Honkers Marathon, Spoiler: We Did the Half

Honkers Marathon, Spoiler: We Did the Half

Back in January, Beth and Brent had one weekend where they were invited to three weddings.  In order to make it to at least 2 of the 3 they decided he would stay in Dallas and attend one and Beth would set off into the sunset with Teal to California for another wedding. 🙂




Conveniently, the California wedding was for Beth’s high school buddy who let us stay at his house each time we went out to Cali for Disneyland Half, so Teal had gotten to know him.  When we came up with the plan of the two of us going out to California based on planning to try and get pregnant we anticipated that both of us would be with child on the trip. 🙂  So that also meant we probably wouldn’t be staying up late drinking adult beverages which meant we could definitely squeeze a race into the weekend too!


We searched the internets and narrowed down our search to two races – we ha d a Saturday option and a Sunday option.  Turns out that Sunday’s option was the winner of the two which was Honkers Motivational Marathon.  We liked the name of the race. 😀  Annnnnd part of the logo involves a duck which Teal is named after a duck so it’s fitting, right?!


The first time we’ve ever gotten a tech half zip pullover

Ok, really we found out later that the logo features a goose not a duck. A Canada goose to be more specific. 🙂

Contrary to what we thought – we did stay up late both nights that weekend, but we were able to get out of bed Sunday morning anyway and made our way to Riverdale Park.

The race was on the smaller side and was entirely along the Santa Ana River Trail as well as being an out and back course.  From the beginning the plan was to stay together the whole way. 🙂


We still have wedding hair!

We still have wedding hair!

Off, we went!  Pretty sure we stopped around mile 1 for a potty break. The joys of running pregnant, right?  Shortly thereafter we ran by a lady whose capris were so see through we could actually see the tattoo on her butt cheek (because you know we notice these things which is why we wrote THIS blog post).


We are both pregnant running here although you cannot tell that AT ALL


At one point we had a back and forth game of catch up with the course director and he said to us, “hey get your camera back out I’m going to photobomb you!” Haha, OK!  Such an encouraging guy!


We caught up with a runner who was out there doing the full and we offered to take a picture for her who gave us more background on the race than we knew about.  The woman who started the race was a friend of hers that wanted a way to celebrate her remission with cancer and run her……marathon (OK so it’s been to long and some of the details are foggy now and we have pregnancy brains!), so the Honkers Marathon was born!


And just like we said we would run together…..our finisher’s pictures prove that we did!  This was half no. 21 for Tealio and half no. 20 for Beeper!

teal trimester 2 post



Countdown Friday

Pretty sure we’ve said this before, but who doesn’t love a good countdown?! Here’s a glimpse at some of the current countdowns going through our heads –

9 days until half marathon no. 12, The Hottest Half

24 days until Teal’s new students are back in school


28 days until we head back out to California for Disneyland Half (half marathon no. 13) and hopefully getting our Coast to Coast medals as well!!

Disneyland Half 2011

59 days until we begin training for the Louisiana Marathon (mary no. 2)

85 days until Beth & Brent tie the knot!

10 Reasons We Love to Run

So we love all things #runchat which means we HAD to participate in their blog challenge to list 10 things we love about running keeping in mind if we were never going to run again.

1.  All the fun gear – shoes, jackets, socks you know….ALL of it! 🙂

2. FRUNNERS!!! [we stole this term from our Dallas area running friends] We have met so many people since we started blogging and our twitter account. We are SO thankful to them for the advice, support, encouragement, motivation and so much more!

(pictures courtesy of Mama C)

3.  Bling Bling!  Who doesn’t love being rewarded at the end of a race with shiny medal?  And who doesn’t love being reminded of the things they’ve accomplished by looking back at a shiny medal?

4.  Getting a break! Love being able to get out on the road and be free of the stresses and concerns of the day!  It’s so liberating to free your mind of all of that!

5.  Testing your limits and realizing you are a whole heck of a lot stronger than you even knew you were!

6.  That we each have a an awesome running buddy! 🙂

Running through Angels Stadium

7.  Those mornings when you don’t want to get out of bed and run because you just don’t feel like, and then you go anyways and the run is freakin’ fantastic!

8.  Feeling healthy on a daily basis because we are active and watch what we eat so that we can be better runs.

9. Travel to races!  While we have only left the great state of Texas once so far for a race we LOVED having that opportunity to travel to California and experience new things there as well as a new course.  At the end of this month our racing will take us to Florida, and we are looking into other states for our next marathon!  There are plenty of races in cities that we might not experience or we might just experience in a new way because we came there to run!

10.  Eating!  There are so many calories and so many food items we would have to cut back on if we just flat out stopped running.  We aren’t talking we run and then go eat the greasiest hamburger and largest order of fries ever, but there are a lot of foods we get to partake in because we are so active with running!

As a side note it was fun seeing our picture on the #runchat website this morning!

Did we leave out something that is key to your running?  Let us know – we want to hear what you love about running!

Running in Wine Country

So based on Beth’s post yesterday you have probably gathered that Beth and I ran our long runs separately this week, but no fear, our running duo is still together! Thank God! Also if you have been following for a while you might have known that I am still in grad school- 3 yrs to be exact, and I have become really good friends with my fellow grad student, Susan. She had a milestone birthday this year- 40 – she really does not look or act a day over 30! After long deliberations in our ridiculous drives together to and from Denton during the week we settled to travel to wine country and San Fran to celebrate, so Thursday we headed out. I was of course nervous to fly as usual and have never flown with Susan before. We lived!! I also worried about how I would fit the long run it as it was going to take at least 2 hours, but based on our plans for the weekend I decided the best day to do it would be Friday morning before we got into anything in wine country.

Friday I woke up and checked the weather – 46 and heavy fog. Had I been in Texas I would have wanted to stay in bed, but nevertheless I got up and got going. Here is a shot of what I first saw across the street.


I headed down not knowing anything about the area and was just hoping to find a route. I ran all through the town of Windsor which is gorgeous! The streets are lined with farms and wine vineyards. Here are just a few shots from my run. It was probably the prettiest run I have ever taken and am so glad I decided to get up and brave the fog!



I have had a lot of pain and a lot of trouble running for the past few weeks. I have had to change shoes, alter my stride, walk, and just overall beat myself up about how bad I had been running. This run kind of made me feel a lot better! I ended up running 12.71 which was close to a mile more than planned- I really wanted 14, but worried about how long everyone on the trip had been awake and didn’t want people to have to keep waiting for me. I was glad to get it over with and also proud of the fact that I made it that far alone – that does not happen very often.

The rest of the day was dedicated to WINE!! We traveled about 15 minutes to Healdsburg and decided to stay there for the day. We went to 4 tasting rooms and a champagne bar. The first was by far our favorite so I will give them a little shout out. We went to Williamson Wines which gave a complimentary wine tasting with complementary food pairings, which was unheard of anywhere else, and they were awesome people. They had an Australian accent so for me I could have listened to them all day! I ended up buying there Meritage Red – SOOO GOOD!


After literally 5 hours of tasting we made our last stop at the Champagne bar for big cheers to 40! One of the girls on the trip ended up becoming a member there so we had free champagne for the morning and of course had to have mimosas!


Saturday we headed back to San Fran and for the sake of your time and reading pleasure I will just show you some pictures and leave you with the fact that I have NO CLUE how anyone runs the San Fran Marathon! San Francisco is INSANE with the hills and I was literally winded walking around. We did make it down Lombard (the crooked road) which was probably my favorite part! I was the driver for the weekend and am so glad I got to drive down that road! I have always wanted to!







Overall this trip was awesome! I am glad my run went well and am excited/nervous for us to run our 20 miles this coming weekend.

Do you have a scenic run you’ve done that you’ll never forget? Where was it?

September Race No. 1

What a fun (and entirely TOO quick) weekend in California!  Due to a small flight delay and then a suspicious bag scare at LAX we didn’t make it to where we’d be staying for the weekend until about 12:00 a.m. PT and then by the time we actually went to sleep we’d both been up for 24 hours.  Little did we know that’d work out to our advantage….

Saturday can’t say we actually did anything THAT exciting (but that doesn’t mean we didn’t still have fun :)) with the exception of visiting the Health & Fitness Expo at the Disneyland Hotel which we didn’t get to until the very end of it.  (The picture below was our first attempt at lunch for the day which didn’t work, but we are proudly sporting our cool Go Sport ID shirts!) We managed to finally fit lunch in around 4:30PM and Beth’s high school friend Chris showed us around Laguna Beach and Dana Point before calling it a night.  We ate a very healthy pre-race meal of Dorritos and were in bed by 9PM.  That was the advantage of our late night the night before…we were exhausted.

That dang 3:30AM alarm came WAY too fast!  We made it to Disneyland a little after 4:00AM.  There were SO many people at the race!  The females actually made up 62% of the participants! Yah, ladies! 🙂 We were assigned to corrals and of course we were not put in one together, so Teal joined Corral D with Beth.

We started the race and per usual we were separated.  We both saw each other at different points in our dodging around people and about a half mile into it we were reunited!  This was our first race to pretty much run the whole thing together! It would be my guess that this was the worst race we’ve had in terms of dodging people and being cut off. The first four miles of the course we ran through Disney California Adventure and Disneyland Park.  So many Disney characters were out to take pictures and were a huge part of being cut off or having someone just stop right in front of you.  We had a really good pace going so neither one of us wanted to add time by picture taking with the characters.  Maybe next time?

There was a lot to see out on the course and amongst all the spectators.  For Teal the girl running with underwear outside of her pants that said on the butt “only 13.1 miles because I am only half crazy,” and for Beth it was the sign someone was holding that said “Running is a mental sport, so you are all crazy!”  There were a lot of people dressed up in costumes and we have to give props to the ones who were in legit costumes that probably added some weight like the man dressed as Mr. Incredible or the girl with Rapunzel hair who was literally carry the hair in one hand it was so long!

Our absolute favorite part of the race came when we were somewhere in mile 9 and we got to run through Angels Stadium!  The energy in there from all the people that were cheering everyone on was incredible.  We both almost started crying that’s how awesome it was for us!

making our way into the the stadium

After Angel Stadium we were almost to the home stretch portion of the race – the last 5k!  We both knew we were on track for a good time and kept plugging away.  When we saw the mile 11 marker our pace picked up.   We basically were at a point where it was going to be a matter of sheer will to get until 2 hours. Teal mentioned that she really at this point thought it was possible and our pace picked up big time. The very end of the course was one where you keep curving around and never really see the finish line until you are right there upon it.  But we finished and we now have new bling to add to our collection!  We both kept walking after the race and immediately found a place to sit down, stretch and gather our thoughts. We both gave each other a look and a very big, “great job.” This race seriously felt awesome in terms of weather and speed. Once we sat down the pain kind of hit Teal. She literally sat down and basically wanted to crawl out of her own legs. She had apparently run through a major shorts malfunction and was actually bleeding due to chaffing. It is seriously interesting the pain you don’t feel or shut off while running that doesn’t hit you until the end. Insane for sure and we can remember times in the past actually questioning how and why runners keep going. It really just seems to turn in to “it’s just what you do.” We sat for a while and then ended up talking to a man who had received an awesome Coast to Coast medal!  In order to earn this medal you basically run at both Disney locations within one calendar year.  The fact that this idea has even been introduced to us of course makes us seriously contemplate the idea of working towards one of those ourselves. They are awesome!


Teal: 2:01:36 and a new PR!!!  Finished 108th in age group and 1,668 overall.

Beth: 2:01:35, getting closer to the White Rock Half Marathon time!  Finished 107th in age group and 1,663 overall.

Remember how we gave up alcohol for the week leading up to the race?  Well, we finally broke that streak once the race was over! 🙂  We headed out to meet our friend Monica for a late lunch and some cocktails.  Spent the rest of the day enjoying time with friends over some wine and awesome views of Laguna Beach.

Disneyland Half Marathon

It’s finally time for our second biggest race of the year!  Of course our first marathon at the end of this year is the biggest for us, but since we are traveling to California TODAY and running in the Disneyland Half Marathon on Sunday this is definitely the runner up!

We could not be more excited for this race, what we’ll see on the course and just the course itself!  From the event website – “The course for this magical event will take runners from the Disney California Adventure™ Park, celebrating California’s storied past and exciting future, to theDisneyland® Park where you will explore the fantastic “lands” of nostalgia, color and delight. Then it is on to the scenic streets of Anaheim, past the Honda Center, home of the Anaheim Ducks, along the Santa Ana Trail overlooking the Santa Ana River, through Angel Stadium, home of the MLB’s Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, and then past Disney’s Paradise Pier® Hotel and the Disneyland® Hotel for an exciting finish of the Happiest Race on Earth!”




We’ll be those girls out on the course wearing matching outfits! Woohoo go Life is a Run! 🙂  Have I mentioned we are excited?  This week we’ve chatted with some fellow runners who will be out there doing the same race and even with all the info they’ve given us I am confident this race will be way more than we can even expect.  What if this race runs us for others?  Guess we’ll just have to make yearly trips to the Disney theme parks for races! 🙂





Precip.: 0%

Wind: 1mph

High: 86*

Low: 63*

Kind of sad that we are all excited about the cooler weather in California and Texas is actually getting a bit of a break from the heat while we are gone.  See –

Oh well!  It will still be awesome!


The goal for this race is to beat our White Rock 2010 half marathon times although we won’t be disappointed if we get caught up with our surroundings, take some pictures and therefore add a couple of minutes to our time.  Then we can always come back next year and do it again right? 🙂


Kind of a short blog post from us – we reserve the right to overshare about our trip when we get back! 🙂