Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio


It’s here!! The race we signed up for and started fundraising for in June is FINALLY HERE!!

After work today we are headed out to Austin to spend the night with our friend, Mary Alice, who is also running the half with us on Sunday!  We’ll get up early Saturday morning and hit a yoga class before making our way down to San Antonio!  If you didn’t see our blog yesterday – we’ve thrown together a last minute lunch at noon at The Cove.  If you are going to be down in San Antonio for the race or just down there please come join us and RSVP here so we’ll know how many are coming!  We’ll be wearing our Go Sport ID shirts, so if you don’t feel like you’ll recognize us then here we are in them from our Disneyland Half earlier this year –

Maybe we’ll take a new picture in our Go Sport ID shirts that has less of the wind blown hair look!

Y’all!! We can’t tell you how excited we are for this weekend!! As of November 9th we hit our $1,200 fundraising for Team Cindy and breast cancer goal!! Thanks so much to every single one of you that have donated even those of you who have continued to donate past hitting our goal! We’ll just go ahead and say it again – it is SUCH an honor to be running in memory of Cindy Marshall-Death and each and everyone of you who have donated will be running in spirit with us if you are not actually running the race! We are so grateful to the generosity of real life friends, friends we’ve made on twitter, friends we’ve made on twitter and then met in real life! 🙂  With that said – we do still have our Pink Donation Raffle going for a chance to win wonderful products from the fabulous Tommie Copper and Go Sport ID companies! We will be announcing our winners on Monday! So don’t miss our Monday morning post!

This weekend while we are in San Antonio, Cindy’s youngest daughter, Cynthia who is pregnant with Baby Cindy is having a baby shower!  Beth is sad to missing out on that event, but if she has to miss it what better reason is there than to be running for Baby Cindy’s Mammy!

As far as the race goes here is what we are looking in elevation-

We are SO elevation spoiled in Texas!


We are both very scared to even put down the true goals in our head for this weekend!  What if we can’t do it??  We both are looking for a sub 2 hour half this weekend!  There we said it!  Beth got on with her very first half and hasn’t seen one since.  Teal’s half PR sits SO close at a 2:01:36.  If all goes right with the start and our corrals hopefully we can achieve this goal.  I’m pretty sure you will all still be our friends even if we don’t go sub 2 hours, but we WANT IT!  This race means so much to us that it would just be the icing on the cake!


Low:  61*

High: 76*

Wind:  6MPH

Precip.: 0%


  1. Go get ’em!!! Good luck and have fun!

  2. Kristen Baslee says:

    Under 2hrs?!? I’m trying for under 3! Will you still be my friend even though you now know I’m a turtle?

  3. cute picture ladies!!! i KNOW you two will totally rock those goal times! you just have to know it, dig deep and go for it! best of luck! <3

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