Weekend Update!

You might be wondering what we have been up to since we have taken a short break from running, kind of….well, OK, at least official ½ marathons every weekend 🙂

So here is a quick update of this weekend!!

Friday Teal graduated with her Master’s Degree from the University of North Texas- as you saw on Friday’s post but why not repeat it!?! Long time coming!!

Michael & Teal

Teal and her parents

Beth is trucking along in wedding planning, (How is it already the middle of May?) and has been super busy checking things off the to do list. This week she got to check off the WEDDING CAKE!! Can’t wait to eat that for sure! Then was able to also take advantage of the fact that one of our best friends, Rebekah, was in town. Rebekah is an awesome quilter/seamstress and Beth has a secret sewing project in her mind! As a bonus Beth was able to hang with Baby Eliza who you may remember from one of our Christmas posts! She is growing up SO fast!

Such a happy girl!

Because one picture just isn’t enough! See how cute she is?!

Saturday we were both able to meet up and have a graduation celebration and spend more time with Rebekah and of course our other close friends!! We ate at Coal Vines for dinner and had a blast, despite that fact that it took FOR. EV. ER. to get a seat. (you think we are kidding….nope it’s the truth!) Seating a party of 10 at a busy restrurant on a Saturday may have not been the best idea but we made it work! 🙂

Sunday was of course Mother’s day and who doesn’t want to celebrate Mom!!  Teal at her Granny’s house for a cookout and Beth at Babe’s Chicken. SOOOO good!

Teal and her brothers – Trey and Brad

Beth & her oldest nephew, Wesley, on Mother’s Day! If you look close enough on the left you can see Beth’s Mom!

And you think that wasn’t enough?? We got in a little work out too!!

Beth headed out for a 6 plus mile run

And Teal to do some bleacher work at the local high school!

Let us know how your weekend was! We would also like to give a belated shout out to all of the Mother’s out there! You do more than anyone could ever know! Hope you had a fabulous weekend! 🙂

April Report Card…dun dun dun and May GOALS!

We said this last month too, but seriously…May? How?

Ok, enough with that here’s how we did in April –

1. Successfully complete the BluePrint Cleanse.  This will start Monday April 2nd and end Tuesday April 10th. A+: This went very very well and I want to do it again. You can check out the recap here for more information. I honestly felt wonderful and I wish I could do if for life because I had almost no knee pain! I also managed to keep a total of 5lbs off this month which if you have been following is a huge success for me!

2. Complete one hill and one speed training per week, in place of regular runs or cardio. B+: I did 3 hill workouts, missed one week for some reason I can’t remember and also did speed intervals on the treadmill in the mornings! Other cardio included stairs and cardio classes at the gym (I’ve totally branched out!!)

3. I have one paper left for Grad School that is technically not due until the middle of May but I want to finish it and not procrastinate. Also I would like to finish up with all of my hours before the end of the month so I can order, submit, and file everything early to be ready for graduation! A++: DONE and DONE!! I actually submitted my paper on the 30th but it is done! T-minus 11 days until Graduation. I can’t wait!!
4. Earn my 75th class yoga band. F: Hey something has to give right?? I only went to yoga 5 times! Whoops.


1. Please don’t hate me, but I’m going for lose 5lbs again.  Third time is a charm right?  F, I trimmed down the length of the goal this time around for the recapping. 🙂 But I was going to do the advocare cleanse. I did not do the advocare cleanse. I realized I had not factored in a wedding I would be at during the only Saturday of the month where the cleanse fit.  You might be thinking, well, Beth just suck it up and eat clean at the wedding.  Have you ever been to Babe’s? If not then think chicken fried steak, fried chicken, etc and that’s what we had.  Anyways as to the weight lose…yah, I’m still at the same weight. Oops? At least it’s consistent?

2. Save the Dates – have them printed, addressed (myself) and sent off to wedding guests before this month is over! B- Ok, so I’ve only seen Save the Dates as a PDF, BUT I was at the mercy of couple other people’s time that are just giving me their free time.  I had all my parts done (how I wanted them to look a.k.a. my own design and samples of my handwriting) and hopefully I will have them very, very soon! I can’t wait for people to see them!!!

3. Stadium workouts once a week.  B+ I did 3 out 4 weeks of stadium workouts! I missed last week due to going out of town and trying to fit everything into my schedule before my long weekend out of Dallas. Excuse? Haha, yah…..

4. Prepare food for each week on Sunday nights this month.  I’ll have to do this for at least the 10 day cleanse, but to help me get serious with my food and losing weight this has to be done every week! B+ This is another where I did 3 out of 4 weeks of this. Two of the weeks I made these tasty enchiladas which I’ll share with you in another post!

the colorful veggies for my latest pre-made food!

As far as the extra monthly goals (weekly hill runs & read two books a month) I have going on for myself! I attend the hill workouts every week in April with the NTX Runners! Makes them soo much better to run with company! As far as books I had some makeup work to do for my reading in March and I didn’t quite catch up!  I did read The Paris Wife byPaula McLain  and The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. I’m not ashamed – sometimes you gotta mix up the serious with some cheese!  And I’m currently three-fourths of the way through The Girl in the Green Sweater: A Life in Holocaust’s Shadow by Krystyna Chiger.

Ok, and let’s look forward to our May goals –


1.  Lose 5 more lbs. I have tons of motivation right now because I will be on the beach June 6-11 for one of my best friend’s weddings in the Dominican Republic!

2. Ok, I’m just going to change this yoga goal. The goal is to go 3 times per week. After looking back on the last 2 months I think this is doable and still a stretch.  I had a 6 time month and a 5 time month so hopefully just 3 a week will be a big enough push that is actually time possible!

3. Stop skipping my morning workouts. My gym buddy and I got a little off track due to crazy lives and schedules. The goal is to go all 5 mornings. I had done this for over a year so it’s doable, just need to get back in the routine! I have been going at night more, but it’s not as easy to do and gets in the way of my yoga goal! Domino effect-boooo!!

4. Be nicer! I am not evil, but stress has taken over this month with preparing for graduation, looking and interviewing for counseling jobs, planning showers and events, tax season at my dad’s, state testing for schools, blah blah blah. I have NOT been the picture of niceness at all and have become way more annoyed at things than normal. I am not sure how I am going to actually do this or prove it, but I’ll come up with something and let you know how it goes at the end of May!


1. I’m still chasing those 5 pounds to lose! Ha, one day…one. freakin’. day. I will be able to say I did it so. This goal is sticking!

2. Survive my first 10 mile race!  I’m currently freaked out by this distance since I’ve never raced it and it is getting hotter down here in Texas!

3. My wedding related goal is super vague, but the goal is to have at least 3 items on my checklist marked off and report back to you what I’ve accomplished them!

4. I want to continue on with my preparing food for the week on Sunday’s goal, but to make it different the goal here is to find two new recipes this month and make them! Must add variety to what I’ve been doing!

Joint Goal:

We will be participating in #runchat’s May challenge which is pretty much to run a different route, a new trail or try a race you have never done before.  For more information please visit the #runchat site.