Baby H’s Mustache Shower

Baby H’s Mustache Shower

Back in May my close friends and sisters threw a baby shower for Baby H….or should I say Miles now? 🙂  I think it’s kind of fun that this post has taken so long to get up because there is a fun VERY newborn picture of Lane included in this post.

My sister told me afterwards she hoped it was OK that they did a mustache theme because she’s always wanted to throw a party with that theme but hadn’t had an opportunity yet.  Is it OK? Are you kidding, I still haven’t moved past the mustache trend so I absolutely loved it!!  But let’s be real out of this group ANYTHING they would have done I would have loved because they are all so darn creative.  One of them probably has better pictures on an actual camera, but you’ll have to deal with my cell phone pictures for this post.

The morning of the shower I was naturally trying to fit ALL of the errands in that I possibly could.  I was playing it by ear on what route I would take to get to the shower location as my options were highway or smaller roads.  The highway option is probably 85% of the time a bad option because this particular highway is rarely without traffic. I had really no wiggle room to get to the shower and needed everything to line up juuust the way I needed it to including the traffic. HA!  Well this happened…..


Which caused me to be forty-five minutes late to my own baby shower. FOURTY-FIVE MINUTES.  I was so embarrassed!  I had held it together until I walked up to the front porch of Bitner’s house and could hear everyone inside and the waterworks just started flowing.  I text messaged my sister and told her I hadn’t made it in yet because I couldn’t stop crying (yay, pregnancy hormones!!) and she and my friend, Rebekah, came out.  I found out that several other people had made it there late as well due to a wreck that happened at my exact exit I needed to take which ultimately only made me feel slightly better.

The shower was perfect from all the decorations to the food and all the friends and family – just everything was perfect!  I don’t have pictures that show ALL of the decorations, but some you’ll see in a later post. 🙂


Of course the invitation was designed by KateOGroup which is my sister’s company!  This is where I take the opportunity to boast about my sister who started her own small business of graphic and website design just to name a little of what she does. That means she can create any invitation from baby shower to wedding and even does other items like table tents, cupcake toppers, etc.! Kate currently has over forty holiday cards listed in the store on her website. She competes with companies like Shutterfly and Minted for business with her holiday cards, but the difference with Kate is she can customize anything for you!  Teal and I both get our holiday cards from her each year and would love for you to do the same!  Maybe you need holiday greeting cards that require no picture, well, she has those too! Use code: LIAR20 to get 20% off your order. 🙂PicMonkey Collage

They really thought of everything! My SIL sewed the mustache bags on the left and put mini wine bottles in them as a shower favor.


My sister made the diaper cake and of course, my SIL sewed cute little mustache baby shoes as the cake topper!


In our circle of friends we believe that adult beverages are a must at any an all showers even if the person the shower is for can’t actually partake. May you already figured that out with the shower favor.


Rebekah sewed the bunting in the mimosa bar picture which is now hanging proudly in Miles’ nursery!



My three best friends and I all had baby boys over the span of 10.5 months and so we took our first picture of all of the boys together at my shower even though Miles was still on the inside. 🙂


Look at how little Lane is!!



With all the hostesses! I am so lucky to have each and every one of them in my life! Seriously, I am and now Miles is lucky that they will always be apart of his life.

I’d also like to say a BIG thank you to Teal and Bitner.  This shower was not long AT ALL after Lane was born and it means the world to me that she didn’t kill me for that! 🙂  This shower was also not that long after Bitner’s wedding which I know was a lot of stress and he put a lot of work into that and then not only hosted the shower with the rest of the girls but also had the shower at his house!  And Lindsay, Tiffany, Kate, Mandy and Rebekah thank you for everything!  Y’all throw one hell of a shower and think of everything!

Baby P’s Locally Grown Shower

Baby P’s Locally Grown Shower

Last week you got to see Baby P and hear all about his arrival into this world, but today we wanted to share how we celebrated him before his arrival with the shower Beth and friends helped throw Teal and Baby P.

We rave a lot on this blog about Beth’s sister, Kate, who is a website and graphic designer.  She has designed SO MUCH stuff for us! The header for our blog was done by her and some of the recurring headers for posts are designed by her just for us!  Well, Kate, helped throw this baby shower and she was the one who landed on the theme we would use for it as well.

Locally-Grown-Texas_blue-&-green (2)

The locally grown theme is SO Teal and was perfect for celebrating her little dude, so we ran with that theme and put together what we thought was a very cute shower!


Neither one of us (not that Teal would be making decos for her own shower) sew, but in our little group of girlfriends we have a couple of VERY talented ladies.  This is demonstrated by the cute bunting that was made specifically with Teal in mind.






There was so much delicious food at this shower too including taco bites, guacamole bruschetta, jalapeno pin wheels and mini cobblers in mason jars.  Special mention goes to the snack mix with goldfish because, well, there were goldfish in it!  And of course we had cupcakes and an awesome trail mix in mason jars in the blue crate as a thank you gift to all of the guests for coming and showering Teal and Baby P!



We missed getting a picture of ALL of the hostesses, but we did manage this picture!  There were also some more decorations that just didn’t get photographed. 🙁  But you might have noticed that Baby P hasn’t actually been referred to as anything other than Baby P. 🙂  There is good reason for this and also why not ALL of this shower is photographed.  Some things are better left a mystery right?!

To find out more about Kate’s custom invitations or her website and graphic design skills please check out her website here and/or shop her Etsy store here!

Tasty Tuesday: Mini Ham & Cheese Quinoa Cups

Thank you pinterest for this recipe find which also lead to a new blog — Iowa Girl Eats!  Not sure how we haven’t stumbled upon Kristin’s blog or her on twitter yet, but glad we finally did!  Not only is she giving her readers tasty recipes to try but she’s also a runner – like us!

Recently I was on the search for some sort of mini quiche, mini frittata, or something of that nature for a baby shower and I stumbled upon the mini ham & cheese quinoa cups. I gave them a test run the week of the shower,  thought they were fabulous and was ready to count them as a part of my contribution to the shower food!

This recipe makes 28 mini cups and calls for –


2 cups cooked quinoa (about 3/4 cup uncooked)

2 eggs

2 egg whites

1 cup zucchini, shredded

1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese

1/2 cup diced ham

1/4 cup parsley, chopped

2 Tablespoons parmesan cheese

2 green onions, sliced

salt & pepper to taste

To get started preheat that oven to 350 degrees and get going on cooking and chopping up the ingredients!  Follow the instructions on the box of your quinoa to cook it correctly.

My favorite vegetable chopping/slicing contraption!!

Combine ALL of the ingredients into a large mixing bowl and mix it all up!

Grab your mini muffin pans and spray them with a non-stick spray and don’t just lightly spray make sure you really cover the pans with the non-stick spray.  Begin spooning out the mixture into each muffin pan.

I used normal size muffin pans on my first go ’round

The recipe calls for cooking them about 15-20 minutes, but I either have always had the slowest cooking oven in the world or….well, I don’t know what.  I definitely left them in the oven for more like 25-30 minutes, so just make sure to watch the sides and when they start to turn a golden brown you are safe to take them out of the oven.  Give them about 5 minutes to cool then remove the quinoa cups from the muffin pan.

There you go! Cute little delicious Ham & Cheese Quinoa Cups.  Next I’ll have to get brave and experiment with different ingredients!

And here is how the nutrition stacks up on the quinoa cups –

Should also add that these mini cups reheat well. If you were to make them for say a baby shower or something similar like I did the mix does well if you make it the night before, refrigerate and cook them the next day.  Or you could simply make about half the recipe, save the rest of the mix and make it the next day.

Are you a big quinoa fan? What’s your favorite recipe involving quinoa?