Snack Bags on the Go & Guest Blog Post

If you saw our Wordless Wednesday post yesterday then you have officially seen each of our snack bags that we carry around!  Do you like how we both happen to have the same exact one? We can’t help it if Lululemon makes the perfect size bag for carrying snacks!  Remember in December when Teal discussed her weight loss and how preparing her meals ahead of time was one of the keys to her being successful? Well, you never know when you might need a snack or if you are good with eating every few hours you might have your own stash of snacks somewhere too.  And obviously being prepared is the easiest way to make sure that you are eating healthy options!  So here is what we’ve got in our Lululemon snack bags:

– Fruit: apples and orange varieties

– Nuts: almonds, pistachios, cashews

– Protein bars: Larabar, Kind bars….not pictured but we are also Luna bar fans

Nuun: Grape for Teal and Tri-Berry for Beth

-Peanut Butter especially Justin’s nut butter!

-Beef Jerky

-Snack Well 120 calorie pack…while not the best thing to snack on but sometimes you need to fill a sweet craving!

Another snack that Beth loves but is not in her snack bag right now would be wasabi peas! Mmmm!

Do you carry a snack bag around with you?  Is there anything we are missing that you put in it?

One last thing before you go – the lovely Ashley over at A Healthy, Happier Bear featured us in her Marathons + Moderations blog series yesterday! If you missed it than follow this link to see it!  Thank you so much, Ashley!!


  1. No snack bags for me. Ugh. Running and eating are totally incongruous. Maybe Stinger/Gu. MAYBE. Ugh. Shudder. 😉

  2. snack bag is a great idea! BEEEEEF JERKY FOR THE WIN!!!!! OMG. haha, for Leadville 100, I packed all of Luke’s food and used one bag for each aide station so I could tell how much he was eating.. I used Lululemon bags! Haha, don’t think he was impressed with that!

  3. My snacks usually are also good for a 14 month old. Whenever my son needs one, I have the same. Lots of fruits and, unfortunately for me, lots of social tea cookies… I should bring my own, healthy snacks such as nuts and good proteins, but I tend to forget about myself and think more about my son! Something I need fixin’!

    • I don’t think you are alone in that…common mom problem thinking about your kids and not necessarily yourself! At least you do have fruit with you tho! But definitely grab some nuts and/or protein bars!

  4. Can’t go wrong with Larabars! I just tried the Ginger Snap and it’s amazing.

  5. I don’t have a snack bag, but I do keep snacks in my purse all the time!! Luckily it is large so it can fit a lot of stuff…as in, I have been known to carry a box of cereal in there! I can’t imagine life without snacks!

  6. My sister in law does the snack bag thing. I’ve gotta admit, I find it a little weird. Although it would totally help with being prepared with healthy snacks when out and about.

    • Haha, what is weird about it to you? People definitely have them in different forms – just food in their purse, a drawer at work…we really just bring the back into work then it goes in our car with us at the end of the day. It has definitely made a big difference for us in being prepared!

  7. I saw y’all’s guest post and thought it was great! White Rock was brutal this year. Hats off for giving it your all!*

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