the kitchen windows which I didn’t do last month. This involves finding fabric and making the window cornices Beth has made and Kate featured on her blog!

3. UHHH Christmas shop? When did it become December and why is Christmas 3 weeks away already? I am such a slacker at this every year and if you have been reading a while I am pretty certain I had to make decorate a goal last year because I have been known to skip it, so I’ll go ahead and add that in there.

4. I want to continue one long run a week regardless of when the next race is. For me long is now about 9 miles and one mid-week run of at least 4-5. Everything else (cross training, spin, Stairmaster) I will call icing on the cake!

5. BLEACHERS! 1 day a week. This involves walking them unlike before! Get there one day. This makes your booty hurt more than anything I do in life. Must get there.

Bleacher pic from Melissa 2

Beth – 

1. Ok, I’m copying Teal on this….run the Dallas Marathon and be happy that you have the ability to run 26.2 miles!

2. Hang shelf in our dining room so the clock has some company on the wall!

3. Make my own Christmas wreath for our front door.

4. Keep up with running after Dallas Marathon (you know after a couple of rest days).

5. Attempt to complete my goodreads goal of 26 books in 2013.  What should I read this month?! I’m currently reading How to Eat a Cupcake by Meg Donohue.

6. I think I should also tag-a-long and do some bleachers with Teal. Don’t you think so?

It is crazy that 2013 is about to come to a close on us! What are trying to accomplish this month? 

December Goal Recap

Don’t worry we didn’t forget about our goals during our hiatus in the month of December. Yah, yah, it’s the 11th and we are just now posting them…oops?  Story of our lives?!  Here’s how we did during the crazy month that always is December:


1. Complete all marathon training runs.

Um, I really don’t know how to give myself a grade for this since I am not actually doing the marathon now. But at the same time I really haven’t altogether been running consistently either. There are many reasons why this has happened, all I am sure you really do not want to hear about. The holiday season is just crazy anyways and if I was still running the marathon it would have taken a lot of discipline to not partake in holiday festivities at the extent that is SUPER fun!

2. Go to the Ross Perot Museum.  This place looks awesome and just opened on December 1st!

F-: I blame my mother for this because she told me that she was going to go with my cousins and so I waited to go with them and then they never went so yea.. I’ll try it in January.

3. Not last minute Christmas shop although I may already be setting myself up for failure.

B-: I finished 2 days early! Haha! This is actually not bad and I had to do no wrapping of the presents the day of which hasn’t happened in a while!

4. Don’t be a scrooge and actually put up the Christmas tree this year

A-: I have to thank my husband for this! We actually put up decorations and a tree. It was only 3 feet tall but it was up! Anyone have one of those tall skinny ones they want me to have? That is what I decided I would do next year because part of my problem is my house doesn’t have a good “Christmas tree” spot. Anyone else have this problem? It drives me nuts! So a tall skinny tree is my answer for next year!

christmas tree mr kitties


1. Complete all marathon training runs.

C+: I haven’t completed them and some of that is due to a weird pain in my lower leg, so ummm yah…..we’ll see how this all works out for me in a little over a week at the Louisiana Marathon.

2. Get another room in my house organized this month!

A-:  Last month I got our office darn near close to organized and our guest room darn near close to organized.  They both look SOOOOOOO much better!  There’s still some work to be done, but I am proud of what I accomplished so far!  I even spent part of an afternoon organizing our pantry because it was driving me crazy!

Isn't it purdy?!

Isn’t it purdy?!

3. In addition to organizing there are a couple of crafty projects I want to do around our house, so I’m going to commit to complete one of them this month!

F:  The closest I came to accomplishing this was printing out something I needed in order to do said craft project.  No craft project was accomplished……

4. Run a smart race at Dallas Marathon (only the half though).

A+: I’d say getting a shiny new PR at Dallas Marathon (half) accomplishes this goal!

5. Actually make use of my handy dandy Kitchenaid stand mixer and make Christmas cookies!

A+: I made two batches of Grandmom Lynch’s ginger snaps. They are deeeeeelicious!



There you have it! We are kind of toying with revamping the way we do our goals, so you aren’t going to find any January goals in this post.  We’ll let you know what we decided to do! 🙂

Until our next post – have a fun and safe weekend! Good luck to all of our friends who are racing this weekend! May the speed be with you. 🙂

Hello? Are you there?

Hi, there! Do you remember us?! We kind of went a little MIA for the holidays, well, as far as blogging goes. Ok, we were also kind of MIA on our twitter account too. Oopsies?

Sometimes you just need a break to recharge though right?!

Pretty much since our last couple of blog posts we have done A LOT of things. We kicked off the holidays that next week with a frunners party at the Luebs!

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It’s a joke…just know we are fun people! Promise!


Heidi, the Hostess with the Mostest!

Heidi, the Hostess with the Mostest!

Ninja hijacked the LiAR instagram

Ninja hijacked the LiAR instagram

Then we were able to celebrate this cutie patooties 1st Birthday at her Grandparent’s house.  We take any and every opportunity we can to see her mom & dad….and, obviously, Miss Eliza as well.  Isn’t she just SO cute?

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We of course celebrated Christmas with our families, and we each have little kids in our family so there are never dull moments!

Beth & her nephew Christmas Eve

Beth & her nephew Christmas Eve


And you thought Teal was tall? Check out how much taller her bros are than her!

And you thought Teal was tall? Check out how much taller her bros are than her!

For those of you reading this blog that are NOT from Dallas and/or did not spend your Christmas in Dallas – we got SNOW! ON Christmas Day!  It was pretty!

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The day after Christmas Teal and her family participated in the 4th Annual Wynnwood Haven Memorial Walk.  Forty-five people came out despite the 20 degree temperature to participate in the walk that honors her Grandpa. How cool is that?

Wilson is ready to walk!

Wilson is ready to walk!


On the 30th we got in our last run of 2012 together at White Rock Lake.  And thankfully Teal & White Rock are starting to be friends again!  What are we talking about? Read this.

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The two of us volunteered at New Years Double on day 1 of the race.  We put on as many layers as possible and hung out in the cold & rain. We actually ran this race last year (check that out here & here), and let us just tell you right now this race does NOT disappoint when it comes to bling!  You should definitely add it to your list of races if you are in DFW or if you are looking to race in the DFW area!

That's one impressive race medal!

That’s one impressive race medal!

You do have to run the race on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day to get each of those medals that fits into the challenge plate! Such an awesome way to end your year and start a new year!

Our only picture together includes the awesome DK! Who PR'd her 5K!!

Our only picture together includes the awesome DK! Who PR’d her 5K!!


And then of course we did partake in the whole celebrating New Year’s Eve thing. Thanks to Bitner & Chaz for having us all over to your house!  It was a night of good friends, good food and some good ol’ card games.

Bitner, Su & Teal

Bitner, Su & Teal




Our dudes :)

Our dudes 🙂

So there you have it the end of our 2012. We have kept the fun alive so far in 2013 the proof is in this last Saturday’s activities which pretty much include day drinking and bowling.

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The start of our 2013, and just where we’ve been since before Christmas. We hope that you all had a great holiday season with your family and that your new year has started off great!  And with this we are back to our regularly scheduled selves once again!  See you again soon. 🙂

November Report Card & December Goals

Happy  December to you!  What a year! Here’s to hoping that everyone has a fabulous last month! Let’s all make it great….us included!

The Report:

Teal –

1. Get my house in order without losing it! I am too routine and orderly for this mess. 

A: Done and Done and I didn’t totally lose it but I NEVER want to deal with that again. It was madness for three straight weeks! I only took this picture to send to a friend because really it hasn’t totally even been clean since the finish. Put you can see the floor and the bar change!

new orange door

new orange door

photo 261


and after!

and after!

2. Get my butt/mind in gear for marathon training. I feel so blah about it right now. It doesn’t feel right or like it is supposed to happen and I need to figure out how to get excited about it!

B: Better, I have not missed a run but have cut a couple short ie: this weekend I ran 15 instead of 18 and I have not done a couple of the “warm-up” miles. Still trying to get excited womp womp.

3.  Send out Christmas cards by the end of the month! We have only done this once and I want to make it a tradition.

F: yea nope, but I blame living socials, there was a problem with my paypal and I tried to fix it 3 times and they never got back to me thus no cards have been ordered. This might not happen! Oh well it will be totally fine!

4. Successfully host Thanksgiving at my house for the first time (ties to number 1 big time). Pressure is on for number 1 for sure!

B: I mean this went fairly well. You could have probably told from the Turkey Trot post recap that the turkey was slightly a mess, it was a little dry but everyone ate! My nephew had a great time with the bounce house, and everyone left full! I’d say that’s not a bad Thanksgiving!

my nephew Caleob

my nephew Caleob


Hanging out in the bounce house with Elijah on Thanksgiving

Beth –

1. Get my house in order!  I didn’t get ALL of my stuff moved out of my sister’s house before the wedding and with wedding presents there are A LOT of boxes over at my new house with my husband. :) :) We both don’t like messes so this is hard to look at right now until we get it all organized and into place.

B+: There is still a lot to be organized, but we are definitely in WAY better shape than when this month started. Plus Christmas decorating didn’t exactly help the organizing part out.

our kitchen looks SO much better!

our kitchen looks SO much better!

2. Get in the game with marathon training!

A: I missed one tempo run in November, but I honestly think it worked out for the better.  It was the last week when I was about to do my 2nd 18 mile long run of this training cycle and kept having a slightly annoyed pain in one leg.  By long run day it had gone away, so I count this all as successfully getting my butt into gear.

3. Have all Christmas cards addressed and ready to be sent out by December 1st!  I’m so excited to send out Christmas cards this year! :)  I have them already to order, so this goal shouldn’t be too hard to tackle!

A+: I just have to put them in the mail!! I didn’t say actually mail them so I count this as an A+!

4. I’m bringing back my yoga goals, and in baby steps. Yoga once a week!  If I don’t start doing this I’m going to need to either cancel my membership or freeze it to save some moolah.

F: I didn’t go at all. I failed.  The thing is my body craves yoga it’s just like there’s some disconnect in actually getting my butt there….I don’t know what my deal is at all.

The Goals:


1. Complete all marathon training runs.

2. Go to the Ross Perot Museum.  This place looks awesome and just opened on December 1st!

3. Not last minute Christmas shop although I may already be setting myself up for failure.

4. Don’t be a scrooge and actually put up the Christmas tree this year


1. Complete all marathon training runs.

2. Get another room in my house organized this month!

3. In addition to organizing there are a couple of crafty projects I want to do around our house, so I’m going to commit to complete one of them this month!

4. Run a smart race at Dallas Marathon (only the half though).

5. Actually make use of my handy dandy Kitchenaid stand mixer and make Christmas cookies!

And here go, time to make these goals happen! Have a wonderful December! What are you wanting to accomplish this month?

A LiAR Christmas List

So Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come in gone, but we bet you are still shopping for your friends and family for Christmas.  We are definitely still shopping!

This holiday season we decided to compile our own list of running gear we would love for Santa to bring us on Christmas morning! 🙂

1. Flipbelt – Who isn’t always looking for the perfect way to carry everything you might need on a run? Ever since Courtney told us both about these we’ve been dying to get our hands on one for each of us.  Of course a lot of the other belts out there for carrying around personal items we haven’t tried, but this one has completely got our attention!  For $24.99 it’s not a bad belt to try out, right?



2. Brisk Run Headband – This is one item if Santa wants to get it, he better get on it!  It’s currently on FINAL SALE at Lululemon! Eeeee!! We still get our fair share of cold weather down here in Texas that we should own at least one of this….or two or three! You can never have too many colors! 🙂

3. Compete Every Day Hoodie – This isn’t the first time we’ve mentioned CED on our blog and it probably won’t be the last time.  We love this Dallas based company – love what they stand for, their quality workout apparel and awesome customer service.  When they started advertising this hoodie we both immediately wanted it! Santa, we’ll take a small and a medium, please!


4. Point 6 Socks – These socks rock!  Beth had the opportunity to snag a free pair when she was shopping for her dad for some new socks for when he is active.  Definitely fell in love and the thin layer of wool in them really does help prevent blisters!  Great stocking stuffer right here!  This is also another company with fabulous customer service.


5. Daily Om Duffel – Sometimes you just need a new gym bag! Right? And right now Lululemon has the peeeerfect colors for the two of us! We are trying to figure out however why they named the Teal bag the color that they did instead of just using the awesome name of Teal!  Beth is still obsessed with grey since it was one of her wedding colors, so don’t you think we *need* these bags?! Haha


There are always a lot of things out there we’d love to try and test out ourselves, but then we probably wouldn’t have any money to enter any of the races we hope to run!  We also are in no way being compensated for this blog rather we simply wanted to share with YOU items that have caught our eyes!

What are you asking for this holiday season? Do you have a fellow runner you are buying for – what are you getting them?  We want to know!

October Report & November Goals

There are just really not many clever ways to make the title of these blog posts more exciting….anyway!

The Report:

1. Complete the Tyler Rose half marathon for our 3rd race in the 4 seasons challenge. It’s coming up October 7th!

F: We bailed on this race because we decided it was the best life choice at the time in terms of getting to goal number 3 in one piece. Not to mention the fact that it was Beth’s dad’s birthday and it would have been madness to run the race in Tyler and get back to Dallas. We decided that Texas doesn’t really have 4 seasons anyways. 🙂

2. Start marathon training!

C: Sorta? We have done some of our running and have for sure missed 2 long runs so we shall see how the rest of this month goes. We hope it won’t kill us too much as they were “shorter long runs”

3. Get Beth married!

A++: Done! She is now a Holland! Recap of the wedding coming shortly!

This picture cracks me up!

It really was an an incredible night! Oh, and check out that ring – he’s really my husband now! 🙂



The Goals:

Teal –

1. Get my house in order without losing it! I am too routine and orderly for this mess. See this madness…


2. Get my butt/mind in gear for marathon training. I feel so blah about it right now. It doesn’t feel right or like it is supposed to happen and I need to figure out how to get excited about it!

3.  Send out Christmas cards by the end of the month! We have only done this once and I want to make it a tradition.

4. Successfully host Thanksgiving at my house for the first time (ties to number 1 big time). Pressure is on for number 1 for sure!

Beth –

Please be shocked and amazed that I find myself in sync with Teal and have almost all the same goals for this month! 🙂

1. Get my house in order!  I didn’t get ALL of my stuff moved out of my sister’s house before the wedding and with wedding presents there are A LOT of boxes over at my new house with my husband. 🙂 🙂 We both don’t like messes so this is hard to look at right now until we get it all organized and into place.

2. Get in the game with marathon training!

3. Have all Christmas cards addressed and ready to be sent out by December 1st!  I’m so excited to send out Christmas cards this year! 🙂  I have them already to order, so this goal shouldn’t be too hard to tackle!

4. I’m bringing back my yoga goals, and in baby steps. Yoga once a week!  If I don’t start doing this I’m going to need to either cancel my membership or freeze it to save some moolah.

A Cleansing Recap

Well, we did it! 🙂  We survived our 10 day cleanse!  This was really Teal’s 3rd time doing the Advocare cleanse since as we mentioned before she is a distributor for it.  A few years back a teacher colleague recruited a bunch of people to participate in the cleanse and that’s ultimately where Teal got started with Advocare.  If you’d like to purchase any Advocare products you can through Teal’s website.


There is any additional Advocare product called Spark Energy Drink that is a recommended part of the cleanse that we left off.  As far as the pills and what not go with the cleanse it is broken up into 3 days, 4 days and 3 days.  You start your first 3 days by drinking a fiber drink each morning, take 4 to 6 of the OmegaPlex pills with your dinner and a packet of the Herbal Cleanse tablets at bedtime. For the next 4 days, wake up and take a packet of Probiotic Restore pills, take 4 to 6 OmegaPlex pills with your dinner and packet of Herbal Cleanse tablets at bedtime.  The last 3 days of the cleanse consist of the fiber drink in the morning, 4 to 6 OmegaPlex pills with your dinner and packet of the Herbal Cleanse tablets at bedtime.

Part of why we both wanted to do this cleanse was just to jumpstart back into eating right – you know kick off 2012 the right way!  It was kind of rough combination of coming off marathon training and then three weeks later Christmas where it’s too easy to eat and drink too much, so we were both ready for a fresh start.

A lot of people asked what are you allowed to eat on this cleanse?  Well, you are allowed to eat a lot of clean food!  You can eat fruits, veggies, proteins, and clean carbs.  So if you are a carboholic then there is a bit of a transition for you, but ultimately you eat in a way that you really should be eating regularly.  We both ate about 5 meals a day and here’s an example of the plan Teal mainly stuck with throughout:

Beth recruited two people she is around the most to also participate in the cleanse – her fiance, Brent and her sister, Kate.  It was definitely nice having other people who were doing the cleanse and to stay strong in not drinking and not eating anything that wasn’t on the list of approved food.  So when it came time to eat dinner with Brent’s family at Cheesecake Factory for his sister’s Birthday it was easier to stay strong in clean choices together than alone!

One thing to be said about the cleanse and working out – Advocare does recommend that you workout every day while participating in the cleanse but in your first five days you might want to keep from pushing yourself as hard as you would like because you might experience light headedness.  As your body adjusts to the difference in eating it will begin to adjust to your normal workout routine as well.

For Beth one aspect of the cleanse she really enjoyed was finding some healthy food options that are realistic to carry over past the cleanse.  One such item that can be prepared for the whole week would be chicken salad using chicken boiled in chicken broth with whatever seasoning you’d like, bell pepper, celery and Kraft Mayo with Olive Oil (reduced fat).

Overall, all four of us that participated in the cleanse feel better and it doesn’t hurt that all of us combined together lost a total of 32.5 pounds!  Teal dropped 5.5 pounds and Beth dropped 9 pounds.  Thanks to Kate and Brent for participating too and hope that the 9 pound drop each was well worth those ten days!  The cleanse is recommended every 90 days so in April you might hear about us cleansing again! 🙂

Have you done a cleanse before?  What keeps you going  back to cleansing? Or what keeps you from participating in a cleanse?

The Holiday Weekend

We hope you had a safe holiday weekend!  Both of us are fortunate enough that the majority of our families including husband/fiance’s family live within the DFW metroplex, so any driving we do is around town!  We kicked off the holiday weekend by hanging out with each other!  We attempted to take a festive picture to put up here ON Christmas Day, but uhh, yah…..that didn’t happen.  So here was the start to our weekend in pictures:



less talky Teal more picture taking!


Beths' turn with the Santa hat


Teal's Santa hat turn!

this one is a keeper!


Thanks to Kate (Beth's sister) for this one! Oh, and Michael (Teal's husband) for the use of his sunglasses! 🙂

So basically we had a great holiday weekend! 🙂  This was the first year we both received presents geared towards our running, and we were both SO grateful that we each had a parent who bought our registration for the Disney World Princess Half  in February!  Amongst the other running gifts were clothes! and books!  We are lucky ladies!

What was your favorite gift this Christmas?

Also, thanks to Chase for taking our Santa hat photo shoot. Ha! 🙂