Bulletproof Coffee Review

Butter in your coffee huh? Sounds gross, right? That is what we thought and really it just reminds us of that Friend’s episode when Ross was going to drink the fat for Rachel because she was mad at him! Anyone remember that?

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Basically this idea of “drinking the fat” is up in the fitness world and really big with those who try to intermittently fast. Not sure what that is? Go here.

Although neither of us actually fast, we do understand the need for good fats in your body. Good fat is OK and is nothing to be afraid of and many of us do not get enough good clean fat. Plenty of us get the crappy stuff, especially those that might go through the drive through window, but for those of us that eat clean and eat our veggies it is good to have a wide range of good fats.  Just one of the ways you are getting good fat through Bulletproof coffee is by incorporating Kerrygold grass-fed butter.

You may know that good fats can come from multiple sources like cold water fish, plant oils, nuts, seeds and avocados.  Bulletproof coffee is another way to get those good fats in your system as well as actually put in good coffee. We have definitely had our fair share of coffee but Bulletproof is different.  Bulletproof claims to be the “cleanest” coffee in the world and has been cleared of toxins that often give people the caffeine jitters or the crash later on.

This website has tons of information about the effects of Bulletproof coffee and just exactly how it works. You can even find the recipe here as well as how to make this coffee. You should definitely check it out! We buy the big pack of coffee because it ends up saving tons of money. Plus he usually sends a coupon for a second order!

Also the recipe calls for MCT oil or coconut oil. We have tried both! We really like the pure MCT from the website and will add a dash of their pure vanilla. It’s a dried form of vanilla but mixed with the coffee it is reeally good, very vanilla latte like.

Reading all kinds of iiinteresting things about food and learning more about what we put into our bodies!

or you know if you can’t find Kerrygold butter this was our alternative at Sprouts

Advice: We try not to look at it. It definitely does not look gross but we have all had science class and know that oil and water do not mix. It will start to separate and kind of looks greasy! But have no fear – it’s fine!

Also, if you have a small blender we recommending using  that to make the coffee more frothy like. It’s much better that way and allows for everything to mix in perfectly!  Additionally you’ll want to use a glass blender to do the blending as you will be blending a very hot liquid.

Bulletproof coffee!

Ta da!

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Are you already drinking Bulletproof Coffee? Or do you just think we are crazy for drinking it? 🙂

Note: We are not getting paid to write this review rather we both drink this coffee, dig it and wanted the world to know!

Tasty Tuesday: Bridal Shower Foods

You might have seen yesterday, that this weekend was Beth’s bridal shower thrown by the bridesmaids and since I’m a bridesmaid (highly doubt you would have missed that by now) I had a job to do. I volunteered to do the dessert part of our spread.

Kate (Beth’s sister) had us all pick what we wanted to do so I chose Cake balls and Oreo cookie balls. I’m on Pinterest so I totally thought it would be doable. I am going to give you the recipes and the how to make said cake balls, and even a few pointers of what they do when they completely fail at 10pm the night before the shower and a race you have to wake up at 5 o’clock to get to!

Kate is also blogging today about the other shower snacks! You can find that information over on her blog! You should totally check it out for any future snacking you would like to partake in and/or some other awesome recipes!

Oreo Cake Balls

1 package of oreos
1 8 oz package of cream cheese softened
White melting chocolate (for your sanity DO NOT buy this kind )
You really should probably buy this kind instead (trust me!)

How to:

Crush the Oreos in a blender, or if you are angry at the world you could pound them with a hammer. Just make sure they are as small as you can get it.

Mix in the entire package of cream cheese. It will end up being a ball of cookie mush.

Ball the mixture into the size you would like and then place in the refrigerator. I would recommend freezing them over night because when they are not hard enough they fall through the sticks and it is a holy annoying mess. You could also just never put them on sticks and life might be easier.

So you might guess, the next step is to place them on sticks and dip them in the melting chocolate and you are done.

Hint: Keep refrigerated until you are ready to serve if they are on sticks they won’t stay!


Cake Mix
Melting chocolate (again use the candy melts not the other one)

How to:

Bake the cake using the regular directions. Once baked, let cool and crumble the cake into the smallest pieces that you can.

Mix in the icing- the original way I saw this was to use the entire jar of icing, I think this was part of the reason that these bad boys didn’t work, sooooo in the future I will probably use about half so that they are not as moist (eww I hate that word)!

Once mixed, ball the cake and freeze. Once frozen dip in the melted chocolate and you are done!

Hint: too much icing in the mix, not freezing and only refrigerating, and using the wrong chocolate will give you a holy mess that looks much like the picture! While my cake balls failed miserably, I did figure out how to fix them by using the hints above.

If all else fails you could always get your husband on the phone with every Starbucks that will wait for you to get there before they close and ask them for all their cake balls. Then you can buy melting chocolate and cover them in whatever color you need. See! No one would ever know!

I figured I would include some extra pics of the shower just because it was so cute! Beth also has a super crafty Sister in law (She blogs too- Shocking, I know) Tiffany made tons of cute decoration pieces and snacks as well!




So there you have it! The showering aspect of our weekend! 🙂  Please be advised we are not claiming cake balls are healthy….we are sharing the recipe and parts of our lives right now with you. Ha. Tomorrow we’ll finally let you  know ALLLL about Tour des Fleurs! 🙂

Oh, and additionally it should be noted that Teal’s Oreo cakeballs were WAY BETTER than Starbucks! Sorry Starbucks! We know we are already kind of a traitor to you with our Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf obsession! Only 10 more days until a CBTL opens in Dallas! 🙂  Ok, that’s all from us for real now.