Throwback Thursday: Teal’s Wedding

With Beth’s wedding this Saturday! Yep! Saturday! Raise your hand if you can’t believe it has been a year! We surely can’t.  We figured we would do a little Throwback Thursday so you could see a little of what Teal’s wedding was like. Her wedding was 4 years ago which was pre-blog and pre-crazy running life!  Teal is about to celebrate her 4th wedding anniversary and was married November 22, 2008 at the Delaney Vineyards in Grapevine, Texas.  Her love of wine and the fact that this place did not have a square inch of carpet made it a perfect place!

The day started out with a little pampering at the Green Peridot Salon in Frisco. Teal booked this place not knowing that it was Daniel Lewis who was voted fan favorite on the Bravo tv show Shear Genius! We all got our hair, makeup, and mini facials done, and even got to hang out with Daniel for a while!

The ceremony and reception were both at the same place to make life easier! We of course took all our pictures and hung out to wait for the wedding.  There is such a huge time crunch on wedding day and in order to get the pictures all done Michael and Teal opted to see each other before the actual ceremony. The photographer basically set up the shot and really still makes Teal cry to this day.

The ceremony was very special! Teal is close to both of her dads and it is such a hard thing to deal with as a daughter for what to do when you have two dads on your wedding day.  Another perfect thing about Delaney was that it had stairs leading to the aisle and she was able to “split” the walk down the aisle duties with both of her dads. Her step father walked her down the stairs to her dad, who then walked her down the aisle where Michael, and her brother, who was the “Reverend” would give the ceremony. Teal’s brother Brad became an ordained “Reverend” before the wedding to marry Michael and Teal. Yep they let you pick your title and he chose Reverend! Teal’s grandfather spoke at the wedding too and she still cherishes these pictures so much as he was lost only a month later.  Teal feels so lucky to have stood up with her most cherished of friends. Some from childhood and others from later but all loved and cherished the same!

Reverend Brad on the left & Grandfather on the right

The ceremony ended and every one enjoyed cocktail hour while the staff turned the ceremony site into the reception! The changed happened super fast and then it was time to party! We had a seated dinner and then danced the rest of the night away!

Here are just a few pics of the wedding!

The skunk on the groom’s cakes was to remember the proposal. The entire proposal was a mess but memorable. Michael tried to ask Teal 3 times but was interrupted by a sprinkler system turning on, rowdy kids, and finally a skunk that ran in front of them!

Instead of a grand exit in a limo, Teal and Michael opted to leave in the infamous Pickle wagon! This 1960’s VW bus was not even running the day before the wedding but managed to make it!

With all of that said I cannot wait to stand up on Saturday next to Beth and see her get married! I love Beth and Brent so much and they are such a huge part of my life and will be forever! Her friendship means more to me than I can explain and she deserves such a perfect day! We will of course recap the day for you! We can’t wait for Saturday!

Book Report: This Is Why You’re Fat

…many “experts” have made dieting so complicated and unrealistic that people tend to give up.  In fact, diets have a 98 percent failure rate!

When I picked up a copy of Jackie Warner’s This Is Why You’re Fat I couldn’t wait to get started reading it, and once I did start reading it I didn’t want to put it down!

And I completely appreciate the excerpt above from this book.  There are far too many books out there that make trying to eat right such a complicated process.  Right now, there are plenty of books out there and people out there saying most of what Jackie is saying, however, she says it in a no nonsense sort of way.  It’s easy to understand and a light bulb really did go off as I read it!

Essentially eat clean.  Eat natural.  Limit or pretty much rid your diet of processed food.  Do not fear – you can bring some of it back on your designated cheat meals!

Did any of you watch Jackie Warner’s show on  Bravo called Work Out? I did and I totally loved her attitude and what she was about. I remember constantly her saying SUGAR IS BAD. SUGAR IS EVIL! GET RID OF SUGAR IN YOUR DIET!  Well, she’s saying that again in her book.

I can honestly say her saying that on Work Out has been hanging out in my head, but reading her book shed a whole new light on it for me.  I use to looooove to drink Starbucks VIA Caramel coffee then a light bulb turned on and I actually looked at the back of the box.  Oh hey, Beth, this isn’t normal coffee – whatever they did to it adds 13 grams of sugar. THIRTEEN!! Yep, I am done with that stuff.  Still have some in the pantry at home and it is the last thing that I want.  I look at it right now and just shake my head! It’s essentially black coffee with caramel flavoring and 13-freakin-grams of sugar!

Really, I don’t want to give too much away.  Maybe I already did?!  But this book so turned on a light for me I wish I could buy it and give it away to other people!  (maybe that’s a sign we should do a giveaway??)  I’d loan you my copy but I highlighted and wrote all over it plus I feel it’s something where I should look back on frequently. Refresh my mind!  Not only that, but Jackie completely sets you up for success!  She gives you the good & bad of food in our bodies, explains her way of eating, gives you a plan, gives you workouts and gives you recipes!

Like I said before this book just hit home with me even though I think there are some other similar books saying the same things so it just might be my preferred method of hearing what I needed to hear!

Have you read This Is Why You’re Fat?  Has another healthy eat & living book really hit home with you like this one did for me?