Struggle City, Population: 2

The two of us somehow, someway and thankfully so are very in sync with each other a lot.  Have you noticed that throughout our blogging journey so far?

Our passion for running, trying to live healthy lives and being so in tune with each other is probably what makes Life is a Run a team that isn’t likely to be divided!

So that’s all happy and everything is puppies and roses, right?  Well, the truth is we even tend to go through struggling times together.

I’d say right now we are in struggling times.  In all aspects of our lives? Nah. In the running aspect? Yes.

Here is where we could insert excuses, but we won’t do that because then we just think…….


So we are in a funk.  Both of us are not really getting in the weekly running we thought we would be. And there have been a number of times you could find us texting like this…..

or gchatting like this……

So our running lives right now equal Struggle City, Population: 2.

Reading this you might think, whatever you’ll get over it!  We think and hope we will, but what’s got us reeeeally freaking out is that we are 16 days away from our next half marathon.  Our first half marathon in almost 4 months!  The Hottest Half!  The heat at that race scares us and our lack of running scares us.

But we have each other to run with –  yah, for our team of two!!

What do you do when you are in funks?  Does the hot weather make it harder for you to get out of a funk?


  1. I definitely go through phases with running. And i did something weird to my achilles back in april and haven’t run more than 8 in months. Should get it checked out. Don’t want to be told to stay off of it. So i’m in the land of denial. lalalalala

    doing lots of yoga though!

  2. It’ll get better! We all go thru that when life is crazy and it’s okay. I’m sure you guys will be fine at your half. You are pros now! You can do it with your eyes closed. 🙂

  3. LizzieRogueRunner says:

    Girl, I am always funky. Just kidding, that sounds weird, but anyway, I feel like I am always in some sort of running funk or another. However, once I get out there and do it, I always feel better! Also, I get so hyped up on it after races that I am sure you will sign up for another right away after the Hottest Half. Be safe with the heat!!

    • Haha, you’re too funny!! After that race we have Disneyland Half coming up which we are both excited about AND the cooler weather we should be running in!!!

  4. Oh, man! I have been to Struggle City many times. (I would probably be there now, but I haven’t been running!) I find that I usually either need a break when I am struggling (sounds counterintuitive, but it works) or I run through the slump. Y’all will be back to normal in no time!

    I thought about doing the hottest half since I already did Big D and the Texas Half. I don’t think it is in the cards for me. It is a tough race. Hydrate like crazy and lower your expectations for your finishing time. Good luck!*

  5. Put on your Glitz Bands and your fav running gear so you feel like the bada$$es that you are and hit the road! Y’all got this!

  6. Struggle City has a population of at least three, maybe four! Dana abd I are struggling too. Our 10 miler is at the end of September Witt a half in Novenber and full in January. We need to be on this like Donkey Kong! But I haven’t done my 2nd short or my long run for the week. There is no excuse for me. It is nice to hear we are not alone! I know we can all push through if we just keep going, right? We can do it! I’m really gonna try this week.

  7. “Our passion for running, trying to live healthy lives and being so in tune with each other is probably what makes Life is a Run a team that isn’t likely to be divided!” ohhhhh hi. my heart just melted. LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!

    funks happen to us all. it’s so hard to try & dig yourself out sometimes. it’s like A MIRACLE when your brain & body are on the same page.

    what i learned this summer is that it is okay to say NO. to admit that you aren’t ready for a race, that you don’t want to push it for whatever reason.

    have a lovely weekend ladies!

  8. I’ll be at the Hottest Half finish line taking pictures of the both of you so make sure you give me a facial expression of how you really feel after 13 miles in the heat…lol.

  9. I’ve been in such and up and down funk for a while, and I think the weather is a lot of the reason this year. The winter was warmer than usual, then it got hotter earlier in the spring, and then this summer is like running on the edge of a volcano.


  1. […] 2. Get my office ready at my new job. My contract starts July 30th and I would like to be more than set before I start working. I can’t work if stuff is not organized and finished so this is a must. Right now it looks like a war zone and crap is all over the place.  A: Off ice is ready and as of Monday I am officially back to work. So so so glad I got that done before we started because there would have been no time. 3. Run an avg of 25 miles a week.  This is close to the plan, not every week, but I am trying to still balance what my body decides it will do and my wanting to get faster and have more endurance. F: I ran 48 miles total last month, so not even 2 weeks worth of what I wanted to do. This would totally make sense if you saw our running funk post. […]

  2. […] we also recently let you in on how our running has been not so excellent lately so we are enacting a run/walk strategy into this weekend’s half marathon.  We both […]

  3. […] idea of “you race like you trained” definitely comes to mind here. As you might have read, we have been in a lull for a while. Our last half was in April and we have been fairly inconsistent since then and very inconsistent […]

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